I’ve been hoping to see this:
An ‘Uncommitted’ Coalition Forming In Michigan?
Michigan supporters of U.S. Sen. Hillary CLINTON (D-N.Y.) may be seeing their biggest nightmare taking shape — a coalition of Barack OBAMA and John EDWARDS backers supporting an “uncommitted” vote here next Tuesday.
Any organized effort to nail down uncommitted votes means fewer votes Clinton, who is the only major Democratic candidate whose name will appear on the primary ballot. The party’s anti-Clinton factions, in their wildest dreams, hope Clinton finishes second to “none of the above.” Such a development would not only send shockwaves through her campaign, but it would shake up the overall Democratic race for the White House.
Everyone else took their names off the ballot (except Dodd). There’s no way Clinton should benefit with these delegates in her back pocket for any potential convention fight. I don’t think it’ll matter, but there’s a principle here.
I still don’t see Clinton coming in 2nd, but I’ll have to revise my earlier estimate of a Clinton blowout now that this is getting some traction.
If this does indeed come to pass, you can lay this at the feet of Obamania too. It’s the only possible explanation for getting that many people excited about voting for nobody in particular.
As a Michigan resident, I would have to judge that Obama and Edwards fucked up. They acted impulsively, not looking ahead. So now we are being asked to vote uncommitted as a vote against Hillary.
If that weren’t my purpose, I would stay home. One more vote for uncommitted. It’s like voting for nothing. The Hillary survivors will be there saying, please…please vote for Hillary. She will bring back the good old 90s. So look into their eyes and say, who wants the Republican Lite 90s to come back? And they will look back in consternation. For that moment, it is worth it.
you don’t understand. Staying home does nothing.
Uncommitted is an actual ‘person’ on the ballot that can accrue delegates. Those delegates come at Hillary’s expense. You have to show up to vote for an uncommitted delegate.
I think you’re misreading shergald. Reread the end of the first paragraph and the beginning of the second.
Booman sometimes has comprehension problems. Don’t worry. He’ll get it eventually.
will this coalition pick up steam?
Oh yes it will, with a double punch, if Hillary loses New Hampshire and South Carolina. But, pride being what it is, she’ll stay in the race to the convention. All the way fear and hopemongering
Meanwhile the whining continues. TPM notes this post Bill blames the press for their Obama fairy tale
Bill should stop whinning, and read this
It may give him a hint of why the wheels are falling off the Billary wagon.
Jeez, Instead of “Make a Contribution Now” a “Thank you” would go a long way.
New depths:
I won’t pretend to know what’s happening ballot-wise in every state, but what’s this about in Michigan? Why did everyone take their names off the ballot?
Michigan moved it’s primary up to January 15 seeking more influence. This was, however, in violation of national party rules. So Edwards, Obama, Richardson, etc took their names off the ballot so they wouldn’t be crossing the national party. Hillary left her name on (along with a few of the lower tier candidates) but isn’t going to campaign here.
Then the national party decided to just strip Michigan of its delegates too, for good measure (though this can be reversed later on at the convention).
Long story short : Michigan dems tried to get more power to affect the nomination and in doing so made the primary completely irrelevant.
Thank you! I remember as far as Michigan moving the primary up and the DNC talking punishment. After that…well, I live in CA. 😉
bus millages, local reps, etc. but never in the primaries. It has never, ever meant anything here, so I’m not registered (required) as a dem. I was going to do it this time around, then they stripped us of our delegates, and all the dems but Hillary pulled out, so I didn’t make the time to do it. So, I can’t vote in the primary. Interesting the way it is going, though.
A sad state of affairs indeed when I can protest the status quo by voting for nobody. I wonder if they have any bumper stickers out yet? Where is their campaign HQ? Has anybody ever met nobody? What are they like? So many questions……
In that vein, consider that of the candidates listed on the ballot, nobody completely agrees with you on all of the issues. I’d say nobody deserves your vote!
One could say after all, nobody is a much better pick than just anybody.
This isn’t new, but getting more press. I’m a Michigan voter, and have been determined to vote uncommitted for some time. I like Granholm, but did not like the machinations of the early primary–primarily designed to help the establishment.