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- Day 45: I Explain Trumpism to Justin Trudeau
- Day 43: The #TrumpRussia Conspiracy Goes Mainstream At Last
- Day 40: Republicans Contemplate Giving Up On Deficit Control Forever
- Progress Pondcast Episode 22 With Bill Hangley Jr, on DOGE and U.S. Alliance With Russia
- Day 37: The Last Bulwarks Protecting the Merit-Based Civil Service
it’s Saturday Night!
(Okay, the photo up there is from last week, but it sounded good, right?)
Am I the only person home tonight?
Hi CG! For some reason, I feel very lazy today. Had a nice long nap earlier after my trip to the library.
I could go for a nice long nap. I spent my day just trying to get things back to normal (picked up, put away, washed, cleaned, etc) after the holiday chaos. Took a 5+ mile walk with the dogs too, so I will definitely sleep well tonight.
Just sent the asklets back to their mother; they’re celebrating Ethiopian Christmas tomorrow (orthodox). Being multi-ethnic has some advantages…
That’s really nice that Christmas falls on different days for each side of the family. 🙂
Are you spending your free time watching the debates tonight?
missed it all since I fell asleep early. Paying for it now, though, sleep is over for tonight.
Company just left, the dishes are running and now it’s time to relax and finish a paper.
What’s new?
The kind that makes you think that spending all day in bed is a really good plan.
Good morning, Andi!
I hope there is no one there to stop you implementing that plan, just go for it.
The dogs have already stopped it several times (out, in, breakfast, out, in).
And I’m a big talker but bad on follow-through — I’m much too antsy a person to ever really spend all day prone, unless very, very sick.
I know what you mean. I also tend to bounce up once awake (like this morning at 3.25, or so).
When I truly up wake that early, I get very stubborn and insist to myself that I can fall back to sleep. It usually takes me around 45-60 minutes to give in to the truth.
My dogs have been driving me insane lately with the in-out, in-out game. There’s always one of them on the wrong side of the door, it sseems.
It’s looking rather dismal here. Too bad someone’s cold is making him a loud sleeper…
Yeah, cold weather or rainy weather definitely bring out that behavior in the Pack.
It’s so gloomy here, it still looks like twilight out.
sunny and bright – heading for the mid 60s. Ah, winter in NC…
Hi SN! Glad to hear its not depressing somewhere!
On this Sunday morning dreary,
After sleep, still weak and weary…
Apologies to EAP.
Good morning everyone.
Man I slept late today. It appears sunny and we’re heading up to the low 70s today. I’ve got more work to do on the house. Rels due in yesterday never made it, so I guess they’ll be in today.
We’ve got all the Xmas decorations down except the Xmas tree. I keep telling FMom we never use the formal living room, so lets just throw a sheet over it and leave it until next year. She won’t hear of it. So I might just throw a sheet over it and put it out in the shop. Out of sight, out of mind. 🙂
What a great idea! Unfortunately all the spare space at our little abode is filled with house plants that reside outdoors in summer. No room for more than a very small tabletop tree.
Good morning all. 50 degrees here! Woohoo!
Wow, same here! 60’s predicted for tomorrow.
The high today is going to be 65. Freaky.
Yesterday’s forecast was warm air, cold water.
Morning, Andi!
Yes, warm here as well. Waking up to 46, almost 60 expected later today.
It’s going to stay warm all week, with highs staying between the 40s and 50s. Unfortunately, a lot of those warm temps are going to be accompanied by rain.
We’ll be even milder tomorrow, and little, or no precipitation expected.
But your reservoirs need it, I believe.
We didn’t have as severe a drought as other areas and it ended in mid-October. Since then we’ve been having a good amount of precip so I think we’re well on the way to recovering.
Beautiful pictures Andi! Your photos always make my day. Thanks for one of the very bright spots that encourage me on for the rest of it.
Good morning! Is it really Monday again already?
Unseasonably warm here too, but I’ll take it. I think it’s supposed to be 60-ish today and 65-ish tomorrow. I’ll be feeling like I’m in NC or AL or something. 🙂
Good morning CG, Andi and Ask.
