If you are a fan of Goodbye Cruel World (GBCW) diaries you can’t do much better than reading RedState founder Thomas Crown’s rambling masterpiece where he tells the GOP presidential contenders to ‘go Cheney themselves’ and also insults many of our friends.
I have withheld any statement of support for any GOP Presidential candidate because it seemed like bad idea, as a Director of the site, to make such an endorsement, and — God, how I’ve waited to say this — because the whole damned lot can go to Hell. What an incompetent mass of horse rear-flesh bound up in what, on paper, is one of the most talented groups the GOP has ever had. I could go on, but the full thing is in my concurrently posted piece, And the horses you all rode in on, one at a time, then rotate.
I really love Crown’s take on Mitt Romney:
And yet, we’re probably stuck with you, because of the incredible incompetence of your opponents. On the Wonder Years, an otherwise awful and highly forgettable show, the narrator once noted that his parents faced a conundrum when deciding how to decorate the kitchen. Dad would insist on some tile he liked. Mom would insist on some tile she liked. They’d compromise on some tile no one in our species liked.
You are that tile, Mitt. You are the “Eh,” Candidate. Congratulations.
This take is echoed strongly in Harold Meyerson’s piece today:
Which leaves the GOP with Mitt Romney, whose prime virtue is that he’s minimally acceptable to all wings of the party. Indeed, the reason that venerable conservative standard-bearer the National Review gave for endorsing Romney is that he is the candidate most likely “to keep the [conservative] coalition together.” But Romney’s strength is also his weakness: He doesn’t offend Republicans for the positions he takes; he offends Republicans for all the back-pedaling and 180s he’s had to perform in order to espouse the positions that don’t offend them. Besides, standing at the midpoint of the GOP may be a dubious general-election asset to an electorate that increasingly rejects the Republican worldview.
Just another way of saying that Mitt Romney is hideous floor-tile.
A lot of people are discussing the imminent crack-up of the Reagan Coalition. I think it is coming. Nothing is guaranteed, but we could be seeing a lot more GBCW diaries from former Republicans.
I laughed until i had tears in my eyes, Booman.
Thank you: I think that more than makes up for the $10 I contributed toward your new computer (i won’t say no to that beer though).
Just beautiful. I especially liked the bile reserved for Matt Stoller. Hurt feelings?
Heh. How…schadenfreudey. Tastes like chicken.
Seriously, I’m wanting to see the blogs unload with both barrels on the “dumb stupid GOP primary voters” should Huckabee win tomorrow.
I am SO looking forward to a huckabee win.
the only thing better would be ron paul.
actually, no make it huckabee.
thanks for the link…it warms the cockles of my heart to see these reichwing bloggers going apoplectic.
if the huckster wins, their heads will explode.
couldn’t happen to a more deserving bunch of whatever-they-are’s.
On the other paw I DO wish you guys would quit pulling for Huckleberry; he’s got enough support that he might have a ghost of a chance to win, and the messages he’s dogwhistling to the Southern Baptists will give them all the excuse they need to put me, everyone I care about, and all the rest of the humans either in the ground or in a box… and I’m opposed to that, myself.
I’m with you. Schadenfreude aside, Huckaebe is just too good of a snake-oil salesman for me to wish him any success…we might wind up with him as president.
Thank you very much for saying this. I was beginning to think I was the only one on the left with this same fear. My paranoia was kicking in.
His verbal gaffes and wacky religious views aside (which, by the way, are the same ones held by MILLIONS of his fellow fundamentalist Christians), I’ve seen first hand how easily swayed people are by the do-gooder veneer that comes along with politico-fundies like Huckles the Clown. If Huck continues his momentum with a couple of wins, do we really think The Village Pundits are going to go back and resharpen their pencils and all the sudden start writing about what he really thinks? C’mon now, does anyone remember 2000 and 2004? In The Village, the Democrat must not win!! And as wacky as we think Huck is, multitudes of people who still get their information from the traditional corporate media will never, ever hear those kinds of details on Huckabee that we see every day.
Point of order…
Should Huckabee or somebody completely unexpected win (i.e. not Romney/McCain) in both Iowa and NH, how many whiny “Village Idiot”-penned editorials are we going to see that say that primary process as we know it should be done away completely in favor of a national primary or something along those lines?
In other words, I fully expect the Village will want a do over, and will do everything in its power to minimize the meaning of a Iowa or NH win by one of the GOP “outsiders”. It’ll be called “meaningless” and whatnot.
But should Romney/McCain win those states, we’ll see “Democracy in action and at its best.”
Watch the Village on Friday morning.
Even so, in reading Thomas’ words I feel like I am reading someone who lived in a different country than I did these past 7 years. Or maybe 40 years.
I wonder why he called out ObsidianWings? That’s like the most polite place on the tubez.
It’s funny he lambasted (and banned) somebody for being racist when such a large part of the Republican platform IS racism.
At least he was honest about not wanting people who disagree with him to have a vote. Very much the Republican line, there.
Today’s Republican Party prefers its racism subtle and institutional, not beaten-to-a-pulp-for-whistling-at-a-white-woman racism, the kinder, gentler version that is plausibly deniable.
Please see my response to the RedState smear.
dude, you posted your shit. You have no right to ask that it be erased.
I finally got through it all – obese, naked clowns and all. 🙂
Saw the Huckster on the TV just before I left for work this afternoon. He told the crowd, if they had any neighbors who weren’t going vote for him, to shovel all their snow into those folks driveways so they couldn’t leave home.
Best part:
I have five regrets, in total, one of which, no one knows but yours truly. One is known to three people, and can be guessed by about four more. One is known to every Contributor, each of whom is sworn to secrecy. …
I expected him to offer a shiny new donkey to whoever brings him the head of Col. Montoya.
The whole “sworn to secrecy” sounds like so much of what ails right wing bloggers almost wherever you find them – other human life is but a fantasy to them, with no blood on THEIR hands because, hey, do you see any? Somebody else does it, not them, and so it’s all good fun.
“Sworn to secrecy.” Kids with no sense of their own umimportance.
I’m just tripping out on the fact that I freaking started this whole meme (GBCW). You always wonder where things came from, sayings, phrases, expressions and it’s a mindfuck to realize it came from THEE :0
The crew dons dresses
Water floods the engine room
Another rat jumps
I posted this haiku to the comments of the redstate thread in question. I got some incoherent responses (zip up your pants?) and had my account locked out. I’d forgotten just how fast they’ll silence any voices that say something they don’t like.
These diaries of his are just too funny… In a “this country is really fucked” kind of way.