On January 26, 2008, nonviolent, justice and peace activists distressed over the humanitarian crisis in Gaza will not offer them cake; but clean water.

Because of the unjust actions of governments that have sanctioned fuel which has led to undrinkable water, the Israeli Peace bloc Gush Shalom www.gush-shalom.org has taken the lead to buy and deliver water filters for Gaza. The need is enormous for water filters have been blacklisted as part of the collective punishment by the Israeli government.

Sponsoring groups in Israel include, Coalition of Women for Peace, Combatants for Peace, Committee Against House Demolitions, New Profile, Hadash, Balad, Adalah, Tarabut /Hitahbrut, Alternative Information Center, Bat Shalom, Anarchists Against the Wall, Physicians for Human Rights-Israel, Follow-Up Committee of the Arab Population in Israel and Psychoactive.

Truckloads of filters and Israeli citizens will join Gush Shalom as they pass the filters through the checkpoint to Palestinians on the other side. If they are denied freedom of movement they will begin an international campaign of complaints and outrage that will descend throughout the world’s embassies until the convoy is allowed to complete their mission of good will and compassion.

The needs are overwhelming in the open air prison of Gaza, and however hard the struggle maybe these leaders without political power are committed to the greater good and will lead the political leaders in the way they must go if they truly desire security and peace.

To be a part of this train of change send a check earmarked for “Gaza Convoy Jan. 2008” to Gush Shalom
PO Box. 3322
Tel Aviv,
61033 Israel.

In the U.S. tax-exempted donations can be made for the Gaza Relief Convoy through the charity listed below, which will pass it on to Gush Shalom.

 U.S. tax-deductible checks are to be written to:  Eschaton/Gush Shalom

Eschaton Foundation
515 Broadway
Santa Cruz, CA 95060

Or by Pay Pal: http://rcnv.org/donate and then email Scott Kennedy: kenncruz@pacbell.net
to alert him the donation is for Gush Shalom Gaza Convoy.

More details:

View daily life in Gaza and CHILDREN IN CRISIS:



Only in Solidarity do “we have it in our power to begin the world again.”-Tom Paine
