I think Giuliani had the best debate, but McCain and Thompson did well. Romney seemed like the geek all the cool kids pick on. I liked the format. This was by far the most informative debate I’ve seen, even though every single one of them is either a loon or morally decrepit, or both.
I think this format will favor Edwards in the Democratic debate. It will also give Richardson the chance to say something really stupid…again.
Enjoy. How are the Steelers doing?
Steelers’ D looks good. Offense TBD, so to speak.
Geez! Coming from the guy who gives Biden a load of slack 😉
Is that me? I just think “Bankrupcy Biden” is the right candidate for VP, not a great guy. And I’m rooting for the Steelers, but I haven’t seen any offense to speak of.
But now I’m back to the debates.
hi chimneyswift, that was directed at BooMan for the Richardson barb
YOu don’t pick a VP for talent and brains. Frankly, then you’d have to look hard at Senator Dorgen! You look for purple. That means New Mexico…or Indiana.
Heh – would that be Bayh or Lugar? Evan’s voting has moved to the right of even Lugar of late. We don’t have a dem senator in Indiana any more.
Take your point…but lots of talk about Bayh. Hillary’s advisors are very conservative, both politically and judgmentally.
I give it to Romney because the cool kids picked on him but he was still standing at the end.
watch the debate online here
Thompson won, because he looked alive.
now that’s debatable. His eye bags looked like they were threatening to invade Iran.
I missed the beginning of the Repug debate — did they talk about bin Laden?
More stupid nuclear war hypotheticals? What a flippin’ joke.
fear fear fear fear fear fear
This is boring. And they all look like they are sleep walking.
hillary’s comment about “stateless terrorists” reminds me of Bush’s Axis of Evil speech where he said we would go after terrorists and those who harbor them.
she seems more hard-line tonight.
from what I was reading earlier, she’s already starting to attack Obama from the right, hoping that it drives away independent voters.
We’re getting the tough, serious Hillary tonight, not the personable Hillary.
This is the Hillary people don’t like.
We don’t want Mean Ol’ Lady Clinton, we want Mama Clinton. The Clinton she showed at YearlyKos was Mama Clinton. Tonight, I wouldn’t be surprised if she started yelling about those kids on her damn lawn.
Why? Because they haven’t been asked any new questions. There’s been 957 million debates since July and no new questions.
ActuallyI think it gives Dems a chance to own national security as an issue. The Repugs are now all about domestic stuff and they’re clueless there. Because of the way the Bushies have screwed everyting up so much, this is now the Dems issue to grab.
Not quite subtly and kind of overblown IMO, but that’s pretty much all she and Richardson have going for them.
Gibson goes for the fireworks–pits Hillary vs. Obama
How do you go from a news report on Social Security to jello wrestling?
Wow–Edwards sticks up for Obama!
no kidding! he just framed a big ole box around Hillary as the status quo. she is twitching
He’s decided to take Hillary down.
that was brilliant, she flipped out.
It won’t play well.
Although personally I like that kind of response. Might as well have a fighter.
But I know I’m not the typical voter.
All the media outlets were talking about how Edwards and Clinton were planning on hitting Obama hard. I don’t think she really expected to take another hit from Edwards.
That being said, what happened with the Social Security question?
Hillary is pissed that John isleavingherout ofthe equation! Ohh,she has mean eyes…
She looks unhinged.
She has very tired eyes. Frankly, she should have hit the Restalyne injections. (Remember Nixon?) Obama is strong tonight.
Way too angry and she realized it way too late.
Still, she keeps pounding this 35 years of experience. Exactly doing what? Being a lawyer? Everyone else on the stage was a lawyer before elected. I certainly hope that she isn’t basing any of this on her marriage to Bill.
Edwards point on the status quo was pretty good. I still will never vote for him.
If i hear the word ‘change’ one more time…
You should change the channel, but I hope change you your mind.
I think I’ll just distract myself by checking out your link in the sig line!
7 mins to go 2nd per- steelers7 opponent 21
screw the debate!
