A conservative businessman tells his best joke about Obama at a ceremony to honor the President of the University of Colorado, and is surprised when no one gets it:
Bill Farr found himself in a bit of hot political water after telling a joke during this week’s National Western Stock Show.
Before jokingly reading a mock telegram from President Bush at a dinner for the Citizen of the West award, Farr told a joke about U.S. Sen. Barack Obama becoming president.
“I have a telegram from the White House . . . They’re going to have to change the name of that building if Obama’s elected,” Farr was quoted saying.
The Greeley businessman said he was sorry for offending people with the comment but said he was flabbergasted with the response it received.
Yeah, I just bet he was “flabbergasted.” I’m not flabbergasted, however. I’m disgusted. And it seems poor Mr. Farr felt the need to walk back his initial reaction to his comedy routine, because now that he’s been taken to the woodshed a bit, he’s decided that maybe a more extensive expression of remorse is necessary after all:
A Greeley businessman apologized Wednesday after a joke about Illinois Sen. Barack Obama fell flat during the National Western Stock Show’s annual Citizen of the West banquet. […]
Witnesses said they could hear people gasp in the ballroom of the Adam’s Mark Hotel [when Farr made his joke].
“I gasped,” said Gov. Bill Ritter, who was sitting at the table with Farr.
Mayor John Hickenlooper said, “I don’t think he (Farr) intended any mischief or malice, but it was inappropriate.”
Afterward, Farr said he regretted making the remark and apologized to anyone offended.
“I apologize for that,” Farr told a reporter as soon as the banquet ended.
“I mistook it to be humorous, but it was something I shouldn’t have said.”
Expect more of these “Gee, I’m sure sorry I said that about the Black Guy running for President, but I really thought it was a scream at the time” mea culpas from good old boy Republicans in the months ahead. Because you just know this won’t be the last time someone on the right decides Obama’s skin color is fair game for making a funny.
It’s always just a joke or a prank to these people, never mind the violence and oppression that has endured for centuries as a result of the mindset.
Somewhere yesterday I saw this reported on. Using pictures, they communicated the following point: That joke might be funny – and acceptable – if someone like Chris Rock told it, but it’s just NOT when it’s told by a fat old rich white guy.
Just found it! It was John Cole.
I read the comments at The Tribune website. The fact that people still have views like these amazes me.
Is the tone deafness on self deprecating humor strictly a white-man’s condition? People who say stuff like those in the Trib’s comments always come back to people being “too sensitive” or too politically correct. What the hell do people think jokes like this represent anyway? Are people really that daft?
“Are people really that daft?”
Oh, HELL yeah. This is Amerikkka … “daft” would be a huge step forward.
Well, I guess I’m supposed to be shocked and surprised………..But I’m not.
Just another glimpse into our white man secret boys club where stuff like this is deemed funny. Funny, that is, when you think you are surrounded by “like minded people”. People who “get the joke”. You know, people like these good Republicans.
A textbook example of the extent of the closeted bigotry that still exists just under the surface of our society. This is where it went after all the civil rights legislation eliminated the official government sanctioning of racism. People act like they’re shocked, but in reality many will nod approvingly, in their minds anyway, when something like this is said. They will laugh or smile. Cause they hear the dog whistle. They know what it means. We all know about “THEM”. This time it’s a black joke. Next time it’s the lazy Mexicans. Then it’s the cheap-ass Asians and the tightfisted Jews, or the fags with their ass-grabbing homo agenda.
This is the America that no one wants to believe still exists. But it does. In every town, city, county and state. From sea to shining sea. In the coffee shops, workplaces, clubs, civic organizations and even the churches. It is everywhere, though we want to believe otherwise.
“All in all it’s just another brick in the wall”
White, middle-class, married, Christian-raised female living in the suburbs of red hell – that’s me. People who don’t know me very well consistently assume that I’m “LIKE THEM” – that I share their prejudices and fears of the other and their pain over being “oppressed” or some shit. I think that’s what makes me dislike them even more than their repugnant opinions – that they assume everyone must feel the same way.
