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Ben Smith has a rundown on the racial brouhaha in the Democratic primaries. I wonder what the Edwards campaign thinks of all this.
If you like this blog, there’s a donate button off to the left. I’ll thank you kindly.
Ben Smith has a rundown on the racial brouhaha in the Democratic primaries. I wonder what the Edwards campaign thinks of all this.
The only way that the Republicans can win is to divide the Democrats. We all know the playbook. Women v. men, black v. white. There’s plenty of other ways to exploit these divides. Evil men like Rove will certainly exploit it. Any Democrat who holds a pity party for one constituency over another is falling into the Republican trap.
FYI, the donate link in this post didn’t work.
But the one in the sidebar did.
Hmm. Not sure why it didn’t work, but I just took the link out. Thanks for your support Renee!! I really appreciate it.
You’re quite welcome. We couldn’t afford to give much, but hopefully others will follow suit. My jaw just about hit the floor when I read how much you paid for programming to set up this site.
I’ve seen his horror flick already: Triangulation Lives.
Would this anonymous Clinton supporter be named Karl Rove?
Folks, folks, folks. This isn’t just primary season. It’s dirty tricks season. Take my word for it. The people over at LeftCoast are drinking the koolaid. Don’t touch it.
Don’t you think The Guardian would know better than to attribute Karl Rove as a Clinton supporter?
Bill and Hillary are out to win at all costs and they are willing to divide the democratic party to win the presidential nomination. Race was not a factor until “shuck and jive” and “fairy tale” ending were spoken. Where’s Oprah when you need her?/
but it was a cold, wintry day in Mad City, WI.
What do you all think of kos’s urging Michigan’s irrelevant Dems to vote for Mitt next week and “have some fun”?
I don’t think I see any laws written that says you must vote only for “x” reason. Seems to me you have a right to exercise your franchise as you see fit. I know that sword can cut both ways but all’s fair in war and politics (as long as it’s legal)
Truman’s Conscience

You rate me as a troll! You’re a fucking newbie here, do you realize how long I’ve been here? I’ve posted literally hundreds of diaries here. Apparently you worship at Markos’ feet. And if I disagree with your worship of him and believe him to be taking the low road I am now trollworthy. He has taken the low road and a number of prominent bloggers agree. Go back to big orange and worship your master, you’ll find little sympathy for him here. Have a 1 yourself. And fuck off.
There’s a post about that at MLW, by the way
Sounds like Markos now subscribes to the if you can’t beat ’em join ’em school of political thinking.
Maybe the Iranians should try to sink the bipartisanship.
Does the Iranian infantry ski behind those speedboats?
My God a double threat! If they add hang gliders to the attack plan we’ll have to double the defense budget. Be afraid be very afraid!
Y’all have just got to see this quick video. Political Batman!
Kos is showing his republican roots. It isn’t enough for him to disagree with those want a recount he has to channel Reagan and claim they are wasting tax payer money and should pay for it themselves. God if it weren’t dhinmi maybe he would be likable.
I wonder what the Edwards campaign thinks of all this.
His only hope is that Obama and Clinton take each other out.