Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
It’s code for Jessica Simpson, who’s been hired as a scout by the NY Giants and who’s now successfully infiltrated the evil Dallas Cowboy empire and subverted thier quarterback, Tony Romo. Victory isn’t cheap or easy ;o)
A bit off the wall, but I’m really starting to like what Dan Abrams is doing with his show that follows Olbermann’s. Way better than Joe ever did. And he’s looking into the Bush Crime Family’s dirty deeds that aren’t getting enough attention. Plus he’s got mesmerizing snake-charmer eyes so I can’t help but listen contently.
On a serious political note though, if Barack Obama wants to pick up in the polls in Nevada, where I live, he needs to tell us his position on Yucca Mountain and justify it, whatever that position may be. I’m not sure if he’s told anyone anything about this issue and it’s pretty important here apparently. Hillary’s ads that run every five minutes tell us she’s against it. He’s not clear on the subject.
Personally, I’m indifferent about storing nuclear waste in our desert as long as it’s safe. And I don’t want to start a debate with people over whether it is or not. But we need to hear each candidate’s position, clearly stated. There’s no wrong answer, but we need to know they’ve studied it and have a position.
Telephone companies have cut off FBI wiretaps used to eavesdrop on suspected criminals because of the bureau’s repeated failures to pay phone bills on time.
To start, a lot of phone calls. You try to find out who is a supporter or not, and then try to entice supporters into becoming volunteers to help.
Due to the compressed schedule, it will mostly be phone calls to find the Obama people, and then turn them out.
So far, I made about 30 calls last night, reached about 10. 1 was for Clinton, and one was torn between Clinton and Obama, although her husband was Obama all the way. The other 8 were all for Obama.
That’s not statistically significant. But it gives me a little faith in my neighbors.
The first woman said she’d been a longtime Clinton fan. The other said she so wanted to see a woman in the White House, but she really liked Obama, and couldn’t decide. I gave her a soft pitch – I don’t like to twist people’s arms and she sounded like an intelligent woman. I ended the call saying I trusted her to do the right thing and left her with my number in case she had any questions about Obama’s record. (She was the one who called me back after I had left a message the first time, which was an encouraging sign.)
I’m going for training this Saturday – will tell you more than. But they gave us an online application (available to all candidates, but we can only see Obama campaign info) so all the data can be accessed from home – no need to be at HQ.
“Hillary Clinton’s campaign, which raised more than $115 million last year -and has spent more than three quarters of it – was issuing appeals yesterday for fresh donors to come forward because much of its existing list have “maxed out” by giving the legal limit of $2,300.
After spending as much as $25 million in Iowa alone, aides conceded that she had only about $25 million cash in hand. But fundraising has been boosted by her unexpected New Hampshire triumph on Tuesday night and she attracted more than $1 million in online donations in the 24 hours that followed. Terry McAuliffe, the campaign chairman, said the phone was “ringing off the hook”.
Barack Obama’s campaign said that he had raised $8 million in the five days since his Iowa triumph. He has far more individual contributors to tap and e-mails have been sent from his Chicago headquarters asking for help.”
boo-boo waaaaah. HRC needs fresh names. Please, pass me a tissue.
Obama got the most important gift from Kerry’s endorsement – the 2004 email list of his 3 million supporters.
Obama also got the endorsement of the Culinary Workers Union, which is a very large and active union (60,000 in a state with only 500,000 Democratic voters).
overheard in the pool in florida (all old white people from the midwest and canada in for a swim)
barack isnt black like al sharpton black.
someday people will know all the good george bush did.
mccain isnt too old, he is younger than i am and i could run this country.
a bottle of whiskey in canada costs 3 times as much as the same bottle in america, and its all taxes. when i go home in april i sneak a few bottles with me.
we have to be home in canada by april 22nd or we will lose our medical care benefits and we cant afford for that to happen.
what did i do wrong? i worked 80 hours a week. i worked all the shifts nobody wanted. i still cant afford to live and i cant afford my prescriptions.
i think hillary looks good for 60.
didnt john edwards run last time?
that ron paul looks interesting.
i cant believe how expensive gas is.
Cant we just build military bases around the oil fields in iraq and leave the rest of the country to the iraqis? let them kill each other if they want. they have been fighting each other for 1000 years.
i only watch fox news. the rest are slanted to the left.
drew carey will be ok on the new price is right if he stays off the bill mahrer show.
we brought all our meat down this trip from canada. we are just afraid of american meat.
i watched the mummers parade on the travel channel but they ran late and went off before the string bands. what a waste of time.
the churches should be paying taxes.
the corporations in this country get away with murder.
jessica romo
so what’s on the DVD tonight??
It’s code for Jessica Simpson, who’s been hired as a scout by the NY Giants and who’s now successfully infiltrated the evil Dallas Cowboy empire and subverted thier quarterback, Tony Romo. Victory isn’t cheap or easy ;o)
Thanks for clarifying.
I was tempted to post a big ? last night.
I can see from A4L’s response that my comment looks a I figured BooMan would get though.
