So…who do you think will be the nominees? Will Bloomberg run? What will be the result?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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Our candidate, Kusinich, is out. Edwards, the last hope to get a Democrat elected to the presidency, is already an also ran. So, it is Obama or Hillary. In spite of Al Hunt’s interpretation of Obama’s Iowa victory, the result of white America’s guilt for slavery and Jim Crow, the country is still too racist to elect a Black American to the presidency.
Grin and bear it. It is Republican Lite again. Still, I like seeing Bill and Hillary running scared.
edwards, the last hope to get a democrat elected to the presidency, is already an also ran. so, it is obama or hillary.
maybe my math is rusty, but i wonder how a second place finish makes one an “also-ran,” while at the same time a third place finish puts one in line for the winning spot.
no prognostications tonight, but here’s some food for thought:
h/t migeru at ET:

Insightful diagram. Thanks for putting in a nutshell.
Candidates are presently speaking at the NH Democratic Party 100 Dinner. C-SPAN. Only Edwards is not attending (speaking) as he had an engagement in Portsmouth.
I’m right in there with mike and dennis.
I see these graphs a lot, and they’re somewhat interesting. What are the issues/positions they consider?
I agree with your point about Kucinich and Gravel being mainstream in Europe. But nothing should put Bill Richardson along with John McCain and Rudy Giuliani on about the same level of authoritarianism, IMO.
Go take the test yourself and learn what it’s all about at
I am way down in the lower left quadrant. I guess I’m a liberal socialist.
Normally I’m more centrist, however now clearly in the green quadrant:
economics -2.50; libertarian -4.62
Does this still qualify my dive in the pond?
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
-6.62 & -6.41
Rightly so!
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Good afternoon, Oui!
That’s a great pic.
The score wasn’t really a surprise; I did the test 2-3 years ago and recall it being just about the same.
Same scores.
Does that make me a European social democrat and should I move to Sweden, if it will have me?
Does that make me a European social democrat
Well, I’m a Norwegian in ‘exile’. My views are certainly not considered ‘extreme’ there, though a bit left of mainstream.
-6.88 and -6.72 🙂
Economic Left/Right: -6.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -7.54
pretty close to anarchist. if l read it correctly.
Economic Left/Right, -7.25 Libertarian, -7.90(no wonder I feel like I don’t fit in with most people I meet)
Economic Left/Right: -5.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.62
I don’t know how they match up politicians based on the questions asked, which are very philosophical or vague in nature.
But anyway, here’s my score. -6.00, -8.31.
Economics: -7.12
Authoritarian: -0.41
Whoever it is, we’ll know by February 5th.
That’s not long!
Any political junkies out there who can’t find anything better to watch on the teevee, might I suggest watching the New Hampshire Democratic Party’s “100 Club Dinner” being broadcast right now on C-Span. It could be very good. Most of the formalities are out of the way now, though you missed Howard Dean’s great speech already if you haven’t been watching.
This is a big fund raiser for the NH state party. They have over 3000 people there at god knows how much a plate. This is a record-breaking turnout to the dinner.
One interesting thing I’ve noticed: whenever anyone says “Obama” or “Hope” or “Change” or says anything about young people participating, the whole house breaks out pm screaming applause. Most of the major presidential candidates have speeches coming up. I’m enjoying it anyway.
Yep. Watching it now. Kucinich just came on.
Watching Obama’s speech now. I think he just won New Hampshire…
1-The Dem is Obama instead of Clinton.
2-The Ratpub is a guaranteed loser or possibly a loose cannon as far as the PermaGov/Corporatocracy is concerned.
Unless…Obama has convinced said PermaGov (or will convince it in the future) that he is a safe caretaker of t6he system and will leave it fairly well intact.
He’s the centrist emergency savior.
“He’s the centrist emergency savior.”
whoa! what’s this?
a crack in the facade… a glimmer of realization that the two candidates you’ve long espoused as savvy saviors of the doomed republic…stealthy purveyors of a populist proletarian policies…may be cut from the same cloth as those who’ve gone before?
hillary and hillary lite
l must say l’m shocked AG…shocked.
wake the fuck up, indeed.
Thank you.
those are superdelegates.
?? I did not know there was more than one kind.
Read up.
Thanks for the link. That is bullshit! The superdelegates can vote whoever they want in!!
