It comes down to this. I support Dennis Kucinich. I don’t support HRC. I don’t support Obama, Bill Richardson, Mike Gravel and I don’t support John Edwards.
The choice to me is clear.
On national security, I support Dennis and his doctrine of Strength through Peace. Look at where the world is as a result of the Peace through Strength doctrine. Are we more secure today because we throw our weight around? My answer is no.
On Health Care, there is no comparison, IMHO. Dennis supports a Universal Not-for-Profit Single-Payer system, in fact, he’s the co-author (along with John Conyers) of HR 676. The others? Incrementalism at best, and helping to keep America hostage to the insurance industry at worst. The sad thing is that the other candidates admit that Single Payer is the way to go, but they don’t have the courage of their convictions, arguing that they won’t be able to pass it. I’ve had enough of spineless Democrats.
On Iraq, Dennis has been right from the start. He doesn’t have to apologize for either co-sponsoring the IWR, voting for the damned thing or for funding the war. He also has a 12 step plan, HR 1234, to withdraw our troops and stabilize Iraq. He’s also the candidate who is clear on the issue of using nuclear weapons against other countries who do not threaten us, and that answer is no.
On impeachment, we know where the other candidates stand:
It’s Dennis who’s stood up and taken the fight to Congress. It’s Dennis who’s brought forward H Res 799 (formerly H Res 333). It’s Dennis who’s standing up for the Constitution!
On the Patriot Act, we all know that Dennis voted against it. He read the thing. He also voted against the extension.
There are so many other issues on which to agree with Dennis. If you wish to know more, you can go to Dennis’ issues PDF page.
Dennis is right that it’s time to reclaim America:
And while the sunshine patriot may feel that the fight for the nomination is over, not everyone agrees:
If you wish to support Dennis’ campaign to reclaim America, you can go to his campaign site While there, you can donate online, via US Mail or by phone at 1.877.413.3664. You can help to reclaim America!
As always, now more than ever,
Go Dennis!
Vote your conscience, choose peace!
Dennis ain’t going nowhere, except Lakewood.
Only Dennis Kusinich and Gravel truly represented the left wing Democratic position. However, given the success of the Republicans these past 30 years, the philosophy has been, if not appropriating right wing positions as during the Clinton era, it is something close to, a half a loaf is better than none. My feeling is that that half loaf is bigger this year than at any other time in the recent past, thanks to Cheney-Bush.
Kusinich wants the whole loaf. He is either out of touch or is just reminding us who we really are. He has no illusions, why should anyone else?