The Republican debate is at 7pm and the Democratic debate afterwards, on ABC News. Most people will be watching the end of the Seahawks-Redskins game and then the Jaguars-Steelers game. But, I suppose a coupla people will tune into the debates. Most people will just see the best soundbites and post-debate spin. Same as it ever was.
Today’s polling shows Obama and McCain in the lead, just as I predicted. If they are going to be stopped, it will have to take place tonight in these debates. If you like politics more than playoff football, stick around and add some color commentary. And if Giuliani says ‘9/11’ take a drink.
That’s the title of one of my blog posts today.
But I’m…good God…fired up and ready to go. I ABC in HD going just to get the full in person effect. I think I’m scaring the children.
I turned to all the ABC channels and they’re showing snowboarding. I’m in CA, but I swear it’s 7pm in NH right now.
Here on the West coast don’t get to see the debates until 7pm PST.
it is a Republican debate after all
maybe snowboarding is a teh new waterboarding?
Just about every political blog I visit is based on the East coast. So they’re liveblogging and I’m forced to wait until 7pm PST. Why? There’s no fucking logic to that at all.
I don’t blame you. But you aren’t missing anything. It’s a terrible debate.
I’m just getting a green screen and only audio. Such a shame since it’s not like I can tell who’s talking.
works for me…thanks fabooj
1st r debate l’ve seem…these guys are really out there
I tried on the other 3 computers in my house and I got nothing. I even had 20 friends in 5 west coast states try it and they didn’t get anything either.
l’m running a mac os 10.4.11
if that helps
I just figured it out. I have to use IE. I had everyone use IE and we all got video. Who willingly uses IE in 2008? Man!
I turn to ABC for ten minutes and the Skins take the lead!
I wonder who this format favors?
is the kiss of death. He thinks Rudy doesn’t have a snowballs chance in Hell.
The only Democratic candidate, or at least the conscience of the Democratic party, has been excluded. Why watch another lite Republican debate after the hard Republican debate, when you can watch a wildcard football game. Don’t kid around. What is more American than football; what is less American than the primaries.
Goodbye Dennis. We love you for reminding us about who we used to be.
TIVO the debate and watch the game Shergald. That way you can keep your priorities straight.
Mitty won the Wyoming caucus. Not well reported and may not help him in N.H. but enough, with his bucks, to assure he continues his attempts to buy the nomination.
Hillary went negative. Has dropped a mailer contrasting hers position with Obama’s voting record on abortion rights. As she remarked, the fun begins.
Huffpost cites a TIME article — Clinton machine shaken by setback… inside her campaign donors are in panic.
Hillary needs to do well tonite and on Tuesday.
Wyoming gives 7 to Romney, 2 to Thompson & 1 to Hunter, 2 undecided. Business & guns for those folks, none of that creepy religiosity stuff.
This is a horrible debate. I haven’t seen any Republican debates before. This is a horrible group of candidates.
At least by format, this is the best debate they’ve had.
My, my…these people are really Nanny Staters aren’t they?
On illegal immigration, Giuliani says he wants a to have a national ID card, a fence (“physical and techonological”), change behaviors, and for those who want to come here, they have to read, write and learn English.
Gee…who’s gonna pay for this?
Mitt’s Position = Operation Wetback
Manny no offense. But that powerful picture with only 13 comments at your place, and I’m wanting some more.
Was that too loud? I apologize.
Oh sorry again.!!!!!!!!!!!!!
heh, you almost woke me up from my jetlagged nap 😉
(still editing photos, will have more by Monday – trip was GREAT!)
That was a good shot that Guliani made at Romney about Reagan.
Each of them had a shot at Barack and none of them made a compelling case. A few were even deferential.
That bit with all the candidates on stage together was great TV.
I just have to express how much I can’t stand Diane Sawyer.
really? She’s one of the few I don’t hate.
Her fake concerned/interested look makes me want to throw up. I’ve always felt that way about her. Absolutely cannot stand the sight of her.
Agreed, esp. after her “So what should I call you, Judy” fake ass question 4 years ago.
I dunno Ms. Sawyer–or is that Mrs. Nichols???
And I just cannot stand Charlie Gibson. He dumb as rocks, and the glasses down the nose don’t help, hun.
Red wine helps.
New thread for the Democrats.