Thanks to Iowa, we have the big three having thinned the Democratic field somewhat. Dodd and Biden, both honorable public servants, have dropped out. Mike Gravel, my second choice, hangs in there though he’s been thouroughly marginalized. Bill Richardson will be on the stage tomorrow with the big three, and to be honest, he belongs with them. From my perspective, electing HRC, BO, JE or BR will pretty much get us the same thing. The differences among themselves are window dressing, and the differences they will bring to the White House are window dressing. Yes, better than the Repugs, but window dressing none the less.
I want a real Democrat.
I want a Democrat who’s for impeaching both Dick and W.
I want someone who’s been against the Iraq war from the start and hasn’t voted to fund it. I want a Democrat who’ll bring the troops home in the first three months of his administration, and I don’t need a convert.
I want a Democrat who’s for a Universal Single Payer Not for Profit Health Care system, where the 31% overhead of the insurance companies is cut to 3-4% which exists in Medicare. I don’t want an incremental system that won’t ever be single payer. I don’t want mandated health insurance. I want health care.
I want a President who has voted against the Patriot Act. I want a President who’s voted against the extension of the Patriot act. I want a President who voted against the FISA capitulation.
I want a leader who’s willing to go to bat for the workers in America. I want a leader who’ll get us out of NAFTA and the WTO, and who’ll go back to bilateral treaties where workers rights are enshrined. I don’t want a person in office that thinks NAFTA is either ok or fixable. I want a leader who understands the need to rebuild America’s manufacturing base and infrastructure, and who understands that it should be done so in a sustainable manner.
You know who I want:
New Hampshire has enshrined in Article 10 of it’s Constitution the Right of Revolution:
Government being instituted for the common benefit, protection, and security, of the whole community, and not for the private interest or emolument of any one man, family, or class of men; therefore, whenever the ends of government are perverted, and public liberty manifestly endangered, and all other means of redress are ineffectual, the people may, and of right ought to reform the old, or establish a new government. The doctrine of nonresistance against arbitrary power, and oppression, is absurd, slavish, and destructive of the good and happiness of mankind.
We’re being told that it’s a three horse race. I say New Hampshire’s Constitution has it right. It’s time for a revolt. And for our party, and our nation, that revolution should be in the favor of a true Democrat.
If you wish to help Dennis put his commercial on New Hampshire television more often, and if you want a real Democrat in the highest office in our land, you can go to Dennis campaign site, There you can donate online, via US Mail or by calling 877.413.3664.
As always, now more than ever,
Go Dennis!
Vote your conscience, choose peace!
Go Dennis!
Vote your conscience, choose peace!
And what Democrat could not agree with Kusinich’s version of what Democrats stands for. Has the past thirty years of Reagan-Bush politics created an amnesia of our party’s liberal-socialist agenda? Is it now only possible for people to suggest that our’s is not a rich man’s country but a country for all of its people?