2007 wasn’t so bad, but at least in 2008 we can finally begin to debate a post-Bush era. Have a good evening and let us know what’s going on in your neck of the woods. (I feel badly for Man Eegee. He’s in Times Square doing his imitation of a sardine stewing in alcohol). And remember kids…no vandalism.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Happy New Years to you, Boo. It has been an interesting year reading your thoughts. Time well spent. Big hug.
Next year should be very fulfilling for all of us, I hope. Since 2004 we really have been in the wilderness.
What?! Did I sleep throught it again?
I wish the nicest year 2008 to you all!
We need to ask Man Eegee where you go to the bathroom in that scene this has bothered me for a long time. He very well may be a “sardine stewing in alcohol” while standing in a river of urine. I do not envy this man tonight.
On a less cerebral note I finally have a quote for my signature. It only took a year and a half.
The answer: you hold it or lose your place. We charged through over eight hours.
It was worth it – to do once. Even better since it was the 100th anniversary of the ball dropping.
Ahhh You made it. Happy New Year. Eight hours my god I’m getting old that would be worse then water boarding for me.
Jim Kunstler has a pithy forecast for 2008
LOL. I once tried to pass through Times Square at just a few minutes to midnight. I was trying to get to a friends apartment on the other side of where the subway vacated. I made it, but barely.
My favorite crazy New Year’s scene was in Amsterdam. They put NYC to shame. :>)
Poor Manny! Hopefully I can get to see him again before he heads back west.
Happy new year to all!
I wonder if he got to meet up with AG at Birdland?
Happy New Year all!
I think that may be in the plans for tomorrow.
what do your evenings look like? En route to your county shortly
07 wasn’t too bad? You must have started partying early Boo- Oh well- be safe And healthy this coming year!
Gilly- Have a stiff one for the rest of us!
Happy New Year.
Let’s see…
Another thousand soldiers dead in an illegal war of occupation, and how many wounded? How many came home and committed suicide? How many came home to broken families and no jobs? We’ll never know the full toll on the Iraqis. The escalating cost of war is fifteen billion dollars/month, direct, not counting VA or lifelong treatment for the wounded and traumatized. The oil that we went to war to acquire is still out of our reach because the Iraqi parliamentarians find many reasons to delay handing it to the US and the Iraqi saboteurs manage to keep blowing up the piplines. Oil has not quite doubled in cost due to instability.
And the world is less safe.
The dollar is so weak that it trades under the Canadian dollar! It is in freefall. Countries which used to manage their exports in dollars are now using euros to try to keep from losing money. Inflation is very real to ordinary people who have to pay more for groceries and gasoline, although the exceedingly rich might still be partially sheltered.
When will China call in our debt?
Homeownership is a joke in communities with a third of the houses for sale for prices nobody will pay because the foreclosure costs are above the market. Tent cities of the newly homeless, formerly middleclass, families have already started sprouting. Expect empty shopping malls and unsold commercial properties to become hobo camps as the space under freeways fills up. The implosion in housing will continue and commercial construction has just started feeling the hit. The arrogance of the filthy rich (who get billions in severance even if they fail as corporate stewards) will increase as the wage gap increases. Medieval times await as landless serfs indenture themselves and dynastic families acquire more wealth.
Entitlement based upon name and bloodline? Ask Clinton why she should hold power, or that Bhutto boy!
How much of the polar icecap melted this year? And the United States still refuses to acknowledge some responsibility for global warming! The conference in Bali was humiliating for those of us who believe this planet is worth protecting. Petroleum geologists welcome the loss of the ice caps because that means extraction of the oil will be cheaper. Why should Texas oilmen and end-timers determine the fate of the planet?
That giant sucking sound you hear is pigs at the trough.
Torture and other war crimes were sanctioned by Pelosi, murderous mercenaries were blessed by Rice, domestic spying without warrant was accepted by Reid (who refused to honor a “hold” on the FISA bill), and surveillance increased to the point where the FBI is arguing that it needs biometrics from every citizen. Fallujah is a model city. Checkpoints and retinal scans. Whoopee.
Welcome to the police state.
Are you so certain of that? I fully expect Cheney to declare martial law through his puppet and suspend elections if he can get the complicit media to back him.
Having acquired imperial powers, there is no way he’ll hand that to a Democrat. Having blasted and built secret rooms and passages under the Naval Observatory, there is no way he’ll let another take up residence in his command center.
There is no drug like power.
of deaths in Iraq since the occupation began and you call that not so bad. You really are living in a blogbubble pal.
Snow is falling in this neck of the woods, but it only enhanced the coming of the new year. Happy New Year to you and everyone else.
but at least in 2008 we can finally begin to debate a post-Bush error.
fixed your typo.
11″ of snow overnight in our neck of the woods. We spent the evening with good friends and then stayed over until the roads were cleared this morning. Made it home safely. Happy New Year to all and a wish that 2008 will bring you Health, Happiness & enough Money to keep the wolf from the door!