Doolittle is retiring!! What’s up on the left coast?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Recent Posts
- Day 43: The #TrumpRussia Conspiracy Goes Mainstream At Last
- Day 40: Republicans Contemplate Giving Up On Deficit Control Forever
- Progress Pondcast Episode 22 With Bill Hangley Jr, on DOGE and U.S. Alliance With Russia
- Day 37: The Last Bulwarks Protecting the Merit-Based Civil Service
- Day 36: German Conservatives Win, Denounce American Conservatives
New western thread.
Christine Gregoire (D) is giving her 4th State of the State address tomorrow…she started out with a $2.2 billion budget deficit and has turned it into a $1.2 billion surplus. If Rossi thinks it was a tough pull last time going up against her, he’s gonna go up in smoke this time. Wonder which party our ex-USA McKay will be voting with this go round.
Why is she not mentioned in the Veepstakes?
She has been mentioned from time to time but she needs a bit more time in office I think. Good news is latest poll has her putting Rossi back in his cave
Sonar & Whales do not mix well Mr. Bush
John Edwards will be in LA tomorrow. Don’t know where, but it should be around 12:30pm. Hopefully, the Dem. twits here in LA can figure out something before tomorrow. But, I fully expect an email around noon tomorrow telling me where.
The Las Vegas caucus is on Sat. and the LV Dems need volunteers. From the email I received:
Make that the Nevada Caucus is on Sat. and the state party needs volunteers. Sorry, the email was directed to LA people so Vegas was the initial focus.
sorry I read this so late but here it is in case you’re nearby and want to go —
SEIU Local 721
Office of Southern CA Public Service Workers
1015 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90017
oh yeah I was thinking it’s THursday alredy, when Edwards will be there.
It’s just that the email I got yesterday said that was the tentative place and they were still looking. But it is the place they have up on the site.
Yeah I got that one too from David Bonior and then he sent another one I sent straight to the trash thinking it was the same thing. I just looked and it’s a confirmation.
I didn’t read today’s Edwards emails. I got like 5 of them this morning and they all looked to be donation or campaign ad emails. Thanks for the heads up.
Just got a call from one of my favorite candidates running in WA state…if you haven’t met him yet, enjoy the experience, he’s great and we need more like him for the state
You may remember him from last go round on the east side where he ran against Kathy McMorris for Congress. Great candidate, out of touch voters.
Direct from the local Rep website, forwarded by the local chairwoman no less
Obama had better get on the dime to get after this shit.
Countdown ran a piece on Worst Person but it’s not enough.
Nezua a.k.a. The Unapologetic Mexican was selected as Oregon’s rep to MTV’s Street Crew to cover the ’08 Election. Here was his video for this week, covering Eugene’s MLK event: Because Dreaming is Not Enough
I was just going to check in on his site to see if he heard anything back on that.
He’s already doing an awesome job. They are required to submit content each week through November. Another blog buddy of mine, Kyle, is representing Massachusetts. Pretty cool stuff happening on the citizen journalist front.
Bay Area BooTribbers:
manny, thought you’d be interested in this:
thanks for the heads up, dada
If you’re in LA then you must attend the rally before the debates tonight:
I’m going to try to make it, though it looks like that means taking two babies on the bus/train by myself (yikes!) and trying to get home before the debates start.
It says that Sen. Obama will be discussing education and healthcare.
Arizona BooTribbers – the state legislature is taking up four bills on Thursday targeting citizenship of children of undocumented migrant workers. Please call and urge them to vote no on the measures. Talking points and bill information can be found here.
fisa is coming up for a critical vote in the senate tomorrow…tuesday 12 feb…and sen. salazar, sen. allard, as well as majority leader reid need to hear from you, as well.
it appears increasingly likely that teleCON immunity will be part of the bill passed out of the senate, which means it will fall to the house to make the last stand for the rule of law. so while you’re encouraging your senators, take an extra moment and contact your representatives, as well.
it ain’t over till it’s over…make sure they know what you think and that you’re watching.
via wapo: [Rep. Shadegg [AZ] to Retire]
buh bye
heads up hightower fans:
see you there
allard sent his chief of staff out with the latest fisa fear factor missive this week:
perhaps sen allard would appreciate a refresher course in the 4th amendment, as well as reality…not that he’ll heed it, short-timer that he is.
Laura Bush headed to Seattle to fund raise for Dave Reichardt…locals are putting together an online fundraised for challenger Darcy Burner.
Last summer they did this and outraised Bush’s fundraiser for Dave. Give ’em a hand if you feel so inclined
Janet calls on Renzi to resign:
The pressure continues to build…
Bob Schaffer’s reichwing rating:
there’s more. and it’s an interesting read.
Oregon looks like it’s pulling out the welcome wagons
Gov. Freudenthal of Wyoming, endorses Obama.
Another superdelegate for Obama. This one is from Montana.
I ran across this interesting diary over at Kos about the caucus system, and Wash state.
real insignifance.
Good for Guam.
After Iniki hit Kauai back in ’92 I remember poor Guam was set up as the destination of choice for “Iniki residue”. Iniki residue was likely not the first garbage we have tossed Guam’s way.
whoops…another superdelegate for Obama.
Longshoremen on west coast to strike to support end of war.
