There has been much blah blah blah in the media AND on the leftiness blogs about “Just what happened in New Hampshire”.
How the almighty pollsters could be so far off the mark.
Or whether they WERE even off the mark, whether that evil child of Satan Hillary Clinton rigged the vote somehow, in league with Satanic Ratpublican forces as she so obviously is.
But here’s the REAL deal.
Here is all you need to know about the upcoming primaries and elections.
Read on if you so desire.
1-The polls are run by and for white men. Thus they were accurate in the “all white man” Ratpublican race but had no clue in this brave new world of sexual and racial possibilities. The pollsters don’t even have the right phone numbers.
2-The depth of racism in this majority-white country (an even larger majority among “likely voters”, and an overwhelming majority in New Hampshire) is quite a bit deeper than is the depth of its sexism. Everybody in and out in that majority has had a female authority figure…I mean, everybody’s got a mother, right?… but my guess would be that only somewhere around .03% of the white majority has experienced an up-close-and-personal black authority figure outside of wanna-be fantasy sports and entertainment stars.
Ah mean…them people shore kin run an’ dance, cain’t they Hiram!!!??? But ah don’t want one rulin’ mah sister!!!
3-By some benevolent quirk of fate (MLK Jr.’s arc of the moral universe?) the Dems have not run an electable white male candidate this time around. C’mon, folks. Richardson is too fat, Kucinich is too thin and Edwards is too easily seen to be false right down to his probably very well manicured toenails. (This IS largely a celebrity popularity contest, people. Or did y’all miss that one?) And the Rats have SO fucked up over the past 8 years that they are essentially unelectable.
Thus…it’s Clinton or Obama.
Obama has the minority vote, the youth vote and the anti-Hillary/anti-Clinton vote, plus the die-hard “Well, podna, iff’n we cain’t get a WHITE John Wayne…well, maybe an off-white ‘un’d be OK. Yuh WITH me Mary!!!??? Yuh had BETTER be!!!” vote, and Hillary has the mainstream Dem vote, an OVERWHELMING portion of the female vote (except for those who vote with their ovaries and find Obama sexually attractive), and an equally overwhelming portion of the (consciously and/or unconsciously) racist vote.
Sad scene, ain’t it?
But there it is.
What “happened in New Hampshire” as far as the Dem primary is concerned will happen all OVER this country. Even stronger in border states, less strongly in states that have a really large minority voter population.
For those who say “Hillary? NEVER!!!”, all’s I have to say is…IT’S A POPULARITY CONTEST, PEOPLE. Wise the fuck up. It’s a popularity contest between Mommy and the smart, light-colored local high school jock. Ain’t about records of achievement, ain’t about positions, ain’t about supporters or debts that will come due after the election.
Ain’t about SHIT on the national electoral level other than gut-deep perceptions of the mythic positions occupied by the available candidates.
Operating on that principle…it’s white war hero Grandpa McCain vs. Mommy Hillary in ’08, with an outside chance of that smart Jewish businessman Bloomberg running a great campaign and stealing the whole thing. I give him about a 3% chance, myself, because there are as many Jew-haters in America as there are black-haters. In fact, they are mostly the same people.
Maybe more, because a lot of black people are Jew-haters themselves.
So it goes.
You want a REALLY unbeatable DemRat ticket in ’08?
I’ll say it again.
Mainstream Demrats, the female vote, the minority vote, the (huge) anti-Ratpublican “undecideds” vote vs. mainstream Ratpublicans and the fundamentalist Christian vote.(Let us face it, that IS the anti-black and most of the anti-female vote as well.)
Landslide, plus potentially 16 years of Dem presence in the White House.
Will it happen?
Only if Clinton and Obama both are smart enough and humble enough to really see themselves as servants of something greater THAN themselves.
The more they snipe at each other, the more it gets personal.
I give it a less than 30% chance of happening, now.
So THAT goes as well.
May you be born into interesting (campaign) times.
Have fun.
I am.
Feel free.
I do.
as always, long on allegation, short on documentation.
totally uninterested in the usual blah blah blah of short-sighted prognosticators.
You know…the kind that fills the airwaves and the print media? The kind that is forgotten as soon as it has been proved wrong while the pundits go on to ANOTHER set of flawed “conclusions” derived from data that is always woefully incomplete?
I TOL’ya that Obama and Clinton were going to be the ones left standing at the end of the process.
And now here it is.
You cannot “document” the future.
You can only try to understand the real vectors that act upon it in the present and then guess where the resultant of those forces is headed.
I have my own understandings…you obviously have yours.
Feel free to snipe.
You have the word “Dem” in your name and you post on a leftiness blog..
I expect nothing less.
OR more.
Have fun.
I am.
Hey, “I got yer perfect ticket right here, Clinton/Obama”, yeah I agree. And what are the Obama supporters and the Clinton haters going to do then. It’s really an unbeatable combination and one that I’ve expected since way back when they were just talking about running. Looking at the polls in Iowa and NH, their combination of votes far exceeded the total votes of the top candidate.
So at some point Obama and Clinton will make nice with each other and what will be said then, can’t vote cause Hillary’s on the ticket..
But there is the fear in me that the Dems will blow it again with the way they destroy their own.
I think there is still a good chance that it will be a 4 way race, Bloomberg, Ron Paul, and the dem and Rep.
I see a McCain/Huckabee ticket, and hopefully an Obama and Clinton. Still I think in a 4 way race, O/C ticket could still pull it off.