Good morning, Andi and CG!
A ‘balmy’ 14 here. The wind chill last night was brutal; coming home from meeting with Manny and AG was a freezing experience. But what a great time we had…
must have got their schedule screwed up from all the holidays or we would have had the nice weather on the weekdays and the freezing cold, don’t step out the door weather on the weekend.
Well I’m sorry you didn’t get any. We’re having a very unsnowy winter so far while just a bit north of us, they’ve had quite a bit (and then there’s poor Olivia).
A local hockey rink donated tons and tons of snow to a boy who has cancer and had never seen any. A bunch of volunteers unloaded it and spread it all over his yard before dawn so he could have a big surprise when he woke up. He and his sisters played in it all day making snow angels and having snowball fights and with cool temps it lasted a couple of days. Aw…:)
And I agree about good people. I got made fun of one time for writing a comment saying essentially the same thing by one of the gloom and doom former members – but the world is still a beautiful place.
I do believe that’s the first time anyone has called me a diva. 🙂
Although now I think that maybe my Christmas slippers are suggesting something?
On another note, I installed iPhoto ’08 on my laptop, and now I’m having trouble accessing my photos. What a pain in the tush. Now I have to figure it all out again.
I don’t go back until Monday, the 7th. A good thing, too. I just started another on-line class (I need six credits by June to keep my certification) and I’ll be a full week ahead on assignments by the time the weekend is done!
Good that you could get a head start on your class.
CBtY went back yesterday (not sure he’s going tomorrow, he’s been pretty sick to his stomach tonight), and CBtE goes back Monday (I think he’s bored with so much vacation, and all his friends back in school already).
Thanks, ID. I think the return to school this week took a little toll on him.
Iowa was certainly interesting last night. I wish I were more enthusiastic about the winner, but it was good to see someone lose her status as the ‘inevitable’ nominee.
He looks better than he did last night. I think I might be being a little overprotective after the appendicitis thing, but I also think he still needs to take it a little easy.
I’ve done a fair amount of that this vacation – especially in Florida.
We’ve got company tomorrow night, so we’ll be cleaning the house and I’ve got some school things to do. The sitter is coming over in a little bit so we can get somethings done.
I saw your comment below, it looks like you’ve got a day of cleaning ahead of you.
He starts on Tuesday. I’m pretty excited. We’ve been trying to get him ready. Just yesterday he started putting on his socks by himself. Lots of direction and reminding, but he’s doing it!
It just makes me want to slap the shit out of everyone – starting with her parents who failed society miserably and then move on to all of the media who never ever leave that poor, troubled girl alone.
They are relentless. But the parents have some responsibility for (not) putting any brakes on her slavish need for media attention, or preparing her for the day when she wouldn’t be the it girl anymore.
Britney Spears: poster child for why you shouldn’t pimp your children out to be popstars. And with Jamie Lynn’s latest adventures, I wonder how that parenting book Lynne Spears was supposedly writing is doing…
Hmm. Maybe that was a little harsh (I’m still wishing Edwards had won last night, can you tell?). Perhaps some coffee will mellow me out.
And, honestly, when did she ever get a chance to grow up by having normal teen successes and failures? She went from being a Mouseketeer to a sex object in a catholic school uniform worth millions almost overnight. And her sister is fast following in her footsteps – wonder how long her parenting adventures will last. It’s sad.
I saw a little bit of that on the news this morning, and she seems to have no concept of the reality of what she’s doing. She’s just oddly disconnected from the fact that getting taken away by the police/ambulance is not a good thing or happy photo op.
I’m not sure I’d call that fun but it was interesting. I ended up, to the left and slightly toward the bottom — which doesn’t surprise since I’ve always had a fondness for anarchism. I disagree with their making an equivalence between libertarianism and anarchism since anarchism is all about group responsibility and is anti-property/capitalism.
Brrr….it’s very cold this morning.
