Richard Cohen has a particularly nasty column today in which he demands that Barack Obama make some kind of public repudiation of Louis Farrakhan. I suppose it’s always a worthwhile venture to say something nasty about anti-Semites, but normally there is some catalyzing event that warrants it…like the anti-Semite says something anti-Semitic, for example. Farrakhan hasn’t mouthed off recently, so that isn’t Cohen’s problem. Cohen’s problem is that Barack Obama’s church has a magazine. And that magazine issues an annual award in the name of Barack Obama’s pastor, Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr.
In 1982, the church launched Trumpet Newsmagazine; Wright’s daughters serve as publisher and executive editor. Every year, the magazine makes awards in various categories. Last year, it gave the Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. Trumpeter Award to a man it said “truly epitomized greatness.” That man is Louis Farrakhan.
Now, Louis Farrakhan is a complex man and his career shouldn’t be whittled down to his anti-Semitism, as if that horrible characteristic fully negates everything else he has ever done. But his anti-Semitism, which is really beyond debate, should preclude him from winning awards for his “depth of analysis when it comes to the racial ills of this nation.” I agree with Cohen about that. What I don’t agree with is that it is a worthwhile use of Cohen’s highly coveted Washington Post editorial space to inject this non-controversy into the debate. Cohen surely knows that Barack Obama has no desire to repudiate his own pastor. Obama has already acknowledged that he and his pastor have some differences of opinion. And Cohen already extracted a disavowal of Farrakhan from Obama’s campaign manager, David Axelrod. But that doesn’t slow Cohen down.
It’s important to state right off that nothing in Obama’s record suggests he harbors anti-Semitic views or agrees with Wright when it comes to Farrakhan. Instead, as Obama’s top campaign aide, David Axelrod, points out, Obama often has said that he and his minister sometimes disagree. Farrakhan, Axelrod told me, is one of those instances.
Fine. But where I differ with Axelrod and, I assume, Obama is that praise for an anti-Semitic demagogue is not a minor difference or an intrachurch issue. The Obama camp takes the view that its candidate, now that he has been told about the award, is under no obligation to speak out on the Farrakhan matter. It was not Obama’s church that made the award but a magazine. This is a distinction without much of a difference. And given who the parishioner is, the obligation to speak out is all the greater. He could be the next American president. Where is his sense of outrage?
It’s not enough for Obama to distance himself from Farrakhan and his own pastor, Cohen demands that he show ‘outrage’ over an award in a magazine. Forgive me if I think this is taking things rather too far. It isn’t like Barack Obama campaigned at Bob Jones University or held a rally with some anti-Semitic group. Respect for the private nature of Obama’s relationship with his pastor should argue in favor of providing a measure of slack in this instance.
But let me be honest. It appears this is the season to turn Barack Obama into a genuine black man. Richard Cohen seems to me to be engaging in the effort with Clintonian gusto. He wants to tie Farrakhan around Obama’s neck ‘by any means necessary’. Let Obama denounce one of Chicago’s most powerful religious figures, or let him not. Either way, Cohen has injected race and controversy into the campaign, and not for a genuinely honorable purpose.
I read that this morning. You have to give Cohen credit for writing the perfect hit piece. It’s like he created a new game – the six degrees of Louis Farrakhan, and linked Obama that way.
But what makes this really effective is that he links Obama and Farrakhan in the headline and that headline will go out all over the tubes. So even people who don’t read the piece can see the headline on their RSS feeds, etc.
And of course he ends with the obligatory disclaimer that lets him keep his hands clean “I don’t for a moment think that Obama shares Wright’s views on Farrakhan. But …”
Pretty damn effective piece of writing.
I think brendan has the right response. It reminds me of Olbermann’s guide last night to dealing with an O’Reilly attack.
I don’t know what that means because I don’t have cable. No Olbermann.
What a Dick. Really.
However, his colleague, Gene Robinson, is not a dick but one of the coolest columnists in the nation.
