Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
from 2 Democrats and 6 Republicans (this is Ohio, after all) we get:
Huckabee and Obama win.
For the Dems:
Edwards second.
Hillary in third.
For the Republicans:
Amazingly, total apathy prevailed on second and third place picks for the GOP, while opinions were readily available for the predicted Dem standings.
Hmmmm……the resident Republicans here don’t seem to really give a shit about any of their candidates.
As Seinfeld would say…….. “ahhh, that’s a shame”.
on January 2, 2008 at 4:27 pm
I used to live in the People’s Republic of Cleveland Heights. NE OH – dem. Central OH (Columbus) – neutral. SW OH – Repub.
Jean Schmidt country. That says it all. I’ve traded snarky e-mails on occasion with whoever mans here website down here. They are quite the crew.
It’s really odd. When I travel around the state on business, it’s sometimes hard to remember how Democratic some parts of the state are. Living around here, being a Democrat is quite an anomaly. People are often shocked to find there is actually someone around here that is proud to not be a member of their “GOP club”.
on January 2, 2008 at 5:14 pm
It’s amazing that someone who cheated on a marathon and faked finishing it is considered HoR material.
I am hoping that Wolsin does a little better this time. I dunno tho; when you are on your third election, you are getting bullet-proof.
The local paper, Cincinnati Enquirer has announced that this year they will be carrying some new voices on the opinion pages. They are adding Broder, George Will, David Ignatius, Ellen Goodman and Clarence Page.
If McCain comes anywhere near Romney after not spending nearly the $$ or time in Iowa, Romney is a dead man “talking” (per fabooj‘s & ejmw’s great comments upthread) in New Hampshire as well.
I will be drinking a home brew by 6:00 PM.
I also predict it will be a brown ale (since the porter still has a week or so to go).
My predictions are 100% certain to happen.
Well, 99%: I could get into a horrible car wreck on the way home, which is not impossible given the nature of the Vine Street and Schuykill Expressways…
… it could be one candidate blasting a big lead, or a close 1-2, but one of the three will turn out to be on the wrong side of the GOTC fight and/or will have too much of their statewide support clustered in too few precincts, falling below viability elsewhere and ending up deciding which other first tier candidate is better to help out.
Who will finish third? No clue at all. It could be either Senator or John.
A contingent prediction, though … if its Edwards, first, then Obama, then Clinton, the house next door will hear the “whooooooo hooooooo!!!”.
The news will be about Ron Paul, 24/7, blunting the bounce that Huckabee would have otherwise received, and Romney will win New Hampshire comfortably over McCain, Huckabee finishing fourth behind Ron Paul.
New Hampshire, for the Democrats, will be bloody – there’s no way to know how that carnage will turn out, but my prediction is that it will be exceedingly nasty.
taxes…higher..only on the lower income of course
home sales…forget it
some asshole from either side will win, and it will be business as usual…till we’re done ; )
Edwards Obama Clinton
Huckabee Romney McCain
ya think Clinton places 3rd in Iowa?
Here’s the spin: That’ll be OK. declares her camp – she has already accomplished what she needs to in Iowa
whatever happened to the coronation?
Patriots will win the Super Bowl.
Mitt Romney says they’d play the World Series.
Mitt Romney has to be the only Presidential candidate I’ve ever seen whose chances rest not on getting his message out, but on shutting the fuck up.
That’s what I say…If Romney would just not talk, he’ll have a better chance of winning the nomination.
He is such an a-hole.
My head will explode if Hillary Clinton is our nominee.
from 2 Democrats and 6 Republicans (this is Ohio, after all) we get:
Huckabee and Obama win.
For the Dems:
Edwards second.
Hillary in third.
For the Republicans:
Amazingly, total apathy prevailed on second and third place picks for the GOP, while opinions were readily available for the predicted Dem standings.
Hmmmm……the resident Republicans here don’t seem to really give a shit about any of their candidates.
As Seinfeld would say…….. “ahhh, that’s a shame”.
