Some say it was a rejection of that cultist clone, Mitt Romney and his legions of caffeine free zombie fiends. Others say that it was Fred Thompson’s incredible inability to appear interested in anything related to actual campaigning. And then there are those who blame Iowans for their nasty habit of corn sucking. However, I know the real reason. Mike Huckabee is on a mission from God.
Clearly the Lord God himself (a good Southern Baptist, by the way) decided that only Saint Huck of the Arkansas can save us from these godless communists scientific advisers who desire to recruit our children into participating in their pernicious and soul destroying evolutionary lifestyle:
WASHINGTON (AP) — Scientific advisers to the government emphasize in a report the importance of teaching evolution in public schools.
The report by the National Academy of Sciences and its Institute of Medicine follows up on similar past publications, the last of which came out in 1999. The new document includes recently discovered evidence supporting evolution, including an important fossil find.
The report released Thursday also takes swipes at creationism and other anti-evolution views.
“Despite the lack of scientific evidence for creationist positions, some advocates continue to demand that various forms of creationism be taught together with or in place of evolution in science classes,” the report says. […]
Josh Rosenau, a spokesman for the California-based National Center for Science Education, which supports the teaching of evolution, said the new report is important because the debate over evolution in school is not going away.
Casey Luskin, program officer for the Discovery Institute, a Seattle-based think tank that supports teaching students about the criticism of evolution, was critical of the document.
“Students should learn about the evidence for and against evolution,” he said.
The Institute of Medicine is part of the National Academy of Sciences, a private organization chartered by Congress to advise the government of scientific matters.
Senator Rick Santorum saved those of us (those of us who don’t live in Massachusetts, that is) from the abhorrent spectacle of man on dog sex which would have been the inevitable result of gay marriage, but now a greater challenge to the Lord’s dominion over the Earth has once again reared its ugly head from the slime and the muck of liberalislamofascism: the satanic “theory” of evolution first proposed by the man who inspired the Holocaust, Charles Darwin. Pray that Mike Huckabee the Virtuous can be anointed as our President in November in order to slay the beast of “evilution” with his mighty sword of righteous biblically approved rhetoric and the power of his valorous and liberal defying veto pen.
or could it be….Satan?
Well, if you count all the letters in Barack Hussein Obama you get the number 18, which when divided by 3 equals 6. 6+6+6 in other words, or as we faithful like to write it without all the plus signs, 666. Need I say more?
The truly scary thing is that the 60% of people voting Republican in Iowa who identified themselves as evangelical Christians really do believe that.
You jest, BooMan, but it kinda scares me.
The truth will set you free. Or something like that.