You all know what the questions are.

All those “surrogate moments” are making a lot more sense now, aren’t they. Clinton has lost a lot of ground to Obama in the last month. An eleven point drop for the last year’s “inevitable” candidate is nothing to sneeze at.

As for McCain, it just goes to show what relentless positive coverage by all his sycophants in the media can do in the face of an otherwise uninspiring group of GOP candidates. They dislike Mitt “Mannequin” Romney, and they loathe Mike “Huckleberry” Huckabee, which means it was time for them to dust off all the “Saint McCain” material they’ve been saving since 2000 when another candidate (some idiot named Bush) used a blatantly racist campaign and smear tactics in South Carolina to leapfrog their pal Johnny for the Republican nomination.

You just know the “Broder faithful” would do anything –literally anything — if they could engineer a Clinton/McCain battle for the Presidency this Fall. All those juicy Clintonian story lines (past present and future) to revel in? All that non-stop ass kissing for McCain. They’d kill to get this match up. Chris Matthews alone would be having on air orgasms every night while simultaneously bashing Hillary and gushing over the manly Johnny Mac. And he wouldn’t be the only one.

So you can expect them to do everything possible to destroy Obama’s campaign in the next three weeks. They have already effectively killed off the Edwards campaign through mockery and indifference. They couldn’t have nearly as much fun with those two as they can with Hillary and Bill, the Sequel.

Which tells you everything that is wrong about our political/infotainment culture in a nutshell.

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