On the day after his birthday celebration, and with the argument over his legacy going on amongst the big two Democratic candidates, perhaps it’s a good time to look at how MLKjr might look upon the Democratic candidates.
In a fascinating article/Radio commentary, Glen Ford of blackagendareport.com suggests that we should Give the Candidates the MLK Test.
The “hope-la” and “change-la” emanating from the Obama and Clinton campaigns turned sour as Dr. Martin Luther King’s birthday approached. The two front-running candidates and their corporate media-megaphones found themselves on shaky ground when the subject turned to the actual history of MLK and his antagonist/ally, President Lyndon Johnson. The vapidity of the debate revealed, once again, the shallowness of American political discourse, which has been stripped bare of relevance to past, present or future realities. Fortunately, Dr. King left a voluminous record of his own political analyses. Rather than allow them to blather further, the candidates should be tested on the question: What would Dr. King do? All but one would fail.
Dr. King said the “triple evils” of his day were militarism, racism, and economic exploitation. In his brilliant April 4, 1967 speech at New York’s Riverside Church, Dr. King showed the interaction of all three “evils” in the world;
Let’s look at militarism. The big two candidates suggest that we should increase the size of our military (Obama by 100k and Hillary by 80k). They’ve both said all options are on the table for a war with Iran. Neither guarantees to pull all of the troops out of Iraq post haste and bring them home (no, basing them in Kuwait doesn’t count). Needless to say, both candidates do not pass the miltarism test. Of course, John Edwards failed by co-sponsoring the IRW (Note: JE’s not mentioned in the commentary). Militarism feeds racism and economic disparity by sucking funds into the military-industrial-media complex and away from ideas such as Univeral Health Care.
Of course, there is one candidate who passes the test:
The only candidate who would pass the Martin Luther King Test is Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich, whose platform for peace, truly universal health care, a living wage, and an end to corporate domination of American life harkens back to that “shining moment” in the Sixties that King mentioned, when there were “hopes” and “new beginnings.” But the corporate media has caused the Kucinich campaign to disappear from coverage and televised debate.
You see, there is an actual difference in the candidates for President on the Democratic side. There is a candidate who stands for the beliefs of MLKjr and the aspirations of the citizens of the United States. There is a candidate who’s not funded by the corporations, hedge funds and health insurance companies. Indeed, there is a true progressive Democrat running for President. You just won’t hear about him through the military-industrial-media complex.
If you wish to support the true progessive Democrat running for President, you can go to Dennis’ campaign page and donate online, via US Mail or by phone at 1.877.413.3664.
As always, now more than ever,
Go Dennis!
Vote your conscience, choose peace!
Go Dennis!
Vote your conscience, choose peace!