Clinton looks tired. Edwards and Obama have a truce going on. Do they know something we don’t? Is Richardson banging on the table? Why is Gibson playing administration shill?
“As careful getting out as we were careless getting in,” -Obabma.
Good line.
Again pitting Obama and Hillary against each other. Hillary is trying to soften her tone…
So I’ve been all about the Obama/Biden ticket, but I think seeing this that Obama and Edwards may well have been talking behind the scenes. Edwards would be good assassination insurance…
Oh, no Hillary didn’t try to say that voting for Obama is like voting for shrub.
It’s a little late, for your “concern” Hil. Coulda used it a few years ago when you were going along w/ him and sucking up to Murdoch.
At her even today, she said the same thing.
Oh really? Keep spinnin’ Hil.
Her vaunted “experience” is a joke. Experience should give one judgment and wisdom. Otherwise, it’s just words on pretty paper.
“Can we have a reality break for a minute” – Hillary, after Edwards and Obama do several minutes of populism. Oy
Oh, I know.
Her campaign told her to try to sound like a Democrat.
Hillary takes shots at Edwards and Obama
Being the subject of attack of the crazed GOP does not make you presidential material. Besides, the little pet projects that she got to do as First Lady of Ark. or the US still does not mean shit. The record just doesn’t bear out…none of her pet projects succeeded or were useful.
Oh, the rethugs attack me, so I’m ready to lead. WHATever! Attack is what they do, dammit. And?
I’ve been asking my female friends and family members and acquaintances why they don’t like Clinton. These are people of all political leanings and all of them said that they hate that she runs on her husband’s record like people aren’t going to notice it. Black women especially chafe at this whole thing. Man, my aunts can fill a book on this subject. One aunt kept me on the phone for an hour filled tirade on the subject.
Well, you know I can only speak for this Black woman, but part of it is the Clintonista tone toward Barack Obama…this patronizing Oh, who are you to challenge my entitled position? You need to wait your turn. That just grating.
Part of it is Hill and Bill’s sucking up to rethugs. From Bill’s sucking up to Poppy (I personally coulda slapped him for yucking it up w/ him and saying that he felt like he was the only one who liked both shrub and Kerry back in ’04. Just disgraceful), to Hill’s sucking up to Murdoch and to Bush, I’m sick of them remembering that they are Democrats only at election time.
Another part of it is just the thought of the Clinton Restoration, which is enough to make me gag. Sure, they’d be better than shrub. But my brother’s dog would be than him. My 21 month old nephew would be better, and is already far more articulate. Not saying much.
I remember their deal-cutting and triangulating. They lost the Congress and didn’t care–the better to triangulate. Their “coordinated campaign” which was designed to help only the Clinton campaign when they were running the DNC. And on and on. If the Clinton Restoration occurs, they get rid of Howard Dean, and that’s unacceptable. Shoot, Clinton almost sounded PISSED when talking about the increased turnout in Iowa. I also happen to be a “small d” Democrat, too, and for anyone to bemoan new people getting involved in THEIR government makes me ill. (Y’all might take me to the woodshed for this, but I am happy that some young people are out for Ron Paul. I think they’re misguided and should be supporting Obama, but I am happy that they are inspired to get involved.) I am just constitutionally against anyone who is not over-the-moon about new people in the process and/or people who actively or inactively work against opening up and welcoming people in the democratic process. It makes me sick.
I know this all makes me sound very anti-Clinton. I don’t mean to sound that way. I am VERY pro-Obama. He speaks to me; he inspires me. He is brilliant. I trust his judgment. He can play this wretched game on multiple levels. He is authentic. He is progressive–he coulda sold out w/ all that ivy on his degrees and didn’t (and clearly it’s served him well). He is dignified. He is both measured AND he embodies change.
I could go on, but there are a few of my late nite thoughts.
