Crossposted from Left Toon Lane, Bilerico Project & My Left Wing
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Was it the stress? Was it the impending doom? Was it a product of all those acting lessons? Regardless of the primary reason, Hillary got teary-eyed about America and what America has given her.
This is something I would expect from Kucinich but not Hillary. I think Ultra K is in touch with his feelings and is secure enough to weep for the nation. Hillary is another matter. The Hillary Machine is a plotting, calculating apparatus and one just can’t escape that this may have been an act. I can understand the beatdown she received in Iowa can produce this kind of reaction, but after years and years of seeing Hillary adjust her nuance, I just can’t take her or her actions at face value. If the early precinct results from Dixville Notch, NH are any indication, Hillary may have a lot more crying ahead.
When I heard this story I immediately thought “crocodile tears.” Which is rather sad, really, but I still feel that way.
My second thought was the same as yours: soon she can cry me a river…
What I think is sad is the attitude of folks like you that constantly castigate this women,like you know her personally and just know that she adjusts her nuance and never has emotional moments, doesn’t have feelings, woman of steel and fakery…yes sad that a group of progressives has to cast more aspersions on this woman.
I don’t think you would read any worse on a red site.
My feeling is the reason I keep “castigating” her is because she keeps giving me reason to.
The WAR is my biggest gripe. My brother is active Army. I was lucky to get him back from that God-forsaken desert… other families have not been so lucky.
You know this is all very interesting. I would not say that Hillary is by any means my first choice as a candidate, but. . .
Here’s the human nature aspect of this. The more you beat up on someone about there “personhood” about their looks, clothes, spouse, and a whole list of silly non-pertenent, non-issue items, the more I and a large number of others feel we ought to defend her, just to try to keep the playing feel a little bit even.
So the more the media and the “Hillary haters” keep up the barrage about her emotions, her acting, her clothes, her hair, the more and more support she will gain from those who are sick and tired of this BS in politics.
If I recall correctly just a couple of weeks ago Mr absolutely phony, Mitt Romney was crying for us a couple of times, there was no uproar in the press over that.
Maybe I missed it, but there was not a lot of uproar over Bill Clinton’s “I feel your pain” tears either.
Anyone that is capable of actually listening and feeling real emotions should have been able to detect the sincerity in Hillary’s voice. OR. . .she has a new and much more lucrative career as an actor and should quit politics immediately and go for the Academy Awards.
I think if you read Kos’s front page piece on her, you will see an honest opinion and an honest suggestion that beating her up about this is only going to strengthen her support.
No I don’t care for her voting record. No I don’t care for Obama’s record either. If we are going by record, Kusinich seems to be the only one that actually votes what he says he believes in. But he can’t win because he’s too short, not handsome enough, mentioned that ET’s are a possibility, and favors a Dept. of Peace. The press won’t let his views be heard, so we are left to deal with the glamor candidates.
So keep up the beating up on Hillary, everyone and we will have our first woman President.
JMO, your mileage may vary.
that should be “playing field.”