From CNN website:
They are negating the Obama vote!
Actually, they only matter if the end result is close – if the delegate count is decisive without the superdelegates then the superdelegates don’t matter. If it’s close then they’ll break the virtual tie.
But per CNN website the survey count included super and regular delegates…
That’s true, and the reason that it’s skewed right now is that Iowa is a really small state and it is the only state so far to assign its delegates and the effects of the already-pledged superdelegates far outweigh Iowa alone. Check back Feb 5th to see how relevant the superdelegates are then.
who will be the nominee?
GOP/RRM: toss up between Huck or Cain-Lieberman
DEM: Too early, even on hunch. Obie has the mo-jo and Hillary has the bucks to do the distance. She’ll go negative.
Came across these nuggets:
Hillary’s camp stressed out with wheels off the wagon
Bill blames the media.
Steve Clemons has more here on the unravellings and the tensions in camp Hillary. They all turned Hillary Down.
Will Bloomberg run?
Yes, Mr. Vanity will. Current crop of candidates not to his liking and he knows the economic debacle unfolding will be issue No:1. Bloomberg will be perceived the white knight with executive and biz skills. (sorry Obie)
The result.
Need a few days for my crystal ball to set up.
Isn’t one crappy New York mayor enough?
The only way that a Bloomberg candidacy matters is if Huckabee or Guliani become the nominee – Bloomberg would become the de facto GOP nominee – like Liberman in 2006 – and Obama would stomp a mudhole in both GOP candidates because Bloomberg would draw negligible support from independents and no support from Democrats. If Edwards is the nominee then I think he’d beat Bloomberg and the GOP nominee (Huckabee or Guliani), but it would be much closer as Edwards wouldn’t draw independents like Obama. If Hillary is the nominee then Bloomberg is the next POTUS and the semi-permanent coalitions of the Democratic and Republican parties will be torn asunder and rearranged over the next 4 years.
Think about it – never in the last 40+ years has the Democratic Party been better poised to completely take over the government, and if it loses the presidential election this year then we’ll see the mother of all circular firing squads.
The Republicans are already circled up and loading for Elephant…
Something that keeps occurring to me — I think McCain might very well ask Lieberman to run with him if he gets the nod.
If ‘change’ continues to be the commonthread of both parties, the measure of success of a nominee will be the ability to ask for and receive participation from the everyman. The one who challenges people to invest in the country, asks for help & promises a hard road ahead will see change delivered. I’m still not convinced that Obama is the one but after watching Iowa, I am convinced his fuel is what the country is hungry for.
I gotta tell ya Boo- who gives a shit! Someone has to prove that a stinking cliche like “change” or whatever the latest term is or will be doesn’t begin to address the problems. Change what. New clothes. new underwear. new hair do. NEW WHAT?????????????
They are all the same. Where the hell were they when this former country was being stolen from us? Who was willing to stand up and say- Fuck you all. I am going to filliubuster. Im not leaving this podium!
Where waere the “dems” when habeus was stolen? Where were they when torture was permitted. Why the hell were the goddamned racist right wing judges were blindly approved? WHo had the balls or the tits to call mukasey when the son of a bitch refused to give the answer that everyone in the world already knew the answer to? I don’t give a shit who the candidates are when this latest charade is over. one hundred million spent but who is willing to stand up and say- are we out of our minds?
There isn’t a single one of them willing to practice what they swore to uphiold! NOT ONE OF THEM. I guess I’m just one old fart that has just about reached the end of a pretty decent life but I got to tell you all that there won’t be a decent life available to any of you if this time aroud, we don’t do everything possible to take back this country. Not one of you!
So, there ain’t that much time left and if you think that sitting down with these bastards and “negotiate” with them is the way to go, I pity you all!
Someone sent me the link to this Guide to the GOP Primary in which all the GOP candidates are compared to the Buffy villains they most resemble. I’ll never be able to look at Mitt Romney again without thinking of … a giant snake.
Hello there! So this is what it took?
If Bloomberg ran he would siphon votes from the Democrats. He is fiercely anti gun and pro gay marriage. He supported Clinton/Gore and is the purest form of RINO there is. He doesn’t differ substantially from most Democratic positions. He may fool, at most, about 10% of Republicans. The rest will come from Democrats and Democratic leaning independents.