I’m trying to get into the habit of posting info about the guests on Your Call on KALW 91.7 FM in San Francisco. It’s a call-in show and we’d love to hear from those of you who have the luxury of listening to the radio during the day and appreciate in-depth conversations.
Investigative journalist Craig Unger will be on today from 11 am – noon PST on KALW 91.7 FM in San Francisco. You can also listen live online or podcast the show.
Here’s what’s coming up this week:
*Monday – A conversation with Molly Bingham and Steve Connors, the filmmakers behind “Meeting Resistance“
Synopsis: What would you do if America was invaded? “Meeting Resistance” raises the veil of anonymity surrounding the Iraqi insurgency by meeting face to face with individuals who are passionately engaged in the struggle, and documenting for the very first time, the sentiments experienced and actions taken by a nation’s citizens when their homeland is occupied.
*Tuesday – A conversation with Craig Unger, author of “The Fall of the House of Bush” – Is George W. Bush the beginning or the end of the Republican Party as we know it? How much influence do the neocons still have? What about the Religious Right? Who will this unholy alliance back in November?
*Wednesday – The first in our yearlong series about the commons. Who controls space? Do military and commercial uses of space threaten its status as a shared resource?
*Thursday – Teen pregnancy rates are on the rise for the first time in 15 years. Is it time to rethink how we educate kids about sex?
Guests: Shelby Knox, a Baptist teenager who fought for sex-ed in Lubbock, TX
A roundtable of San Francisco high school students
*Friday – How did the media cover the week’s news?
Guests so far: Max Brantley, editor of the Arkansas Times – he wrote an excellent article about Mike Huckabee in November
Let me know if you have any questions for Craig and/or a future show idea…