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About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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- Day 45: I Explain Trumpism to Justin Trudeau
- Day 43: The #TrumpRussia Conspiracy Goes Mainstream At Last
- Day 40: Republicans Contemplate Giving Up On Deficit Control Forever
- Progress Pondcast Episode 22 With Bill Hangley Jr, on DOGE and U.S. Alliance With Russia
- Day 37: The Last Bulwarks Protecting the Merit-Based Civil Service
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is anyone else worried that the support of this Bob Johnson means the clintons will dispense with inheritance taxes and allow more media consolidation. The reason she freaks me out is that her supporters aer so damn pukey.
At least here in Philly, Charlie Rose is on PBS right now interviewing Rep. James Clyburn of South Carolina, the most powerful African-American in American congressional history.
Not quite true, Boo. You don’t remember your own Bill Gray? But still, he’s only the 2nd African American in that position.
Of course, Gray and the rest of “black” leadership has been a sore disappointment.
That’s why I’m supporting Donna Edwards in the 2/12 primary over the feckless Al Wynn. He’s had his time. Now it’s time for him to go. In fact, I just attended an event for her this evening.
Whew! Donna and Barack are the only ones I’m giving money to this year…scratch that, I have a relative who just told me he’s running for school board! And he’s actually an educator, not just someone blowing smoke out their rear. I will max out on him if I have to!
Actually, I meant to say I will give generously to my relative and Max out on Obama if I have to. I’m going to start making phone calls, too, (I have to phone bank for Donna, too) and if I can make it to SC, I’ll be there.
Clyburn is hopeful that the so-called cease-fire will hold.
Rep. Clyburn is taking a remarkably responsible and laudable stance.
Senator Obama is the one who can set America Barack on track.
my first choice but Edward is fine too.
No Ron Paul? 😉
So we have a few Edwards fans here. Watch closely for Nevada. The national press isn’t covering it or polling us because they’re afraid they’ll get it wrong and they probably would. So my little local paper, the Reno Gazette Journal, did their own Nevada poll and found that it’s Obama, Clinton, Edwards and they’re all just a couple points away from each other.
I suppose it’s good that the national media is staying out of this because there is surprisingly more support for Edwards here than I had previously thought and once us locals realize he actually has a chance, we may just decide to caucus for him and he may finally get a win. We shall see. But now the cold, calculating Hillary has tried to disrupt our caucus system by having the teachers union sue the party to end the at-large caucus locations in Las Vegas. She will lose in her effort to disenfranchise those workers who would support either Obama or Edwards… and she may have just started a firestorm against herself. She was widely liked by Hispanics before this incident, but I am not sure that will hold up. They could go for Edwards now.
Watch for the Nevada caucus results this Saturday. And I think The Daily Show is doing a piece on us on Thursday. They were in town this weekend taping.
Using NSTA to do their dirty work is sad on so many levels. NEA is so progressive, and I know so many fine teachers. I swear, everything Billary does turns to shit. Black vs. white? Women vs. men? Teachers vs. Culinary Workers? Are you friggin kidding me????
Billary is a boil that needed to be lanced yesterday.
It gets worse for the Clintons. In Nevada, they are actively trying to exploit the racism that Hispanics have toward blacks. They may be successful in that, but I don’t think they’ll be the beneficiaries of it. I suspect that those Hispanics will either set aside their sense of superiority over those with darker skin than their own and go with Obama The Uniter, or they will go for Edwards, the White Guy Who’s Pro-Labor.
Now that Richardson is out of the race, there is a huge constituency trying to figure out who to support. The Clintons are trying to court them, but they’re just so slimy…
I don’t watch any Hispanic TV, but about half of the local TV stations here are En Espanol… and the ad rates are probably pretty low, with a high viewership. So, it might be a better ad buy for Edwards or Obama to do lots of ads on those stations, in spanish, explaining their support for working people and immigrants. Just sayin’
I can’t believe I’m the only one voting for Mitt. Come on! Nobody else has the juicy Massachusetts flip-flopper record necessary to run for President. Nobody.
I still prefer edwards, but after our conversation last week, I am also inclined to support barack obabma, but with strong trepidations.
Mainly because I hate the clintoons that much. odious people.