Remember this guy?
“We finally cleaned up public housing in New Orleans. We couldn’t do it, but God did,”- Rep. Richard Baker (R-LA).
He quits. He gives up. He doesn’t want his position as the second ranking member of the Financial Services committee anymore. He’s outta here by February 6th…won’t even finish out his term. Is it because he doesn’t like life in the minority? Nah…this guy is a Republican, remember?
The dean of Louisiana’s congressional delegation, Rep. Richard Baker, has decided to step down from Congress after 22 years to take a lucrative job in the private sector representing investors he has spent a career regulating…
Baker, 59, a senior member of the House Financial Services Committee will take the helm of the Managed Funds Association, the industry group that represents the $1.8 trillion hedge fund industry. As president and CEO, his salary and benefits package is expected to exceed $1 million a year.
Weren’t there, like, lobbying rules enacted by Congress this year? Never mind.
lobbying reform?! bwahahahahahahaha
l mean, lott/breaux sets the gold standard. who’s going to call them on it…pelosi?…reid?…HAR!!!
and you can be damned sure he’s going to double dip, as they say.
by my calculations, he’s going to be sucking the taxpayer teat for about $135k a year plus medical benefit’s…taske that all you single payer advocates.
what a country, eh. fucking lovely.
Ya not get the memo on the American Dream, Boo?
He got his.
Your failure to get yours is entirely your fault for not screwing over however many people it takes to get yours.
Welcome to 2008.
I do believe that he has violated the new law but so what! Lets see if anyone says a thing about this piece of shit.
No further comment.
Wonder what these guys are going to do when they walk through THEIR gates to THEIR heaven and find somebody took all the cash registers…
And speaking of that, does Paraguay honor extradition of war criminals?
I missed that! I knew he’d become a lobbyist and break the rules. I just didn’t expect it until spring.
They don’t even try to make it look non-shady any more. What about integrity? The guy could have finished out his term. What kind of example does that set…for the children!?!
Just a cynical two cents worth: he is sensing a Hillary win in November, so why not? The DLC learned that game decades ago, so why not play it.
You guys missed the joke. ‘represrnting investors he has spent a career regulating’….Hedge funds, a Republican regulating anything….