The New Hampshire Primary recount started yesterday. Paid for by the Dennis Kucinich campaign, the recount may or may not show a change of the winner of the event. Even so, after one day, we’ve found enough out to be able to say that the recount is worth every penny!
Here’s some information via Bradblog:
Here’s his headline and sub-headlines:
Also: Diebold Memory Cards Unaccounted For; Public Record Request by Election Integrity Advocates on Ground Reveal 550+ Votes Read as Blank by Op-Scanner in Stratham…
Clinton, Kucinich Observers There, Nobody from Obama or Edwards, Says Election Attorney…
And here’s a header on the latest:
LATEST OUT OF NH: Disparities being found during hand-counts of ballots, in many wards, many candidates. Diebold op-scan memory cards unaccounted for at the moment, Secretary of State (SoS) doesn’t track them after elections, doesn’t track error reports during elections. LHS Associates (see below) handles all of it instead, according to reports on the ground. Public records request reveals hundreds of ballots in one area scanned as blank due to incorrect ink used on ballots, and other problems on LHS problem report forms.
Not recounting New Hampshire (and to be honest, any other state which doesn’t hand count paper ballots) allows that the balloting is on the up-and-up, no questions asked.
Think of it, 550+ ballots in one town were miscounted by the machines. Think of that. Of course, thankfully, there were paper ballots to count by hand. Did we know this happened prior to the recount? I hadn’t read it.
I spoke with Bev Harris of, who is also on the ground in NH, and she asks: “If it wasn’t 550 ballots, but just 55 or so in some places, would they even have seen it and known to recount ALL of the ballots?”
Would we know about the missing memory cards? Nope. We now know that the state doesn’t handle the cards or keep track of them after the election! Doesn’t that make you feel all that much safer when you go out to vote? No? I didn’t think so!
Here’s the link to the Secretary of State’s recount page.
If you’re from New Hampshire, and can get out to watch this thing as it goes down, I would suggest that you do! It’s good to see that there are more than just Kucinich supporters behind checking out the recount!
If we’ve found this out on the first day, think what we’ll find as the recount goes on! If you wish to support the recount, you can go to the Kucinich campaign’s website to donate, or you can go to ActBlue and donate directly for the recount!
As always, now more than ever,
Go Dennis!
Vote your conscience, choose peace!
Recount every single ballot!
The optical scan machines in Michigan will kick a ballot back out if it can’t read it. In the last township election, I watched one voter’s ballot get rejected twice before he finally followed directions and filled in the little oval with solid ink. How can the Diebolt machines skip a simple check like this? Oh, wait, I forgot – they’re Diebolt. {sigh}
Now they’re “Premier Election Systems.”
But a turd by any other name still stinks…