I’m sorry to hear about your cable — but on the bright side, that leaves more time for playing the Wii.
How did you know what we did?
That Wii tennis is awesome.
A repeat (you refreshed the cafe as I posted):
Good morning, Andi and CG!
A ‘balmy’ 14 here. The wind chill last night was brutal; coming home from meeting with Manny and AG was a freezing experience. But what a great time we had…
Wow, You and Manny and AG!
How very, very cool … no wonder it was so cold in NYC. 🙂
We were cozy and warm inside the restaurant.
It was obviously fun to meet Manny and AG joined on short notice.
Sounds like fun (and like we scheduled our NYC day just a little too early).
It is bitterly cold here too, although I think the winds died down in the night. But it’s supposed to be 48-50 this weekend. Go figure.
must have got their schedule screwed up from all the holidays or we would have had the nice weather on the weekdays and the freezing cold, don’t step out the door weather on the weekend.
Eh, I’m sure they’ll have a change of heart tomorrow and dash our hopes for warmth and sun.
I think I’m ready for CBtE to go back to school. Actually, I think he is too. It’s boring to have a vacation when no ones around to do stuff with.
They might but the nws is nice and positive:
Today: Hi 25°F
Friday: Hi 40°F
Saturday: Hi 45°F
Sunday: Hi 52°F
Monday: Hi 54°F
Poor CBtE — I guess that is a downside to going to a school where most of the students board.
We’ll be in the mid-70s again by Monday. Our temps are just up and down all the time.
Morning Andi, CG and Ask.
It’s a little chilly down here at the moment. The Weather Channel says we’re at 13. No snow though.
No snow because this really cold stuff is arctic air which is very, very dry.
Well if it’s arctic air then why does the arctic have snow?
The arctic is a desert (it gets about the same amount of precip as the Sahara). But since it’s so cold, any snow that falls doesn’t melt.
There you have today’s edition of serious answers to probably joke questions.
Our weatherman was saying last night that we have to have the perfect conditions for snow here. It hardly ever happens.
Thanks professor!
Well I’m sorry you didn’t get any. We’re having a very unsnowy winter so far while just a bit north of us, they’ve had quite a bit (and then there’s poor Olivia).
Well I’ve told Olivia to send me as much snow as she wants. I figure she wants to keep all the snow because I haven’t seen any.
I wonder if she can even see the outlines of her deck chair and bbq now?
I’d say no since they got even more snow.
Gotta go be a worker bee. 🙁
Have fun at, er, work. 🙂
See ya.
A local hockey rink donated tons and tons of snow to a boy who has cancer and had never seen any. A bunch of volunteers unloaded it and spread it all over his yard before dawn so he could have a big surprise when he woke up. He and his sisters played in it all day making snow angels and having snowball fights and with cool temps it lasted a couple of days. Aw…:)
Morning SN.
That’s really cool. Regardless what most people think, there are still a lot of good people around.
Does the cold weather make you homesick for OH?
Not even a tiny bit, FM.
And I agree about good people. I got made fun of one time for writing a comment saying essentially the same thing by one of the gloom and doom former members – but the world is still a beautiful place.
Yep I agree.
I knew you’d get acclimated to down here. Well actually you’re up there, but still down here. 🙂
I love stories like that. I just wish there were more of them.
Yep not enough stories like that, but when stories about Britney Spears appear, you’ve just got to read them. 🙂
Good morning all. It was 9 degrees here when I got in my car rising to a balmy 13 upon arriving at work. Whoopee.
Time to break out the flip-flips, eh boran?
Maybe throw on some rhinestone sunglasses and grab a little fruity drink with an umbrella, too. Positively tropical at 13, doncha’ think?
You’re such a diva. 😉
I do believe that’s the first time anyone has called me a diva. 🙂
Although now I think that maybe my Christmas slippers are suggesting something?
On another note, I installed iPhoto ’08 on my laptop, and now I’m having trouble accessing my photos. What a pain in the tush. Now I have to figure it all out again.
very very suggestive. 🙂
And a feather boa, of course.