Same here with the temp. It’s supposed to be mid 70’s down here. I think Olivia wants to keep all the snow to herself.
If we’re getting hot air from the south, does that mean that FM is heading our way? 😉
Nope I just spew hot air, I don’t move with it. Hah!
Ha. He’s just trying to get us to trade weather so he can have some snow.
I am sooo unmotivated this morning. And I have to take CBtY back to the surgeon for a follow-up at lunchtime today, so napping isn’t really an option.
How much longer till I can retire and live FM’s life of ease?
It takes years of practice to get as lazy as I am. I’m afraid one day when you retire, you’ll be so used to work that you’ll have to keep doing something.
Unfortunately I’m not at the total slack I want. Ya need lots of money for that. Anyway I don’t know where you would find people to pick up a couch and transport you around. 🙂
Umm, you don’t even get to think about retiring until I am within months of actually doing it.
Like I told you, retirement isn’t that great. Keep on working. Think of all the fun you’ll have.
You’re right — how could I forget all the laughs and giggles I’ve had in the hours and hours and hours in the Beige Conference Room of Death.
Oh Andi that’s just every now and then. You work from home. You’re semi-retired already. 😉
Well it’s time for the other part of the “semi” — see ya.
Yep enjoy the “semi”. 🙂
See ya.
Yeah, and how could I go on if I didn’t have the opportunities to guffaw and mutter to myself in response to ridiculous client requests?
And okay, you can retire first, but be warned, my kvetching will commence as soon as you have. 🙂
As long as it’s at least a nanosecond after I retire, I’m fine with that.
Well as much as I would like to go back to sleep, I can’t. Got to get ready for a doctor’s appointment.
See ya.
Hay FM! Good luck with the doctor!
Hope everything goes okay.
Thanks CG and Boran.
Just a normal check up. My B/P and cholesterol are up, which is normal. I asked the doctor did he think I should be getting more rest to get my B/P down. He gave me a five minute lecture on the benefits of exercise. He asked me how much I was walking, and I told him miles and miles. That does count if while you’re dreaming you’re walking, doesn’t it?
Don’t listen to him, FM. We all know that lying around smoking is the best way to stop the aging process. What do those young doctors know?
Morning SN.
Yep I just don’t know what these schools are teaching doctors now of day. I guess I’ll get him trained after awhile.
How’re you doing today? Do you have a heat wave too?
Yes – it’s perfect outside! Yay- winter is over! 😉
Don’t get to far in front of yourself. We’ve got until the end of Feb. and I’m still hoping for snow. Now if Olivia would let loose and quit holding onto all of her snow, we might get some. 🙂
First errand of the day just came up. See ya later.
It’s a balmy and very moist 63 degrees this morning, and we’re expected to hit near the 80s today. Thunderstorms coming in tonight, so it will make it just a little more uncomfortable.
How’s everyone doing this morning?
It’s still warm here, though the high is only going to be 64. And we’ve got heavy rain and thunderstorms in the forecast, which means — to personalize the weather — it’ll be a day of crappy satellite internet connection for me.
Damn I leave for a minute and everybody is up already. Yep it’ll be crappy satellite connection, but it will be a fast crappy. 🙂
I’ve got a head cold that won’t go away. Three days now, my nose is my enemy.
My rec: nyquil, a nasal rinse, and some vaseline on the nose to keep it from getting raw.
Morning Boo.
Make your nose work for you. Invent something new like, er, snot art. 🙂
i could do it, too. i have the supplies.
Yep but then you have the problem of picking out just the right frame. As Boran said, you wouldn’t want the frame to distract from your… 🙂
Is this where all the old folks who can’t sleep in hang out?
You scared me — I wasn’t expecting you at all so early. One of the critters or Mr. Nature’s snoring get you up?
Mr. Nature now snores on the second floor and I reside on the third – so his snoring isn’t much of a problem anymore. 🙂 Just woke up and couldn’t get back to sleep.