Most recently, at an orientation for the International Baccalaureate degree program at our high school, the mother of my daughter’s best friend says with authority and just a smidge of disgust “It looks like us caucasians are in the minority.” In the middle of the fucking room, surrounded by all those non-caucasians, she said this directly to me.
It was one of those moments I never in my wildest dreams imagined I would experience and my apparent lack of imagination made me woefully unprepared. My wide-eyed stare and gaping jaw must’ve given a hint to her, because then she began to panic and started rambling about how smart “all those Indians that are coming here now are and that a few even go to her church.”
I turned away and didn’t look at her for the rest of the session. My daughter was the recipient of everything I should have said to this woman on the way home (and my daughter said her friend is just as embarrased of her parents and not just for the usual teenager vs. parents type things). BTW – there is one of those “Presidents Prayer Circle” stickers on the woman’s minivan, something which has been the object of much laughter in our household for a few years.
Well, I’m the mirror image of you, except for the female part. And, like you, I live deep in the well of this kind of stuff. And when I just stare back at people for comments just like those you experienced, it can become almost comical. The realization sets in to them and you can see the fright dancing in their eyes. They thought I was in THE CLUB, just like them, and they let down their guard. Like a wayward little baby rabbit who has strayed too far from the safety of the den, they suddenly realize that the shadow sweeping over them as they stand there might well be a hawk or owl, a lethal predator. And they panic. The fight or flight mechanism kicks in. And they almost always choose flight.
Somehow, sitting here today in the shadow of MLK Day, stories like these make me double my personal pledge to myself to allow attitudes like those to have no quarter in my presence. That is what I have chosen to strive for. That is what I aspire to. To call the hand of every one of these CLUB members who think that by virtue of the fact that I am a married, middle class, college educated white guy, that I have the same bigoted and racist belief structure that they do. And with a wink-wink, nudge-nudge we can share the secret handshake unfettered and unscrutinized when we are all gathered together as one. Seldom will they defend their bigotry when confronted.
I cannot speak for some asshole Denver business hustler, but…if I were a black man and elected President the very FIRST thing that I would do is have the White House repainted AND renamed.
Paint it black, brown and beige and be DONE with this shit!!!
I can see it now.
its not a funny line – I wouldn’t call it a joke – it was just slander – masquerading as a joke.
You’d think he’d be smart enough not to tell racial jokes! That’s one of the top rules given for speech-giving.
Damn, what a dolt.
I’m heartened, though, that audience apparently did not find him funny.
Your choice of the phrase ‘fair game’ is perfect Steven.
In bushworld we’re ALL fair game. I hope a bit of public shame will help erase that mindset.
So, I guess this means we should have been calling it the “Stupid House” for all these Bush years, eh? 😉
I call it the Whore House, myself.
OMFG that’s good. Thank you thank you thank you.
I have to go to a meeting of the minds tonight (dinner with my husband’s co-workers and their spouses) and I’m sure they’re all going to be repeating the so-called “joke” and how teh stoopud libruls r takin away teh funnee. I’ve now got a comeback.
Or the more politically correct “Special House.” For the Special Boy who always wins the medal and a big hug just for trying.
Way back in 2001 on the night of Bush’s first inaugural address, The Daily Show did a piece on this called “Special Inauguration.” Absolutely hilarious!
Remember before 9/11 when making fun of our idiot president wasn’t unpatriotic? Memories…
Golfweek Editor Booted Over Cover Featuring Noose.
Damn, it just never ends. This country is full of blooming idiots!!
The implication in the title is what gets me — the suggestion that innocent white folks are being victimized, lynched even, by hypersensitive black people. (Never mind the fact that, in this case, Mr. Woods blew it off, or that the terrible punishment inflicted on Tilghman was two weeks off and some classes.)
In any case, I think it’s a good thing that all the racists are coming out of the woodwork. It’s a sign that they have been getting a little too comfortable in their closets and need a few good kicks to the rear to send them back in.
Far be it from me to give cover for some bigot, but there was a George Clinton hit a few years back entitled, “Paint The White House Black” – I know good and well that Farr never heard/saw it but it bears mentioning that this is out there: