Some good football games this weekend, but it will all be ruined if the Cowboys win.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
At least you don’t have a Cowboys fan living in your house. Sheesh, gotta bring out ALL the paraphenalia to counter her incursion….
You need a priest or something.
You know you’re in bad shape when the status of your weekend hinges on Eli’s right arm.
I have no problem with Eli.
He’s wildly inconsistent. I’d rather not have my weekend riding on him, that’s all.
As long as good Eli keeps it up, it’ll continue to be a good game. If 4 interception Eli shows up…then the Giants are screwed.
as long as it isn’t cold, he’s solid.
Good point.
Since I’m hoping for a Green Bay / New England Super Bowl, I’ll root for the Giants tonight so the Pack can play against Eli in Lambeau.
yeah, Manning is from Mississippi/Louisiana and he has yet to prove he can play well in the elements. Next week should be a big test.
Eli’s all good. Nice quick score to take the momentum.
here’s what worries me. The Cowboys took a lot out of our defense on those long drives and they get the ball to start the second half. The Giants cannot allow another bruising long drive.
We’re now preoccupied with our coming foot of snow. How about Philly?
it’s snowing here, but it ain’t sticking. I don’t think it will stick.
whew! now thats a football game
goin; to greenbay
Anyone got a Valium? LOL
That was a good game, despite the offense not being able to pick up one or two first downs and consequently shavin a few years off my life :o)
Ah well, onto Green Bay :o)
That was the best win since 2000. Very satisfying.
Forget the Giants at Green Bay. Worry about Green Bay in the Superbowl. NE must be stopped at all costs.
I am pulling for NE, despite being a Bears fan. For one reason and one reason only – I am sick to death of all those Miami players and that crap they keep pulling out about the 1972 season. Just to stop them from gloating, in that aged players manner, would be a good thing.
And how long do you think we would have to deal with the 2007 Patriots popping corks? Let the Patriots lose – the ’72 Dolphins will all be dead in a decade or two; I’m not trying to deal with this nonsense for the rest of my life from the 2007 Patriots.
If NE wins, we will have to hear it from now until eternity, arguments about which was the greatest team ever, and of course, NE will make that claim. Who wants to hear it again and again? It could ruin Boston and send it into a recession. I for one will never go there again, and others will feel the same way. It could ruin the tourist industry.
Thank God!!! It’s finally over and Aikman can just quit talking about how the Giant’s defense is “never gonna hold up in the second half”.
No more incessant close up shots of T.O., no more circling T.O. with their on-screen pen doohickie every time the Cowboys line up and saying, “There’s T.O., he’s right there” No more grossly obvious rooting for the Cowboys by the announcers.
We’re halfway home to justice with the Cowboys gone. Now , if somebody would just beat the Patriots then football equilibrium would be restored to the universe and I could go to sleep peacefully at night knowing the Steelers, Cowboys and Patriots (all Satan’s minions, no doubt) would be watching the Super Bowl at home, just like me.
Wait a minute…………gotta go, is that T.O. I see on Deal or No Deal? He must be on TV somewhere right now. Better TIVO it. I’ll probably forget what he looks like.
I’m happy with it, but God (if there is one) can’t be caring about football. And give Owens credit for defending his QB at the postgame against all that Cancun bs. They just got outplayed today.
I’m sure that any God would probably a lot more concerned about someone running around the Middle East right now looking for some new war-lovin’ friends.
As for T.O., I like him. He’s a damn fine player. But the Britney Spears like obsession that all the sports media has with him is what makes me groan. I think they have man-crushes on him. It is comical in how over-the-top they go with it sometimes.
The 4 was for the Cowboys part. Personally, I would love for the Pats to go 19-0 and shut the Mercury Morris crowd up. Plus, I like to see sports history made now and again, and at my age, I don’t know how many agains I’ve got left to see. 😉
Well, I too would take some glee in not having to ever again listen to Don Shula drone on and on and on about those magical, mysterious, wonderifilous, super-duper Dolphins of yore.
I think you’ll get your wish on the sports history thing. I don’t see anyone who is left beating the Pats as long as Brady is taking snaps. On paper, at least, no other team stands a chance.
As often happens (like yesterday) things don’t always go the way the experts think. But I like the Pats chances at this point anyway. If the don’t make it, that will be quite a game in it own way too.
We are experiencing horrible server problems due to massive hits going to Migeru’s European Tribune article on the New Hampshire primary oddities. The server cannot handle it and while the site may remain stable in the wee hours of the night, it is likely to crash again in the morning. Wish me luck.
Good Luck! (with the server) Plus a great win for your Giants Boo!
was great football.
My hatred for the Cowboys is so intense that I actually found myself rooting for the Giants yesterday. The world doesn’t have the distilling capacity to produce enough alcohol to erase my shame.
As a life long Cowboy hater I can tell you one thing I have learned.
Have a good strong belt of your favorite beverage, take a long, hot shower and get a good nights sleep. That’s all it takes to salve ones shame for cheering on anyone who they might play. Even if, on occasion, it might be the second most loathed team in the world.
Rooting against the Cowboys trumps all other possible indiscretions.
There now. Don’t worry, be happy!