I’m sure most of you are in touch with reality on these two, but if not, there it is.
It’s been a sad primary season for progressive values, as the race winnows down to Hillbama. Edwards talked some good populist talk, but never got past his insincerity factor. Always seems to be a pretty boy mugging for a jury, at least for me and a lot of people who might be attracted to his rhetoric (kindly overlooking his Hillbama substance).
And Kucinich still talks a great game, but semi-unofficially ended his race on the eve of the Iowa caucuses when he told his supporters to support Obama if they couldn’t back him (just like he did in ’04 when he threw his people over to Edwards). He never should have run, based on both his behavior and numbers in 2004.
For real leftists these are the dying days of vaudeville. That can be read as a kind of hope, but many continue to suffer real pain while still nothing real can be done.
all of those issues, as important as they are, will be shoved aside.
liberal, progressive labels too. looking for the perfect candidate to be the nominee? The main event will be the financial calamity we’ve entered. There’s a shit pile – inflation, falling dollar and falling home prices. Trillions at stake.
Large banks and companies are on the brink of bankruptcy.
Citigroup begging sovereign wealth funds (foreign governments) to keep them afloat.
On Monday, Countrywide Financial, largest mortgage lender, (denied they’re bankrupt but the WSJ) and others reporting Bank of America in in advanced discussions to buy Countrywide (guess BoA will just borrow from the Feds) with taxpayers dollars to do the take-over.
Tip of the Iceberg. Read, severe recession with high inflation going into 2009. We’ll find our financial institutions owned by foreign governments.
Which nominee is best suited to handle the debacle? Not McCain. Romney will say, “Me” Please don’t say Clinton b/c it will be shown his administration was part of the catalyst for this debacle. Bank on it.
That crisis will be less devastating than you think but a depressing couple of years is in the offing. For the elite this will be their opportunity, using their complete control over the media, to tell us we ‘have to’ make massive cutbacks to Medicaid/Medicaid and especially Social Security. It will include some SS privatization and big talk about ‘if you play yer cards right on the market you’ll maybe get as much as you were guaranteed back in the good old days.
I think all the Dems are adequately skilled to deliver for the elite, but Obama is the most attractive for delivering the bad news to the public. But maybe that’s not what you meant by who will be ‘best’?
It’s still early in the primary season. Last week Clinton was considered out. I’m going to stay with Edwards for now because I consider him to be the best candidate.
Anybody is better than the current occupant. Clinton & Obama would probably slow the downward slide, maybe even stop it. Edwards is the best chance for improvement.