Proof that Broder’s boy is enjoying a comeback and that the people love the surge.

President George W. Bush hit his lowest rating ever in an ABC/Washington Post poll released Tuesday, showing him for the first time below 33 percent approval.

“Just 32 percent of Americans now approve of the way Bush is handling his job, while 66 percent disapprove,” the poll says. “Bush’s work on the economy has likewise reached a new low. And he shows no gain on Iraq; despite reduced violence there, 64 percent say the war was not worth fighting, 2 points from its high.”

The poll further shows that 77 percent of Americans believe the country is on the wrong track, topping a record high in early 1996, when Republican congressmen shut down the federal government in a dispute with Democrats over funding.

Sixty-four percent say the war is not worth fighting. How many of them will vote for McCain over the Democrat because the Democrat is a Mooslim or a dyke or spends too much on haircuts, or whatever they decide our candidate’s problem is?