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So here, there and everywhere on the loftiness…errr,  leftiness…blogs the anti-Hillary screams resound.

She’s a closet Republican.

She’s Bill’s sockpuppet.

She’s a tool of the establishment.

Edwards this.

Obama that.

Where’s Fat Al when you really need him? (Not so much of this since he won the Nobel Prize and became a monument to his own hustle, I notice.)

Is Bloomberg going to come in and buy the whole goddamned country?

Etc., etc., etc.

Face it.

The fix is in, and she is the choice of the currently ascendant fixers.

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So it goes.

Deal with it.

Read on for more.
As I have said many times on these blogs…with Ms. Clinton’s recent (Presidentially-treated by much of the media) pronouncements on the Bhutto assassination functioning as one of many proofs of the matter…the fix is in, has been in and will remain in.

I believe that Hillary Clinton is the candidate of the “left wing”…for want of a more accurate term… segment of the military/industrial/intelligence establishment that now stands in opposition to BushCo’s tactics if not their strategic imperatives (Economic imperialism, control of the Middle East, etc. Economic Petroleumism,  to coin a word.), the tips of which massive loyal opposition iceberg have been floating in plain sight innumerable times over the past several years…the Plame thing being the largest and longest continuing sighting.

But there have been others.

Such as:

The Representative of the fine State of the Military John Murtha’s opposition to the war. (To not going balls to the wall and WINNING the war, actually. But let’s not quibble.)

The media hype that resulted in an overwhelming victory for the Dems in ’06.

The drift from the pro-war/shock and awe hoopla staged by the media at the beginning of the Iraq war to the current isolation of Fox News and a few tabloids as just about the ONLY remaining right wing cheerleaders.

NUMEROUS basically unreported high level mutinies in the armed services.

The real economic panic that is finally beginning to settle in amongst the real movers and shakers.

Keith Olbermann’s survival…with top-level permission to be dissin’ or he would be back doing soccer color commentarty for some little sports network like Versus, bet on it…on a network that is basically owned by the giant defense contractor General Electric.

Etc, etc. etc.

The bosses of this wing have decided to install a new overseer, and HRC is the chosen one.

Auditions for the replacement are just about over and their results were largely decided behind closed doors.

The OTHER PermaGov wing has been thoroughly weakened by their many and egregious ongoing failures…blunders might be a more accurate word…and it is limping along with a very unappetizing pack of wannabes, including some members of its own party that do not in the least fit the classic Ratpub mold.

That leaves the third force in the game.

The (snicker) “people”. Who have been so thoroughly and successfully media-hypnotized since the need for multiple assassinations convinced the bosses that there had to be a better way back in the ’60s that the other two forces basically believe that they can totally ignore this very large but very weak third force.

HOWEVER…into the midst of all of this plotting and counter-plotting waltzes someone with some real charisma.

Some powerful baraka.

Baraka oh BROTHER!!!

Baraka Obam.

Barak Obama.

A magician.

A stand up counter-hypnotist.

The proverbial potential monkey wrench in the works.

Who can quite possibly ruin Queen Hillary’s image as the chosen, inevitable, hereditary queen and maybe even get himself elected in the process.

UH oh!!!

I can hear the backroom boys now.

Oh, SHIT!!!

Where is HE gonna come from?

What to do, what to do?

My own observation as to what they have decided to do?

They are splitting the difference.

Dividing to conquer.

They are promoting Edwards, who is…I am sorry to have to continue to point this out…a terribly flawed candidate, one with whom HRC (unless she is so wounded by Obama that she totally loses it) can easily deal, one that so weakens Mr. Obama’s early primary results that Obama is crippled as well.

And as a safety, a fallback, at least SOME of the establishment opposition is backing the centrist’s centrist, Mike Bloomberg. He is so centrist (So opportunistic?) that no one really knows what party or parties have EVER had his allegiance over the past 30 years.

But he can be trusted to…

Take Care of Business.

Which is where we stand a few days before the first…totally jive, I might add…primary.

Iowa? Give me a break!!! Iowa is just a publicity stunt to stampede the larger and less controllable primaries that follow.

Straw poll?

More like a straw man.

But…it is hottest-thing-ever news, now.

Stop the red herring press, I want to get off.

The couple of thousand centrist Dems who take part in it…centrally located, centrally aged, centrally incomed white people almost all, almost all of whom watch the major media as if Moses were about to reincarnate and give them that elusive Eleventh Commandment? Those few thousands switch on their TVs to bask in the horrible news of how the beautiful semi-Oriental Dragon Lady met her untimely death at the hands of Islamist fiends, and what do they see?

Semi-President Hillary Clinton calmly taking the reins in the BIG time crises and essentially reassuring everyone that Mommy’s here, it’s all under control and everything’s going to be just fine.


The fix is in.

As outside outsiders…our own unfortunate position in the great game…what can WE do about it?

Not much, sad to say.

Hope Kucinich gets a cabinet post?

Root for Obama to pull off a real upset or run as VP?

I dunno.

But I DO know this.

I would feel safe today making an 8 to 1 bet that Hillary Clinton will be elected President of the United States in 2008, and that she brings with her a commanding Democratic majority in both Houses of Congress as she does so


Because he is backed by the smart money; the smart money controls the media and the media controls the vote.



P.S. I will also lay you even money that Ms. Clinton is at heart a classic FDR-style pragmatic liberal, a smart, crafty one at that and that she WILL get things done.

As I so often say…we shall see.

We shall soon see.