I used to live in the People’s Republic of Cleveland Heights. NE OH – dem. Central OH (Columbus) – neutral. SW OH – Repub.
Unfortunately, I live in the SW. North of Cincy.
Jean Schmidt country. That says it all. I’ve traded snarky e-mails on occasion with whoever mans here website down here. They are quite the crew.
It’s really odd. When I travel around the state on business, it’s sometimes hard to remember how Democratic some parts of the state are. Living around here, being a Democrat is quite an anomaly. People are often shocked to find there is actually someone around here that is proud to not be a member of their “GOP club”.
It’s amazing that someone who cheated on a marathon and faked finishing it is considered HoR material.
I am hoping that Wolsin does a little better this time. I dunno tho; when you are on your third election, you are getting bullet-proof.
Prediction: Oil will get more expensive.
Hit $100 a barrel today.
Huckabee will continue to be an asshole.
Michael Bloomberg is doing more than just tuning up for a run in Central Park. I predict he’ll run for the presidency.
Today he criticized ALL presidential choices.
“There’s no one candidate. Don’t say, OK, Bloomberg’s criticizing A, B or C on either side. It’s all of them, and I think that’s the frustration you see among a lot of independently minded people you see along both sides of the aisle,” Bloomberg told a news conference. “I have not heard anybody who’s said what they’d really do when it comes to foreign policy, how they would rebuild the relationships America has around the world,” he added.
Hmm. This from bright Mike, Mayor of NYC. At least his foreign policy prepping was money well spent.
I would not trust him on foreign policy either….no New Yorker.
My prediction: Broder will write something wank-filled on Friday, scolding one side or both for choosing (insert unserious candidate here).
The local paper, Cincinnati Enquirer has announced that this year they will be carrying some new voices on the opinion pages. They are adding Broder, George Will, David Ignatius, Ellen Goodman and Clarence Page.
It’s going to be a long year.
Jesus hell that’s depressing. Makes me miss the Cincy Post already.
Edwards – Obama – Clinton
Huckabee – Romney
If McCain comes anywhere near Romney after not spending nearly the $$ or time in Iowa, Romney is a dead man “talking” (per fabooj‘s & ejmw’s great comments upthread) in New Hampshire as well.
In ’04 I predicted that Cheney wouldn’t last in office through Bush’s second term & I’m stickin’ to it.
Regarless of who wins, we progressives will have our work cut out for us.
I will be drinking a home brew by 6:00 PM.
I also predict it will be a brown ale (since the porter still has a week or so to go).
My predictions are 100% certain to happen.
Well, 99%: I could get into a horrible car wreck on the way home, which is not impossible given the nature of the Vine Street and Schuykill Expressways…
but I digress. it’s nearly beer o’clock.
What a fucking embarrassment. Who does he think he is, Athanasius?
Sorry, Athananius wrote about it…I meant St. Anthony.
atlantasanus?…or perhaps a reincarnation of ST. SIMEON STYLITES (388?-459), The father of flagpole sitting.
with about three minutes to spare.
what a yummy prediction.
PS: edwards 08!
… it could be one candidate blasting a big lead, or a close 1-2, but one of the three will turn out to be on the wrong side of the GOTC fight and/or will have too much of their statewide support clustered in too few precincts, falling below viability elsewhere and ending up deciding which other first tier candidate is better to help out.
Who will finish third? No clue at all. It could be either Senator or John.
A contingent prediction, though … if its Edwards, first, then Obama, then Clinton, the house next door will hear the “whooooooo hooooooo!!!”.
The news will be about Ron Paul, 24/7, blunting the bounce that Huckabee would have otherwise received, and Romney will win New Hampshire comfortably over McCain, Huckabee finishing fourth behind Ron Paul.
New Hampshire, for the Democrats, will be bloody – there’s no way to know how that carnage will turn out, but my prediction is that it will be exceedingly nasty.
2008 prediction:
taxes…higher..only on the lower income of course
home sales…forget it
some asshole from either side will win, and it will be business as usual…till we’re done ; )
well, that’s cheery… ; )