Film opening in Los Angeles this weekend – The Visitor
here’s the link to the main site with a trailer, more info, and a list of endorsements: Take Part | Social Action Network | The Visitor
Oakland event this week:
(via Brad and the Beach Impeach 5 Crew)
following in tancredo’s footsteps
what a piece of work this clown is…even the RATpubs are pissed.
ken…you can call me joe…salazar continues to play games as a SD:
just who might “us” be kenny? perhaps the fact that colorado went overwhelming for obama over hillary, 67% – 33% that maybe it’d be a good idea to pay attention to your constituents?
too damn bad he’s not up for re-election.
you can contact him HERE, l do, frequently.
Rep. David Wu goes for Obama.
“two tone”“one colour” tancredo’s still fomenting hatred. this time in south tejas:he’s a festering boil that should be excised from any, and all, public discussions of emigration.
the timing of this is certainly interesting, what w/ ski season over and cinco de mayo approaching…
not likely to elicit much sympathy from the haves and have more’s in vail.
Rep. Rick Larson (D-WA) has endorsed Obama.
Now if Jay Inslee would just get the message and switch over from Hillary. In general I like the guy and he’s supported some legislation that I really like, but I’m really disappointed that he didn’t go along with his district (which was like 2-1 for Obama).
hey, Omir, I have a feedburner challenge. You have any time to give me some advice on it?
I’ll try and make some time, but it might be a day or two. Got a concert to go to tonight, and this weekend is going to be kinda busy.
But yeah, I’m usually up to a challenge.
ot…sorta…is there a problem w/ the archives?
the past few times l’ve tried to search them, l get a “server stopped responding” notice, and then have to log back in to get to the home page.
it’s a mystery to me. btw, l generally use safari w/ osx4.11, if that makes a diff.
are you still having the problem?
yep. keep getting this message. every thing else works fine except archive.
it makes search a lot less helpful for me. anybody else using mac’s experiencing it?
McDermott endorses Obama.
WA is starting to break loose. Dwight told me to my face that he wouldn’t endorse until Convention. Now if Cantwell & Murray will just come on board.
mark udall has finally opened up a small lead in the race, after months of stalemate:
udall 47% v schaffer 41% moe: 4.5%
while obama leads mccain 48% – 42% up 3% from last month.
while hrc trails mccain 47% t0 44%
and here’s what coloradan’s think of the bo/hrc primary situation:
looks like the fat lady’s already warbling in co.
by Coloradans for Obama: “we will sink your swift boats”
h/t peter b
Tony Knowles endorses Obama.
Another Oregon superdelegate for Obama.
Obama now has a full 200 delegate lead on Clinton.
Blam! Another Oregon superdelegate for Obama.
buried in todays nyt article No Road Map for Democrats as Race Ends:
richardson’s well respected here and in the west in general…maybe the gov will break after tuesday…rumour has it he and udall both are leaning…
also, colorado democratic chairwoman and super d, endorsed obama last week…via colorado independent [formerly colorado confidential]
from tpm election central:
and gov. ritter announced his support last night; reps mark udall, and john salazar followed suit, as expected.
I’m searching for some Alaskans with cameras – if this applies to you, please check out my diary post and post a link there. Thanks! -Beth
An update from my diary last week on Arthur Mkoyan, the valedictorian who was facing deportation in California. Senator Feinstein filed a private bill on his behalf. Thanks to everyone who called her offices last week.
from the wtf desk
an public hearing on the ongoing controversy regarding a major expansion of an ICE prison facility suddenly cancelled:
curious, no?
Bush declares Salmonella to be on Endangered List…
via the colorado independent:
unfortunately, the ballot initiative, amendment 46, barring affirmative action, has rather striking numbers:
Darcy Burner’s house burns. Son saves the family
feeling safer? this cnn poll would seem to indicate so:
but you wouldn’t know it from this:
where indeed. fisa’s just the tip of the iceberg.
make sure, there’s a primary coming up on august 12th,. if not, DO IT!
this makes it easy…all state forms available, btw.
Terrific new ScienceBlog
bob,/ l’m not a crook,/ schaffer, udall’s RAT opponent is also a war profiteer. via TPM:
more from coloradopols
if udall can’t beat this clown like a drum…there’s no justice.
Join the Begich group on MyBO
first this interesting poll via zogby:
barr’s going to hurt st. john here….even dobson can’t save him
second, musgrave continues to lag behind markey in cd4 fundraising
and the fight in cd2 for udall’s seat is getting very interesting. for those unfamiliar with the race, there is no RAT challenger, so the winner of the primary on aug 12 will, for all intents and purposes, be the new rep.
here’s the coloradopols latest line:
pre convention fun.
The Canadians Know How To Get It Right – “BEAR ALERT”
(from an actual wildlife message board in BC)
“Due to the frequency of human/bear encounters, the BC Fish & Wildlife Branch is advising hikers, hunters, fishermen and any persons that use the out of doors in a recreations or work related function to take extra precautions while in the field.
We advise the outdoorsman to wear little noisy bells on clothing so as to give advance warning to any bears that might be close by so you don’t take them by surprise.
We also advise anyone using the out of doors to carry Pepper Spray in case of an encounter with a bear.
Outdoorsmen should also be on the watch for fresh bear activity and be able to tell the difference between black bear feces and grizzly bear feces. Black bear feces is smaller and contains lots of berries and squirrel fur. Grizzly bear shit has bells in it and smells like pepper…”
in the presidential, and senate races:
from coloradopols:
the western strategy is alive and well.
jared polis won the hotly contested, expensive…the most expensive primary in the nation…primary in CD2 last night:
good news for the incoming freshman class, imo…he’s a strong progressive.
“…water’s for fightin’.”
or j-mac put’s both feet in his mouth at once:
for more on the reactions, see coloradopols:
his handlers aren’t do a very good job. he comes across more like a madman than a maverick.