Here’s a simple piece of unsolicited advice from someone who admittedly doesn’t want you to be the Democratic Nominee for President. I think you could do your campaign a world of good, and even more importantly, your country a great service if you would do the following:

1. Call a press conference and Make a Public Apology. No excuses, no qualifications. No, my supporters went off the reservation. Just a flat out straightforward “I and my supporters who made these racially insensitive remarks were wrong and I apologize to Senator Obama, his family, his supporters and to the American people.” And promise it will not happen again. Ever.

2. Make the same apology privately to Senator Obama, in person if possible.

3. Fire anyone in your campaign who recommended, made or supported these race baiting tactics. That includes your husband.

That’s all. If it was good enough for your husband regarding the lies he told about his relationship with Monica Lewinsky, it should be good enough for you. You say you found your own voice. Start by using that voice to do the right thing as soon as possible.

Thank you,

Steven D

Update [2008-1-11 11:31:3 by Steven D]: For those of you who would like to make a more direct complaint to Senator Clinton, her campaign phone number is (703) 469-2008. I just called and spoke to one of the campaign’s volunteers/staffers and she assured me that any such complaints/comments will be passed along to the Senator. I recommend being polite. I also recommend stating specific instances of conduct from her surrogates that you found offensive. I specifically referred to Andrew Cuomo’s “shuck and jive” comment, but I know there are many others which could also be mentioned.

Update [2008-1-11 12:18:56 by Steven D]: Apparently I am an asshole for posting this at Daily Kos (which I did only to gain wider distribution of the call for an apology). Who knows, maybe they are right?