If Obama goes on to win the Democratic nomination he should pick Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano to be his running mate. Yes, she is popular, well-qualified, and comes from a purple state, but that’s not the reason. I just think it will be fun to say O-bam-a-Nap-O-Lit-An-O.
What kind of tickets would you like to see?
Obama will lean hard on VA Senator James Webb. Obama will feel compelled to go white, male and red. White male and red state. VA is a red state trending Democrat. The GOP can’t afford to lose it. Webb has national security credentials and represents a fresh face at the same time. I know Webb has deflected such questions but he’s a patriot and can be persuaded with the right approach.
I like Rob’s selection and agree with his reasoning. I think he has to go with a national security running mate to quell concerns people have about that. Biden and Richardson also have extensive foreign policy experience, but they don’t bring in a big electoral vote gain.
Obama could take the high road and let Webb fight it out with the wingnuts. It might work.
Webb also gives the Obama administration some credibility on matters military and foreign. And he wouldn’t suffer the Mondale syndrome: no not a woman VP, but swollen eyes from lack of sleep.
O-bam-a-Nap-O-Lit-An-O would be fun. An Obama/Dean ticket would be a big hit with the .03% of voters who are UCC.
it wouldn’t be bad to choose an experienced Congressional woman as running-mate. Or would that be a bit too progressive?
Bush and democracy: Another orange revolt gone bad, or was it the rose revolution in Georgia.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Several years ago I lived in Arizona and I LOVE her as governor. However, if she is going to enter the national stage and face the smear machine, she needs to come out as a proud lesbian first.
I was thinking that the press would eat her alive because of that issue. I think that she’s an awesome Governor. A very practical lady. How about the Governor up here in Washington State? gov Gregoire is a proven fighter. She didn’t roll over during her first election and fought the recounts.
No. No. No.
So he moulded Hillary as DLC poster girl … enough said.
(NYT) July 29, 2003 – Mark J. Penn, a Democratic pollster who worked for Mr. Clinton and is now advising Senator Lieberman, offered polling data to show that Mr. Bush was vulnerable but that the Democratic Party was also in a politically perilous position. ”We’re at a postwar historic low of Democratic Party membership.”
Mr. Penn said that the Democratic Party now trailed the Republicans among people who earn more than $20,000, and that just 22 percent of white men called themselves Democrats. ”Among middle-class voters, the Democratic Party is a shadow of its former self,” Mr. Penn said.
The perception, he said, is that Democrats ”stand for big government, want to raise taxes too high, are too liberal and are beholden to special interest groups.”
Most important, Mr. Penn said, the party has to prove itself credible on the issue of national security — something that many Democrats attending the conference here said would be impossible to do if the party were perceived as opposed to the war on Iraq.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
first, the world should know that Bill O’reilly shoved Obama’s Staffer. Secret Service stepped in.
Should Bill be handcuffed or tasered for this assault? For someone else Bill would advocate both.
Who should be Obie’s Veep?
Before O’Reilly’s shove, I was nervous over Obie’s safety so I can’t go there just yet. Shadows of RFK 1968.
SO, so sweet to see the Clintons lose their dynasty. O is ahead 10 points.
Hm, Webb, huh? I really see Biden more for the name recognition and near awe the press corps holds him in for his Foriegn Policy chops. Other points for Biden are that he has good contacts with Labor and with the financial world. But I could see Webb.
I do think the analysis is pretty good, though I would say red or swing state.
Here’s my question: how does “White, male and red/swing” square with the “change election” theme? Is there anyone who has both “change” and “national security” cred?
Given that there is a certain amount of contradiction to these ideas, I figure that what is needed is a VP candidate that makes enough sense that the question doesn’t even come up.
Sure, because it would be awesome to have a VP nominee with a 49% approval rating, voted for the Peru Free Trade Agreement, and against special education, and has a ton of negative baggage. Yessirree, what could be finer.
why not wesley clark?
would co-opt hillary’s base, give him credibility in all things warriorlike, and shore up his position with the corportacracy, vis a vis the military/industrial/energy players.
just throwing it out there…what’s not to like?
as for a dream ticket, l think edwards/richardson would run the table.
my 2¢
Romney wins Wyoming caucuses
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Just how much cold medicine have you taken today?
a lot.
I got sick on the 27th and I’m still coughing.
me too! Haven’t been this sick in years!
Here are tickets I would find interesting:
Obama/Murray (Patty, Sen WA)
Obama/Henry (Brad, Gov OK)
Obama/Lincoln (yeah, mostly for the name, though it would be a blue state/red state, male/female and a really young ticket)
Clinton/Miller (frm Gov NV)
Obama/Boxer. That would be awesome. It’ll never happen. I agree that it will be a white male, a southerner, and someone with DLC leanings. Webb or Clarke. That would help get him elected.
if he picks the floor sweeper at the dlc, i will openly campaign against him!
For personal reasons I like Obama/Edwards or Obama/Boxer.
But politically, I think Webb is actually an inspired choice.
I was also thinking of Richardson. That could be interesting.
why would picking someone w/ a 49% approval rating in their state be a good choice?
Because people outside his state don’t know that? 😉 I’m thinking of the hispanic vote, which is sizable, in this country.
Richardson OK, not my favorite, but OK
Webb, not so much. Wesley Clark has the same national security credentials without the negatives.
could pick Elton John. That would make an Edwards/John ticket.
Oh that’s right, not a citizen. Too bad.
he should pick a woman. Lincoln sound interesting. extremely sharp person. However I keep having what I call a 68 flashback! Ever night for the past three weeks. I goota tell ya folks, been there and done that and it ain’t good. Please, don’t anyone tell me that I am nuts. Just read greenwald in Salon today. Or try and listen to some of the venom being pushed by the neopsyshos.
I honestly think the one most likely to face that would be Edwards. I really don’t think they see Obama as the same kind of threat, even though I suspect he’s tougher than he appears.