Once in a while I like to lurk by some of the state progressive blogs just to see what’s happening around the region. Today Blue Indiana facilitated my wanderings by posting a convenient list of links to several state blogs and as I clicked into BlueGrassRoots, here’s this great story about Mitch McConnell’s confrontation with activist 12 year old Heaven and her vet mom Heather. We may be seeing the birth of the next Cindy Sheehan!

From “A Day in the Life of a Crazed KY Dem”

Finally, our opportunity!  “Senator, I want to talk to you about the war in Iraq.  It will just take a minute of your time”.  Heaven’s screaming, “Do you want my dad to die?  Should I start training for war?”  Holy crap, my heart is going to come out of my chest!  The goon security man yells at my daughter, “We won’t have any of that!” to which I replied, “What are you going to do?  This is free speech!”  Then we resume asking the Senator for a minute of his time.  Vrrrrooooommm – his rented SUV halls ass out of my alley – presumably for the first and last time.

In retaliation for this horrendous 1st Amendment assault, Mitch is apparently threatening to dump all his Paducah earmarks into the toilet. Also, mom’s job is in jeopardy.

The elation from last night has since turned to trepidation and perhaps a tinge of outright fear.  Little did I know the firestorm that was about to ensue.  Apparently, yours truly, “The Little Vet Who Could”, and her pre-teen daughter “The Little Girl Who Did”, rattled the Senator to such a degree that we were the subject of great discussion during Senator McConnell’s exclusive fund-raising event in Western Kentucky, towards which he laid rubber out of my theater’s alley to attend.  Yet, the fun didn’t stop there.  Little did I know, we were also the topic of discussion at many other emergency meetings throughout this tiny town of 25,000 on this cold, blustery Paducah day, January 16, 2008.

Within the past 24 hours, tens of millions of dollars in funding for all programs previously promised from the Federal Government to our fair city’s River Front Revitalization Program have suddenly been moved into the “uncertain column”; at least until the city fathers can prove that crazy rabble rouser “Heather Ryan” is not associated with their programs/organizations.  That’s right ladies and gentlemen, in no uncertain terms, I’ve been informed that my little “escapade” in videotaping the Senate Minority Leader has suddenly put Paducah Pork on the chopping block in Mr. McConnell’s book should me and my silly little girl remain in the forefront of Paducah Politics.  Last night, at a dinner attended by my superior, myself, my husband, and my daughter Heaven, I was informed that if I did not cease my political activities in Paducah I would LOSE MY JOB.

h/t to cubswin39 at the orange place and briansmith at BlueGrassRoots