The money paras from Cohen:
The charitable explanation would be that the Clintons are, in their political position, simply disoriented. They are accustomed to Bill Clinton’s campaigns, in which African American support was pretty much assumed. Backing for Hillary Clinton from prominent friends and allies such as Andrew Young, Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), Vernon Jordan, Magic Johnson, Quincy Jones and others didn’t manage to keep Obama out of the race — and, according to the polls, won’t keep black voters from supporting him. It would be understandable if the Clintons were frustrated at seeing such an important Democratic constituency lured away, and if they were doubly frustrated at the difficulty of finding a way to criticize Obama without further alienating African Americans.
This is politics, however, which means that less charitable explanations have to be considered as well.
Race is just one of the fights that the Clinton campaign is pressing with Obama; the other is an attempt to discredit Obama’s opposition to the war. It could be that the idea is to engage Obama in so much tit-for-tat combat that his image as a new, post-partisan kind of politician is tarnished.
I meant, Robinson (instead of Cohen)!
yah. We knew that.
So Obama joins a church in 1991 that awarded LF an award in 1982. But since LF made an arguably anti-semetic remark in 1984 (earliest I can find) Obama has to condemn his church?
Guess HRC decided no truce.
Umm, no.
Heh. Oops!
Well, I don’t think there’s any real debate that Louis Farrakhan is an anti-Semite. But I don’t even particularly like Barack Obama and it’s plain to me that he has zilch in common with Farrakhan. Except the color of his skin, which I guess is the only real point Cohen is making to his intended audience.
In any case, Farrakhan is a complex character, and any honest appraisal of him will necessarily be nuanced. Personally, I think that Farrakhan has on balance done more harm than good — and that aside from my suspicion that he had a hand in Malcolm’s assassination — but a good portion of that harm stems from having made himself such an inviting bogeyman for white bigots, the most recent instance of which is Cohen’s bizarre insistence that Obama denounce his pastor for having praised Farrakhan twenty-five years ago.
So I guess any uppity negroes thinking of running for a Democratic nomination need to be aware that denouncing Farrakhan is one of the litmus tests for separating the good negroes from the bad negroes. Sounds easy enough, but don’t worry, there’ll be others — an endless supply of others.
I think in the end that this is going to backfire badly on the Clintons. They’re not going to peel black voters away from Obama by putting on their white hoods, and anyone who isn’t offended by the racism is going to be offended by the implied insult to their intelligence. And speaking as a white guy from the burbs, every time the Clintons or one of their Clintonista surrogates turns my stomach with this garbage, I want more and more to vote for Obama in the primaries just to give them the finger.
If nothing else, we should view this as a prime opportunity to make a thorough list of all of the Dem racists who come crawling out of the woodwork to support Clinton.
What’s funny is that in person he’s pretty nice a likable. I’ve served him at a restaurant before and all the white U of C students who worked there were terrified at first but he was very nice to everyone.
His pulpit persona and his public (no idea what he’s like in person) are quite different.
I’m certain he’s all sorts of hateful and angry though.
I’m not sure when he started his anti-semitic remarks. The first time I see them online is after he was dubbed the “Black Hitler” by the chair of the ADL in 1984 because he said that no one better hurt JJ for his anti-semitic remarks.
If you knew the history of comments made by Cohen regarding the Clinton’s you would not be making the statement “Guess HRC decided no truce.”
Here’s just a few…
COHEN (8/11/05): The same holds for the other women associated with this [New York Senate] race–even more so if Hillary Clinton eventually runs for president. In effect, she will once again invite us to dissect her marriage and why she stays in it. She is clearly up to it–but why she is up to it is something many of us will never understand. The life of a politician, ever strange, is getting stranger and stranger.
COHEN (2/13/07): It was about the only thing I got right about the war, which, the record will show, I supported. If I were running for the presidency, I might call my position “a mistake” and bray about being misled. But it was really a lapse in judgment. For reasons extraneous to this particular column, I thought the war would do wonders for the Middle East and that it would last, at the most, a week or two. In this I was assured by the usual experts in and out of government. My head nodded like one of those little toy dogs in the window of the car ahead of you.