You’re saying pretty much the same thing I read on all the political Black female blogs. I wonder how much of it is our need to feel protective toward Obama…the Clinton campaign’s racist hits on Obama pretty much circled the wagon. And looking back on the Clinton years, we all know and realize how much Black people got the shaft. Sure, Clinton talked a good game and the more blinded by fame sorts feel for it, but when push came to shove, Clinton sold all kinds of people down the river without looking back. Apparently, the Senator is expecting us to look back on those years fondly and appreciate her more. In theory, that can work since these past 7 years have sucked the big one. But for those of us who paid attention then and are paying attention now, the only question we need to ask is “What have you done for me lately?” Sadly, the only answer Clinton can give is, “Not a damn thing.”
You bring up a good question? Am I feeling a bit “protective” of Obama? Maybe a bit.
But I see how people respond to him. And I’ve heard for months that he’s polling well among repubs. I just think he’s better than Clinton. And I have to say that I was feeling confident after the Deval Patrick and Harold Ford races. I wasn’t optimistic, because I remembered Doug Wilder barely winning in Virginia (I was in high school and too young to vote–I remember being willing to break the law, so badly did I want to vote for him.). But the polls for both of them turned out to be accurate. And that gave me confidence that he could run, and win.
It’s not like I didn’t defend Bill during that bullshit impeachment, but it’s like he expected it and wasn’t at all grateful. What “Hot Tub” Tom Delay was doing was distorting the constitution and being political because they never liked Bill, but Bill just expected to be defended. Disgusting.
And yes, I remember Hazel O’Leary and Alexis Herman but I remember Lani Guinier and Joycelyn Elders.
The jackass comments of Andy Young didn’t help any.
Do I think rethugs will come after him? Hell to the yes. But–and newsflash to dim bulbs like Evan Bayh–you cannot stop w/ your message because the rethugs will say mean things about you. This party is still ruled by fear of a dimwit polling at 20ish percent.
Clinton is right Bill took everyone on raising taxes in 1991.
Bill Richardson is dead on about carbon taxes.
Nice quip by Obama about globalization.
(and a quick paraphrase) Some of the problems of globalization preceded the Bush administration.
I’d say Obama won. It was probably his best debate yet. But that’s not why he won. He won because Edwards went on the attack for him so he could look presidential. And he won because Hillary had her worst debate yet.
nooooooo. Philly was her worst debate. Philly cost her the nomination.
I may have missed that one. All the ones that I saw I thought she won.
Philly was were she flubbed the drivers’ licenses question for illegal aliens question and then declared herself the frontrunner.
Oh I saw that one. That was a huge gaffe. But I remember thinking that she still managed to pull out that debate because nobody else was that great. And she came back strong in Las Vegas.
Hillary’s “spirited” response is already on YouTube
Post Debate thread.
Maybe we need some different subjects, but I’m sick and tired of the Democratic debates talking about the same exact thing. Richardson was the only one to actively bring up education and green energy. What happened to Democrats? These used to be cornerstone issues to our party. Now? Not so much.
It seems the debates were delayed for me here in Nevada. I’m still watching the Republicans debate. Looking forward to the Democrats starting. I’ve read all the comments here and I think a theory I have is coming true.
It seems that Obama and Edwards have a truce going where Edwards will be Obama’s attack dog for a while and ride this out until Hillary is through. Perhaps he is looking to run for Vice President again, with Obama.
Last night Edwards did not attend the “must attend” NH Democratic Party’s “100 Club Dinner.” He did not speak, but sent his wife. Hillary got a leukwarm reception and was actually booed by some. Obama was the star of the evening, even had a new speech.
Also, yesterday on Olbermann’s show, Edwards allied with Obama as the “change candidates” and called Hillary the “Establishment Candidate” which was rejected in Iowa.
Edwards speech on Thursday night had that in there and he’s been pounding it ever since. It was kinda sweet because he gave his speech before Clinton did, so when she tried to change tack and usurp the “change” theme, she just sounded dumb.
Image-wise, it also was a lame move. Obama wins on change, Edwards trumps her by saying his 2nd place win to Obama means the times they are a-changin’ and Clinton gets up there and surrounds herself with Democratic dinosaurs of yesteryear.