Canada has put the United States and Israel on a torture watch list, according to CTV . A Canadian government document cites the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and interrogation techniques that include “forced nudity, isolation, and sleep deprivation.”
Reuters says that a U.S. Embassy spokeswomen in Ottawa said she was looking into the report. The Israeli embassy had no immediate response.
A Foreign Affairs Department training manual, titled “Torture Awareness Workshop Reference Materials,” provides legal definitions of torture and instructs Canadian consular officials how to detect signs of abuse among detainees held abroad. It lists Guantanamo Bay and the United States, along with Afghanistan, China, Egypt, Iran, Israel, Mexico, Saudi Arabia and Syria.
Absolutely perfect! Thank you, Canada!
If only I could move there …
Canada could serve as a backboard for American ethnical thinking, and in this act has sent us a message: you have become death.
All that news exposure worked:
Canada removes U.S., Israel from torture watchlist– Reuters
There. All is well again. Where were we? Oh, just doing a little water boarding when we were interrupted, exposed.
He probably found a washcloth and a bottle of Dasani on his desk this morning. Never underestimate the persuasive powers of covert ops departments.
If “very forcefully” doesn’t work we’ll probably kidnap a few Canadians and waterboard them. That should convince them to take us off the list. American exceptionalism leads to some serious hypocrisy.
they really don’t like to be called on their shit…but l’m sure mr. harper has given chimpy his personal assurances that this is not “official government policy” and the situation will be rectified asap.
heads will roll…quietly…but they will roll.
The Canadian government was already in the process of trying to bury this when it became news. No doubt through the efforts of the bush mini-me, Harper… Given the fact that the first thing Harper did when he came into power was to try corral the Canadian media using the bush administration’s play book of cutting off access to reporters that give him and his government “bad coverage” and hard questions. No surprise there.
Good on ya, Canada!
This cannot be all that surprising since at the end of November Canadian Courts tossed out a “refugee/immigration” treaty with the US based, partially, on the courts recognition of the fact that the US tortures prisoners.