So I do not condemn Clinton and other Democratic presidential candidates — Chris Dodd, Joe Biden and John Edwards — for voting for the war because I would have done the same. I fault them, though, for passing the blame to Bush as the guy who misled them. They all had sufficient knowledge to question the administration’s arguments, and they did not do so. Not a single one of them, for instance, could possibly have believed the entirety of the administration’s case or not have suspected that the reasons for war were being hyped.
COHEN (9/18/07): This week Hillary Clinton announced her health care plan. Good for her. But you never had any doubt, did you, that she was going to have one — and a plan for everything else. The issue with Hillary Clinton is not whether she’s smart or experienced but whether she has — how do we say this? — the character to be president. Behind her, after all, trails the lingering vapor of all those gates: Travel, File, Whitewater, and other scandals to which she was a part only through marriage. In a hatless society, she is always wearing a question mark.
Let’s not rush to conclusions about who’s fingerprints are on these hit pieces, ok? It only flames the fires that are being massaged by the media.
Damn, in my mind these comments you highlight just help to remind us what an idiot Cohen is.
Yes. An idiot and a shit-stirer.
I think that Obama should answer Cohen’s demand that he apologize for Farrakhan’s anti-semitism with a demand for Cohen to apologize for sexually harassing his coworkers and wrecking Peter jennings marriage.
No, the two issues don’t have anything to do with each other. Then again, neither do barack obama and louis farrakhan.
Richard cohen is a moron.
I think you are absolutely correct, brendan. In fact, it’s a slam-dunk.
slam dunk! Home run! Hat trick!!!!
However- the more this shit keeps going, the more of a division there is and thats exactly what the goopers want! The candidates are both trying to get past this bullshit and so should we!
If we want to go on the offense, then we should goafter wapo and the scum that are so coopted by corporate goopers that it is embarassing! Go After Cohen and the rest of the garbage. Lets focus on what is important!
We are beginning to see the formulation of the narrative which our corporate “liberal media” has settled on in this election cycle, and it is just as reprehensible, idiotic and demonstrably false as all those that have come before.
The thing that makes it so different this time is that it’s genesis is from within the bowels of the Democratic Party machine, which will ultimately be the victim most negatively affected by its existence. It did not need to be created and built from within some dark and mysterious 527 or cut from whole cloth by a pseudo-Republican operative group like the Swift Boaters. It has come from within the “friendly confines” of the home camp. And as much as Hillary Clinton would like to distance herself from much of it, she has to face the fact that she has not demonstrably put forth any effort to quell the tide of these lies, rumors and innuendo.
A self induced Democratic implosion is certainly within the realm of possibility here. Both the Hillary camp and the Obama camp need to have a serious gut check moment on whether they want to continue down this path. Very soon here this whole narrative will become self perpetuating and it will be beyond the power of anyone to stop it. Just like “Gore says he created the internet”, “discovered Love Canal”, “is a fake and a liar” and “needs Naomi Wolf to bring out his alpha male” this whole narrative will become most assuredly “TRUE” in the minds of voters.
And when it all comes back and bites them in the ass, Democrats will all stand around once again, looking at each other in bewilderment, and be totally and genuinely oblivious to just exactly how they f@$%ed it up and once more managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
This is just a taste of what is to come. If we get to the point where it looks like Obama might get the nomination “all hell will break loose.” The racist neocon pundits in the MSM will wage an all-out war to label him as anti-semetic. As you suggest in the post, these individuals do not have honorable motives.
Pastor Dan no like Richard Cohen
Oh great, let’s hear Mayor Bloomberg’s take.
Isn’t this the same Dick that hawked the Iraq War just to come back a few years later asking for a mulligan? To hell with him too…
Its not just the GOP that likes this stuff, its the Clintons.
Anything and everything that will postion Obama as a “black” candidate will alienate white voters.
His greatest strength and threat to Hillary is the fact that for many whites they hardly notice his race (or religion, or sex, or…)
I am waiting for Richard Cohen to apologize for his part in subverting the marketing for Betamaxes and 8-tracks. I keep waiting and he won’t apologize, that bastard!
Greg Sargent has an Obama response.
It takes a village to have a witch hunt:
Cohen may have gotten his material here. Or they may have had a “common inspiration” at the same time.