Live from the studios of MCAM, Ch 23 in Manchester NH, you’re invited to bring in the New Year with Dennis and Elizabeth Kucinich at the Resolution for Peace!
This is the invite from MCAM’s home page:
For those of us who don’t go out on New Year’s Eve (I stopped when I realized I was going, having one champagne, saying happy New Year and leaving), it’s a great way to get into the spirit of the evening while helping the Kucinich campaign!
Not only will Dennis be speaking, but several of the Northeast’s more popular bands will be performing during the event. Performances will be by:
Hamell on Trial
Todd Sickafoose
Jenny Scheinman
Ben Perowsky and
Chris Brown.
If you are in the Manchester area, why don’t you check and see if there’s still room for you to attend. If not, like me, you can attend by viewing at KucinichTV.
The event starts at 9 PM Eastern (less than an hour from now) and runs until 12:30 AM. Who knows, maybe someone will want to liveblog the event!
Happy New Year, and as always, now more than ever,
Go Dennis!
Vote your conscience, choose peace!
Happpy New Year!
Go Dennis!
Vote your conscience, choose peace!