I’m off to the Big Apple, so light posting today. If you could use this opportunity to solve all the world’s problems, that would be excellent.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
No problem. Any other requests?
in by nine, out by five
a big step would be solving the one’s we’ve got at home, and a start would be putting impeachment on the table. as of noon [est], 148,522 people have signed wexlers’ petition calling for cheney’s.
add your name to it HERE.
and, one man’s list: The BEAST: 50 Most Loathsome People in America, 2007.
As long as it doesn’t throw me off my Official Napping Slacker Schedule.
Isn’t that FM’s gig?
Just call me grasshopper.
Ah Grasshopper, you learn.
Hi Manny,
Haven’t had a chance to email you yet about NY this coming week, but I will. Can’t say though, if I cn get in at any time, yet, because I have a screwed up schedule with side jobs, piercings for youngest daughter :o), and other important stuff :o) But I’ll definetily give it a go. Not too often people on opposite coasts find themselves withing 50 miles of each other :o)
Take care
hi super, no worries. we’ll figure somethin’ out.
Include me in.
Free entrance to Birdland on Sunday night if nothing else.
Plus…I am free tonight (Friday) and maybe Saturday night after 10PM as well.
Get in touch.
hi AG. I fly in tomorrow night and will be around through Thursday of next week. Still trying to figure out a game plan on some mild-mannered debauchery O:–)
Don’t forget about me, grasshopper.
Like I said…come hear the Chico O’Farrill Afro-Cuban Jazz Orchestra at Birdland Sunday night. Sets at 9 + 11. I can get you and a couple of others in sans music charge.
Or…same place New Years Eve. No freebies that night, but a HELL of a good way to usher in the best New Year that we have had since the 1990s.
(I hope.)
After that…I am loose the next 3 days.
I am literally close to tears over here. Damn, I wish we could join you.
Please, please, please let us know of other sets where we can get in reduced/free and/or post calendars of upcoming events .
Did I mention how much I hate to miss this?
Have fun, everyone!
Sounds like we need to plan a meetup sometime soon!
I was in DC a couple months ago and was this || close to ringing you up, but I had a pretty packed schedule and didn’t want to be a tease 🙂
what e said (about the meetup, that is. haven’t been back to DC since the march)
I’m only teasing. I know what it’s like to have a packed schedule…you just want to do everything, and you know you can’t.
Besides, our fall was pretty consumed when we found out–courtesy of Verizon’s reckless digging in our yard–that we had blue polybutylene pipes. Let’s just say that it has been rough on the pocketbook, and with a couple of other things we had to deal with this month, we couldn’t just jet up to NYC. We’ll be able to do so in a couple of months. Hopefully, I’ll get a chance to blog about that hellish experience sometime soon.
Anyway…do let me know when you’re headed this way again! It’ll be fun!!!
I work at Birdland almost every Sunday night with the same amazing band.
Plus this January a week with another amazing band in the same general idiom, The Giants of Latin Jazz. Jan. 22-26.
Any time.
Whatcha gonna be doin’?
Can’t be a Yankees game.
I am free tonight.
Are you hanging anywhere in relative public?
This is kind of fun…
One can feel generous and brilliant at the same time. 😉
Hi Renee…this is kinda fun isn’t it, especially for anyone interested in vocabulary. I first heard about freerice over at eurotrib several weeks ago. The guy who started this I believe is also the guy who started the hungersite.
Did that piece of shit just announce that he is going to veto the defense budget?
So lets see— The scumbag announces that he is vetoing the def app bill. He “discovers” that the bill might screw his pals ability to profit of the endless war. His lackies come out agreeing with him.His puppet covt in Iraq come out bitching. Evverything is set.
And then, the aqueeze gets bigger. NYT reports on veto this AM. In the pile of bullshit prose, we find first, after about three or more grafs of dribble, that he will be using the route of “Pocket Veto”!
Now, this is fascinating because this is the “Constitutional tool” created so that a bills passage is defeated by just not signing it While the “Senate is not in session!”
Well HELLO”! The Senate IS in session!” Now it gets interesting cause the piece of shit just found out that he can’t get an outrageously piece of crap appointed as a “RECESS” appointment to Justice so what the eff? One moment he tries a “RECESS appointment and the next he is issuing a POCKET APPOINTMENT!
Now who wants to bet that:
A- he gets his way again
B- The DEm cheap suits fold again!
I got news folks- If he gets his way without a masive fight on this, there is one and only one conclusion that can be made.
l’m certainly not a constitutional law scholar, but it seems pretty clear to me that that’s not gonna work:
if they let the “pocket veto” bs stand, they’re finished as a viable branch of govt…as if they weren’t already…err, harry?…nancy?…you paying attention here?
of course:
dataguy has a plan, but l wouldn’t hold my breath.
and just to make a long comment, longer; wtf’s the big deal of a couple billion in iraqi funds being frozen in american banks, when we’re currently throwing $15.8b a month into that festering sandbox?