How could I have forgotten. Pink, right?
Nah, I have those out year round.
Morning Boran.
At the moment we’re at 14. Don’t ya just love winter.
That’s awfully cold for your neck of the woods.
Well this is perfect napping weather. I think I jump back under the covers.
Everyone have a good day in the pond.
Have a good day!
What a great idea!
Oh damn, I forgot to recalibrate my cute meter.
But it’s totally worth having it blow up to get an unexpected picture of Andrew. 🙂
Aren’t you up kinda late 🙂
but I was in bed by the time you answered.
He’s gotten so big! But he’s still soooo cute. 🙂
Are you back to school yet?
I don’t go back until Monday, the 7th. A good thing, too. I just started another on-line class (I need six credits by June to keep my certification) and I’ll be a full week ahead on assignments by the time the weekend is done!
When do the boys go back?
Good that you could get a head start on your class.
CBtY went back yesterday (not sure he’s going tomorrow, he’s been pretty sick to his stomach tonight), and CBtE goes back Monday (I think he’s bored with so much vacation, and all his friends back in school already).
Aw, what an angel. I miss watching my kids sleep. It starts to creep them out at about age 19 when they wake up to find you staring at them.
Their heads don’t smell as nice at 19, either.
I can’t argue with you there. 🙂
Morning Andi.
Fridays just seem to come to so fast now of days. What ever happened those weeks that just dragged until the w/e? 😉
Morning you two! Interesting night last night in Iowa. I’m off to work. At least its payday.
Morning ID.
Off to work already? I’m just getting through my first cup of coffee.
On your first cup already? I’m just contemplating venturing out from under the covers.
I think I had too much slacking practice over the holidays.
No such thing as too much slacking practice. When you need it later on, the practice make all the difference.
I was a little hesitant about getting out from under the covers this morning, but it’s only 17 here now, so I figured what the heck – beach weather.
Brrr. We’ve got 13 degrees. Wanna trade? 😉
Way down here in Hooterville we’re at 25 – but near 70 for the next 3 days. Yay!
Oooh, summer weather. Enjoy!
Morning Boran.
13 degrees? Isn’t this the kind of weather up there where people hack out holes in the ice and jump in the water? Like I said, beach weather. 🙂
Yeah, I’m going to dig out my bathing suit later on today.
Uh, NO.
Wow, Friday already?
CBtY is home sick today with the big D. Can’t he get a break?
Morning CabinGirl. My sympathies to CBtY.
Thanks, ID. I think the return to school this week took a little toll on him.
Iowa was certainly interesting last night. I wish I were more enthusiastic about the winner, but it was good to see someone lose her status as the ‘inevitable’ nominee.
Weather warming up there yet?
Oh boy, is it! 60’s by Monday!
Morning CG.
What ID said. Hope CBtY gets to feeling better soon.
Sounds like he’s got a case of the proverbial “when it rains it pours.” I hope he feels better.
He looks better than he did last night. I think I might be being a little overprotective after the appendicitis thing, but I also think he still needs to take it a little easy.
How long do you get to be overprotective? You’ve got the foresight he needs to fully recover.
Morning all!
My last official day of vacation, sigh.
Morning Toni.
That’s the cutest picture above. But I’m still amazed by how fast he’s growing.
Last day of vacation? Should be a total slack day.
I’ve done a fair amount of that this vacation – especially in Florida.
We’ve got company tomorrow night, so we’ll be cleaning the house and I’ve got some school things to do. The sitter is coming over in a little bit so we can get somethings done.
I saw your comment below, it looks like you’ve got a day of cleaning ahead of you.
I hope you have a nice relaxing weekend ahead of you before you go back.
When does Andrew start Montessori school?
He starts on Tuesday. I’m pretty excited. We’ve been trying to get him ready. Just yesterday he started putting on his socks by himself. Lots of direction and reminding, but he’s doing it!
