Why Won’t Dems Acknowledge Progress in Iraq?
Short answer: because your version of ‘progress’ costs too much money and just prolongs a lost cause and gets more Americans killed. That’s not to say that the so-called ‘surge’ has accomplished nothing. It’s probable that Iraq would be in a better (more stable) state today after a U.S. withdrawal than it would have been before the surge. But, really, that isn’t saying much. Iraq is not remotely stable. And it certainly hasn’t been worth the cost in money or lives.
It’s actually not even worthy of debate. Iraq is irrevocably broken. Some say, that was the point all along.
Don’t discount too the formation and conversion of militias to route out insurgents.
Iraqis finally acted on their frustration and despair over what insurgents and violence was doing to their country.
I don’t think that was triggered by the surge as much as it was by strong opposition to the surge. It signalled that the US would not be there for ever
yeah, and how’s that working out?
and don’t forget the Sunni leader who died after meeting President Bush:
Why Won’t Dems Acknowledge Progress in Iraq?
we live in the real world and not just Dems as The Independent, UK notes
Iraq death rate belies US claims of success
any diminution of violence in Baghdad is directly attributable to the ethnic cleansed wall-in of entire neighborhoods, (which are forbidden to be shown) and our Faustian deals. We’ll leave behind, if we ever leave, (not likely under a Prez. McCain) a society of war lords.
In terms of attacks on insurgent supposedly pretty well in the pockets where militas have taken over.
And where they have taken over, they are not killing off other ethnic types either because they already have or the minorities have left.
One thing for sure though the Iraqi government hasn’t done shit about much.
Progress toward what? Ethnic cleansing, yes. Democracy, no. Stability, no. A functional nation, no. An honorable end to the occupation, no. A win against terrorism, no. Iraq better off now than before the invasion, no.
It’s too bad there’s no way to hold sentimental babblers like Hyatt to account for what they say. “Winning outcome”? What the hell does that mean, exactly? Hyatt will never be forced to explain. His shameful, purposeful dishonesty is laid bare with his claim that a blow has been struck against al Qaida. It takes a complete lack of basic integrity to pretend that the so-called “al Qaida of Iraq” has anything to do with the stars of our phony war on terror. He has to know better, but chooses to lie like a Bush. Disgusting.
BAGHDAD, Jan. 8 (UPI) — Gas feeding northern Iraq power generators and supply from Turkey has been cut, hampering an electricity sector also facing regular attacks.
An Iraq Electricity Ministry spokesman said a “technical failure” in an oil field where the gas comes from has shut generators in Mosul, Kirkuk and Baiji, the Voices of Iraq news agency reports.
Aziz al-Shimari added: “The Iraqi network lost a total of 200 megawatts because of the (suspension) in the Turkish-Iraqi line three days ago due to maintenance works on the Turkish side.”
Saboteurs bombed a tower, cutting power between Baiji and areas west of Baghdad.
At least 1,211 workers in Iraq’s power sector have been targeted like their colleagues in oil.
Iraqi Electricity Crisis: Baghdad Suffers Worst Cuts
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
without reading much going from -5 to a -3 isn’t much progress..
But, Charlie Gibson of the liberal media assured us that the surge is working.
Next to the word tool in the dictionary is a picture of poor Charlie. (Or is that fool?)
The surge is working if your only buying time until the elections. Gee you don’t think thats the plan do you?