If Clinton loses by a huge margin tonight and responds by forming a 527 group to smear Obama, it will destroy the Clinton image permanently.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
No kidding.
Did you see her burn numbers? They say she only has about 15 mill on hand. She also has 20 mill set aside that was given for the general. Out of 100m raised.
I’m unclear on the general $$$ whether those would have to be returned if she wasn’t the nominee. Do you know? If they didn’t have to be returned, she may be able to borrow against them.
her burn numbers
When you have a kingdom to support; Hillaryland needs lots of $$$. How long has her campaign been going 2-3 years?
Instead of thanking her supporters in Iowa for all their efforts, they got an email “Please make a contribution Now” – missing was Thank you.
Truthfully, what are her options if she’s burned through 80 million (+) and hasn’t won in Iowa or New Hampshire. And what could be worst, her and a 527 Group bashing Obama or “I did not have sexual relations with that woman.”/”Vast right wing conspiracy.” The image thing doesn’t mean much in politics, you just gotta win in baby.
Her response will be the final exam on whether she’s capable of leading a credible campaign. This is her chance to grab favorable press by gracefully accepting defeat in NH, if it comes, and strongly forbidding any swiftboating of Obama by her supporters. I suppose as an Edwards supporter I should hope she takes the smear-campaign route, because that would go a long way to knocking herself and Obama out and leaving my guy the last one standing. But I think she’s too politically smart and too good a Democrat to fall into such an obvious trap.
A good Democrat? Her husband is diminishing the office of the President again by calling Obama a joke.
Well, the office of president is about as diminished as it can get, so I wouldn’t worry about anything Bill can do. I don’t think Hillary is out to destroy the Dem Party, and I think she’s smart enough to know better. We’ll see.
I must say, though, it’s kind of strange to see Bill attacking somebody else for treating Hillary badly. Nobody will ever match his achievement in that arena.
Didn’t we all see this coming?
Imagine this scenario:
. Obama wins huge tonight.
. Clinton runs smear ads galore against Obama.
. Edwards benefits, wins nomination
. ABC sponsors reality show to cover Obama / Clinton interactions in Senate
Could it happen? I don’t know.
You know, there’s a SOTU coming up, and no one is going to give a damn about it.
But you bet I’d LOVE to see if Obama and Clinton cross paths.
Bring popcorn.
I’d love to see it too…but I’d love it even more if things on the Democratic side play out peacefully and gracefully.
Let the Republicans get dirty. Lord knows it’s the only type of fighting they’ll ever do.
something to ponder: a smear campaign against Obama plays into one of his messages. the politics of destruction instead of change.
but who has more scandals than the Clintons? They should be careful here b/c if she ends up being the nominee we’ll endure the swift-boating all over, again. So tired.
also such a campaign will split the party; the DLCites vs. progressives and the next generation of voters for a good 40 years.
I won’t be voting for Hillary, but she could make an excellent attorney general, Supreme Court justice, or other high official. A swiftboat attack on Obama (or any other Dem) will ensure that her political career ends with the Senate. I think she’s too smart to let that happen. My fear is that she might think she can do it covertly and get away with it. The reality is, nothing short of open and forceful prevention can save her future and her reputation.
on the other hand it might create an opening for Edwards.