I got it 😉
The sports media already has their ‘Bennifer‘ name for them : Tonica.
I got it now..I remember that someone, and I thought was you S.Soling, who once posted a Jeremy Irons DVD cover? I apologize in advance if I am wrong.
A bit off the wall, but I’m really starting to like what Dan Abrams is doing with his show that follows Olbermann’s. Way better than Joe ever did. And he’s looking into the Bush Crime Family’s dirty deeds that aren’t getting enough attention. Plus he’s got mesmerizing snake-charmer eyes so I can’t help but listen contently.
On a serious political note though, if Barack Obama wants to pick up in the polls in Nevada, where I live, he needs to tell us his position on Yucca Mountain and justify it, whatever that position may be. I’m not sure if he’s told anyone anything about this issue and it’s pretty important here apparently. Hillary’s ads that run every five minutes tell us she’s against it. He’s not clear on the subject.
Personally, I’m indifferent about storing nuclear waste in our desert as long as it’s safe. And I don’t want to start a debate with people over whether it is or not. But we need to hear each candidate’s position, clearly stated. There’s no wrong answer, but we need to know they’ve studied it and have a position.
l find this amusing:
guess they’re just as bankrupt as the rest of the administration.
There has been much hilarity about that here, too… all of it out loud and over the phone. Just in case.
Morally and financially bankrupt.
In case anyone’s interested, Ned Lamont just endorsed Obama.
Very cool. So did John Kerry, earlier. But Lamont is bigger for the blogoleft…
so did Senator Tim Johnson, (D-SD)
and Congressman George Miller (D-CA) Pelosi’s top advisor
I’m thinking that we haven’t spent nearly enough time debating the merits (or lack thereof) of Hillary vs. Obama. /snark
I signed up to be an Obama precinct captain. Who else is participating actively in a campaign?
What does a “Precinct Captain” do, anyway?
To start, a lot of phone calls. You try to find out who is a supporter or not, and then try to entice supporters into becoming volunteers to help.
Due to the compressed schedule, it will mostly be phone calls to find the Obama people, and then turn them out.
So far, I made about 30 calls last night, reached about 10. 1 was for Clinton, and one was torn between Clinton and Obama, although her husband was Obama all the way. The other 8 were all for Obama.
That’s not statistically significant. But it gives me a little faith in my neighbors.
The first woman said she’d been a longtime Clinton fan. The other said she so wanted to see a woman in the White House, but she really liked Obama, and couldn’t decide. I gave her a soft pitch – I don’t like to twist people’s arms and she sounded like an intelligent woman. I ended the call saying I trusted her to do the right thing and left her with my number in case she had any questions about Obama’s record. (She was the one who called me back after I had left a message the first time, which was an encouraging sign.)
I’m going for training this Saturday – will tell you more than. But they gave us an online application (available to all candidates, but we can only see Obama campaign info) so all the data can be accessed from home – no need to be at HQ.
congratulations. Wish Obama prevails.
This election is expected to cost $5 billion.
boo-boo waaaaah. HRC needs fresh names. Please, pass me a tissue.
Obama got the most important gift from Kerry’s endorsement – the 2004 email list of his 3 million supporters.
Glad I used a surplus (closable) account….
i wonder how much i could get for my porn email list.
probably more from the republicans
Be fun to announce that you were donating it to the DNC for fundraising, and watch all the R’s heads explode…
Obama also got the endorsement of the Culinary Workers Union, which is a very large and active union (60,000 in a state with only 500,000 Democratic voters).
Way to go, O!
Best government money can buy.
spent the day on the road picking up sam.
He’s a whole different kid now. No more baby babble, all talk. wow.
I’ve also had insomnia from hell for the past week, averaging four hours of sleep or less every night.
im cold
overheard in the pool in florida (all old white people from the midwest and canada in for a swim)
barack isnt black like al sharpton black.
someday people will know all the good george bush did.
mccain isnt too old, he is younger than i am and i could run this country.
a bottle of whiskey in canada costs 3 times as much as the same bottle in america, and its all taxes. when i go home in april i sneak a few bottles with me.
we have to be home in canada by april 22nd or we will lose our medical care benefits and we cant afford for that to happen.
what did i do wrong? i worked 80 hours a week. i worked all the shifts nobody wanted. i still cant afford to live and i cant afford my prescriptions.
i think hillary looks good for 60.
didnt john edwards run last time?
that ron paul looks interesting.
i cant believe how expensive gas is.
Cant we just build military bases around the oil fields in iraq and leave the rest of the country to the iraqis? let them kill each other if they want. they have been fighting each other for 1000 years.
i only watch fox news. the rest are slanted to the left.
drew carey will be ok on the new price is right if he stays off the bill mahrer show.
we brought all our meat down this trip from canada. we are just afraid of american meat.
i watched the mummers parade on the travel channel but they ran late and went off before the string bands. what a waste of time.
the churches should be paying taxes.
the corporations in this country get away with murder.
I swear to God I’ve been in Virginia the whole time!
I might of said the thing about the edible panties but I’ve never been to Florida dammit!