Melissa gets it right.  We know that the big three and Richardson are all pretty much the same as far as substance goes.  The media, party and most of the blogosphere have what they want.
Via The Caucus, the New York Times Political Blog:

“This just sent me over the top,” the singer said. She was referring to Representative Dennis J. Kucinich’s exclusion from tonight’s Democratic debate, which is sponsored by ABC, WMUR-TV and Facebook.

If the Edwards supporters think the MSM is ignoring John (and that’s one of the big memes being pushed by John’s supporters this weekend, have a look around), they have much to look forward to.  Dennis has pretty much been ignored by the MSM from the beginning of the campaign.  Why?

  1. Impeachment.  Dennis is the only candidate who’s willing to stand up to Mr. 24% and his puppet master Dick Cheney.  The media doesn’t want it covered.  The four candidates on the stage don’t support it.  What a nice convergence.
  2. Universal Health Care.  Notice health care, not insurance.  That’s right, Dennis is the only candidate who supports a single-payer not-for-profit system!  The others, while saying that single payer is what they’re striving for, are happy to keep the insurance companies in business and move incrementally.
  3. Get the troops out of Iraq.  Dennis didn’t vote for the IWR, and he sure didnt’ co-sponsor it.  He hasn’t voted for any funding.  Isn’t it nice to know that the Democratic party will probably nominate a person who were fooled into supporting Mr. 24%, or who have voted to fund the fiasco in Iraq (Bill Richardson gets a pass on this one).
  4. Keeping nukes off the table. Who would have imagined that any serious Democrat would be willing to use nukes against nations who are not able to threaten us with anihilation?  Dennis isn’t.

The list goes on and on.  We know that Dennis is the voice of opposition within the Democratic party.  We now know that that voice of opposition is to be silenced by the MSM and the Democratic party.

She said that “corporate interests that have infiltrated the Democratic Party” have marginalized Mr. Kucinich because his stances on issues like the environment, health care and the war go against their interests.

That pretty much says it all!

In case you missed it, here’s Dennis on Bill Moyers’ Journal from last night:

If you support Dennis’ stances on the issues, and what good progressive doesn’t, help support his run against the incrementalist corporatized Democrats!  Visit his campaign site,, where you can donate online, via US Mail or by phone at 1.877.413.3664.  With Dennis, you do have a choice!

As always, now mor than ever,

Go Dennis!
Vote your conscience, choose peace!