That’s so cool!
I know we’re all praying for Britney Spears this morning as she is being checked out for mental problems. Wow. Who saw this coming?
I know. People keep talking about Iowa when there’s important news like this. Sheesh. 😉
It just makes me want to slap the shit out of everyone – starting with her parents who failed society miserably and then move on to all of the media who never ever leave that poor, troubled girl alone.
I think I blame the media the most. I don’t think I could take people outside the door 24/7.
They are relentless. But the parents have some responsibility for (not) putting any brakes on her slavish need for media attention, or preparing her for the day when she wouldn’t be the it girl anymore.
Britney Spears: poster child for why you shouldn’t pimp your children out to be popstars. And with Jamie Lynn’s latest adventures, I wonder how that parenting book Lynne Spears was supposedly writing is doing…
Hmm. Maybe that was a little harsh (I’m still wishing Edwards had won last night, can you tell?). Perhaps some coffee will mellow me out.
I’m harsh too. I have no patience with people who fail their children so catastrophically.
And, honestly, when did she ever get a chance to grow up by having normal teen successes and failures? She went from being a Mouseketeer to a sex object in a catholic school uniform worth millions almost overnight. And her sister is fast following in her footsteps – wonder how long her parenting adventures will last. It’s sad.
The younger one is a poster child for abstinence only sex education. I love how she was “shocked” at being pregnant.
OMG – this site is hilarious! abstinence
That site is SO evil. And funny.
Maybe the younger one didn’t think you could get pregnant sleeping with aging studio executives?
Hee Hee! Loved it!
I don’t know that she’ll last that long. She’s got overdose written all over her.
I saw a little bit of that on the news this morning, and she seems to have no concept of the reality of what she’s doing. She’s just oddly disconnected from the fact that getting taken away by the police/ambulance is not a good thing or happy photo op.
Gotta go. It hasn’t even been a week yet, and I’ve got relatives due in tonight. Got to get started on the house.
Everyone have a good day!
It’s a nice toasty 39 at the moment, and we’re supposed to get up to mid-60s today.
Good morning, FM!
We seem to be out of the deep freezer as well, 30 now – mid-forties forecast for today and then mid-fifties the next couple of days.
Good morning ask and Family Man! My newspaper tells me we are expecting a high of 61F here on Monday!
Morning ID.
Our high is just one degree highter than yours. Something is wrong here. We should be at least 20 degrees warmer. 😉
Same warm up here. And rain, lots of rain.
Morning Andi! I don’t have to work today, so naturally I woke up early.
Good morning, id and Andi!
Weird winter for all of us.
I had some fun this morning doing the Political Compass.
I’m not sure I’d call that fun but it was interesting. I ended up, to the left and slightly toward the bottom — which doesn’t surprise since I’ve always had a fondness for anarchism. I disagree with their making an equivalence between libertarianism and anarchism since anarchism is all about group responsibility and is anti-property/capitalism.
Economic -7.38
Authoritarian -7.69
And my cynicism seems to be growing as I age;-)
I always wake up early. Today was a “late” day — I slept till 6:00.
Too bad all our warm temps is going to be accompanied by rain. 🙁
Morning Andi.
No rain here, just clear and cool.
We’ve got rain forecast today through Tuesday. I’d be delighted to share with you.
I’ll take all the rain you can spare in the hopes we get a cold front and it will turn to snow. If not, the rain would help down here too.
Round 1 just arrived. And I guess I’m going to depart — we’re heading up to Indy in a bit to spend some time with my mom.
Morning Ask.
Yep summer will be here before you know it.
Yay! We’re not shivering anymore! It’s feeling almost tropical here after the last few days.
Is everyone gone already?
Just heading out for exercise.
asklets are still in bed…
I think I might be heading out for some of that myself soon. 🙂
How was swimmer’s trip, btw?
Back in.
She had a great time, but is reluctant to provide much detail…