Obama and Huckabee have won the Iowa Caucuses. Here are the current results:
Senator Barack Obama : 37.12%
Senator John Edwards : 30.02%
Senator Hillary Clinton : 29.62%
Governor Bill Richardson : 2.13%
Senator Joe Biden : 0.95%
Uncommitted : 0.13%
Senator Chris Dodd : 0.03%
Precincts Reporting: 1635 of 1781
Huckabee 28,762 34%
Romney 21,213 25%
Thompson 11,522 14%
McCain 11,281 13%
Paul 8,549 10%
Giuliani 3,053 4%
Hunter 366 0%72% reporting
Thompson gets 14% percent of the votes (or whatever it’s called in a caucus) while sleepwalking? Imagine if old Freddy puts forth some effort. Ladies and gentlemen, I believe the GOP has a fight on its hands.
Not only that, but Hillary just slid into third place, which was my fervent wish. Time to pop the champagne. 🙂
Oh, and I love how Edwards just preempted Hillary’s announcement with his own about the status quo losing. Yay. And after Tweety just spent all that time talking about how professional the Clinton campaign was and how they’d be on top of the message for tomorrow.
I like the speech that Edwards just gave. I feel the urge for an Edwards sign.
Ciao Hillary – you’re a smart woman, but far too corporate.
Good win for Obama. I was pulling for Edwards but it really is an historic night.
We had mock caucuses tonight while the returns came in and Obama won by about the same amount. In the middle of the pandemonium of people moving around to their second choices the chair of the City Democratic party, hoarse from shouting, looked down and said “This is why we went to a primary system.” Lol!
Credit where credit is due, and so i say congratulations to Obama and all his supporters.
now if edwards can keep his lead over clintoon, I will still go to bed a happy man.
I am definitely a happy man. Seeing all those Clinton retreads up on the stage with her as she concedes makes me all fuzzy inside.
I’m trying to watch the Orange Bowl, saw Hillary on MSNBC sounded like a concession speech to me. Congrats..to the Team Obama supporters.
Me too.
This is amazing.
That was kinda weird wasn’t it? I was like, “Hey, I’m 22 again!” My stupid mayor was up on stage with her. Let her keep his ass. LA needs a new non-lame mayor anyway.
I think susie, channelling corrente nails the problem I have with Obama.
Susie: “Nothing in his post indicates he’s ready to lead – only that he knows how to read a audience.”
Corrente: “it’s wrong, wrong, wrong, WRONG about the nature of the Republican Party, the Conservative Movement of which that party is a part, and what has gone so wrong with this country. No matter how well you reason, if you reason from false premises, you’re fucked.”
The GOP isn’t going to play nice just because that nice man from Illinois who all the kids like says so. You nailed it too booman, in your “why the blogosphere went for edwards”. Edwards fights: Obama doesn’t.
why don’t you call up Clinton’s headquarter and try telling them that Obama doesn’t fight.
I am ecstatic, this is a great result. The best I could hope for.
We had a watching party and someone asked me to make an estimate, I called Obama at 37% I think I did the math wrong because I estimated Edwards a little higher than he got.
Hillary third. A great day for America.
Damn straight. Hopefully, this will throw a monkey wrench into the media’s Clinton inevitability narrative.
The closeness of the finish, which basically keeps all three major Dem candidates in play, ensures greater media exposure for our party, whereas the GOP race is all but over. If Huckabee wins New Hampshire, it’s finished for the GOP.
OK, the Des Moines Register final poll had it, where are all those doubters? (Not to mention to oft criticized Zogby).
They sure did.
Caucuses are so hard to call. I’d cut anyone slack who tried to guess that in advance!
MSNBC is reporting that Dodd is pulling out of the race.
I really liked Dodd and had hoped he show, but he lost to ‘undecided’. Makes me wonder exactly what his campaign was doing there. I mean, the man moved his family to Iowa! Well, Obama was a distant second choice for me, so I guess now I have a campaign to volunteer for.
The stage is set for the battle between the Corporate Fascists (Romney) and the Religious Crazies for control of the GOP. I was going to say “Heart and Soul” but they have neither.
Let them divide themselves..the Christian values clans have figured out they have been used by the corporate thugs like Romney and club for Growth, to make the no-tax Republicans rich. Huckabee is really just a good-ol boy and that what scares the elitist Republicans.
I see the Northeast going Romney, the South Huckabee. West & California? I don’t know, but this is sure to put a deep cleavage into the Republican Party and the fault line is the Mason-Dixon line. Nixon’s Southern Strategy is falling apart. Along with tonight’s repudiation of Republican-lite, it could mean that relief is on the way for working America.
McCain should win in New Hampshire. But he will have a fight to take down Huckabee. Romney is finished, a skid of a haircut of a carwreck.
McCain is not so clearly Wall Street’s man. More of a whore, he is anyone’s man who has the price, which is low. A cheap whore. If he displaces Romney, my analysis fails. And the GOP limps on.
I know this is your favorite theory, Booman, but I don’t buy it. If McCain finishes better than third in New Hampshire, I’ll donate $20 to the Dem candidate of your choice.
Pre-bounce New Hampshire numbers.
I’m glad Obama won.
Want experience? Obama has more years in public service than Hillary or Edwards.
He’s green. Other presidents have been even more green, and gone on to serve the nation well.
If you haven’t been to Iowa during the caucus phase, I really urge you to get involved the next cycle. I got to see it, a bit, in 2004.
I was working for Howard Dean out of the Vermont headquarters, but we had some issues with the voter database, and I was in direct contact with the vendor, so they sent me to Iowa to be sort of a middle man.
I was really impressed with the people in Iowa. They take the race VERY seriously. They really make the effort NOT to choose a candidate without hearing everyone out. They don’t make quick judgments, and they don’t get their information from radio, TV, or a blog.
They meet the candidates in person. They’re everywhere, so it’s hard NOT to trip over a candidate if you’re driving around (that was also true in NH, where I spent a few days).
So I would listen seriously to what the people of Iowa are saying. They saw something they liked. Someone worth going out in record numbers to caucus for. Someone who, up close and in person, did not strike them as phony, or just another politician.
Iowa has for years had the highest literacy rate in the nation. The people there should not be thought of as anything other than highly educated voters.
Have they always been right? They haven’t always picked the winner, if that’s what you mean. But they’ve had pretty great judgment over the years, and I say that as someone whose favorite candidate lost in Iowa in 2004.
You may not agree with them, but dang, it’s wonderful to have one place on this planet where you know votes were counted as cast, and cast with, as opposed to in the absence of, a great amount of information.
These establishment commentators, except keith, all are just scratching their heads. Like: “Gee, we didn’t realize people actually care about the war so much. Maybe that’s why both parties rejected the establishment candidates.”
Shaking my head…
it’s quite enjoyable.
I thought Brian Williams actually looked like he was going to throw up.
Kinda fun to watch their responses, isn’t it?
To see a tongue-in-cheek review of the Iowa primary in pictures…link here:
That speech is powerful stuff.
Yes. He’s gifted. They’ll be playing these speeches in history classes for years to come.
I think Dr. King would approve. Something about the way that Obama sees the forces of positivity and togetherness. It’s a big deal, and a good one.
Joe Biden is dropping out of the race too. He’d make a great VP choice for Obama, although he’s already ruled out being Hillary’s VP.
I’m thinking Richardson is a more likely choice. It seems he sent some supporters Obama’s way.
I’m rounding up all the news here. Obama even took women.