Yep it sure is. Although I was productive as hell last night. I didn’t even try to sleep. I got into a cleaning frenzy and just went from there.
Yeah, I’ve been lying awake since 5 so finally decided to get up. Some new meds and idiot county commissioners are interfering with my rest.
Good morning all!
Now you have to tell about the idiot commisioners so I can get upset too.
They made appointments to boards and commissions last night. It was cronyism at its worst. I’m hoping I can count on the county council to help rescue my little corner of it as they did last year.
Ah. Good to know — especially since I’m sure the Democrat won’t provide any useful insight in their write-up.
Good morning ID!
Sorry to hear about you lack of sleep. I’ve had meds that have done that to me also.
It appears idiot county commissioners are everywhere. We’ve got a few ourselves.
Hope as the day progresses it gets better for ya.
Good morning all!
How can you all be up so early?
I am SO sleepy. Like an idiot, I worked on CBtY’s socks last night, got the first heel done, and then felt like I had to finish the second heel before I went to bed…at which time it was 1:30. Argh. What was I thinking?
And I can’t even go back to sleep this morning because I have to take the Shih tzu to her beauty parlor appointment and I have yoga class…AND I have to somehow actually work today.
And I think someone in this house needs a neti pot, so I need to trot out and find one in my journeys this morning.
Good morning CabinGirl! Sounds like you could use some pointers from Family Man;-)
I don’t know, I’m not sure I have ther personality type for really advanced slacking. I can talk a good game, but in reality: not so much.
Oh I don’t know. I think I see a lot of hidden potential. 🙂
Morning CG.
You need one of those Calgon take me away moments.
That’s sort of what I was going for with the yoga class. 🙂
And of course, I treated myself to a new yoga mat recently, so I MUST go today.
Nothing like a little guilt to get yourself going. 🙂
Now I’m tired — that’s too much to do after too little sleep. ::yawn::
I couldn’t see the clock where I was sitting, or I would have gone to bed after the first heel was done.
At least everyone is off to school already.
And I’m off to work (well to be truthful, off to take a shower first).
Enjoy the quiet house (well except for the snot snuffling).
Tell him not to get discouraged if the neti pot doesn’t work too well with a full nose. The first time the nature boys tried it when he had a cold, the water came out his eye! 🙂
‘morning all. 60s here today. Yay, spring is finally here!
Morning Boran.
At the moment we’re at 65 F. and it’s supposed to be in the mid-70’s today. I’ll take a good healthy -20 F anytime over this weather. 🙂
I remember once telling a woman I worked with, sort of an East Coast Intelligencia type, that I was going to be fencing that weekend. To which she replied, “you fence”? I had a brief flash of me in a white body suit wielding an épée, before explaining to her that I was breaking up my goat pasture into smaller paddocks.
This morning’s work was relatively painless, excepting the single wire cut on my knuckle (a record low), the splinter in my little finger and the ant bite on my bum (apparently I sat on one). And, only one wire broke, so whoohoo.
The weather here is hotting-up again. Which may require a trip to the beach later this week when the temps are supposed to get back into the 30’sC/90’sF.
I did fence a couple of times as a kid — I’d rather string wire. A trip to the beach certainly sounds nice, especially since it should provide us lots better photos than fencing (either kind) does.
Definitely not a current picture as we had over 2″ of rain yesterday but perfect for hump day.
Good morning, Andi!
Another spring day; 56 this morning.
Hi ask.
51 here which is cooler than it has been but there’s supposed to be sunshine, for the first time in 5 days so I don’t care what the temp is.
And dawn is noticeably earlier – it has just started here.
It’s over an hour away here … because we really should be on central time instead of eastern.
Well, the sun is rising here right now.
They just showed some great shots from the helicopter of the local news channel.
Getting light here now — looking out, I can see some signs of the sun behind the hills. It’s one of the things I really enjoy about the trees being bare, the ability to look out the window, see the sky, and watch the day arrive.
Gray, ugly, rainy and 50s here. Other than that, it’s a beautiful day.
I can just catch a whiff of it when I open the door to let the dogs out.