Sounds like the title of one of those great early Elmore Leonard western novels.
Valdez Is Coming
Well…watch out.
Bloomberg Is Coming
And he is pissed off!!!
Nothing pisses off Mayor Mike worse than inefficiency and laziness.
He makes his money the old fashioned way.
And then he buys things.
Like the Presidency.
He’s even got the Associated Press writing his campaign blurbs. Money’ll buy that kind of support. Big, big money.
Bloomberg Has Harsh Words for Washington
LOS ANGELES (AP) – New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who says he’s not running for president, chose delegate-rich California Saturday from which to deliver a scorching assessment of Washington for failing to keep up with the need for new airports, roads, water systems and bridges across America.
While China and other nations are investing heavily in ports and high- speed trains “Washington doesn’t have a plan” to address crumbling U.S. infrastructure, Bloomberg said.
In remarks clearly aimed at a national audience, the mayor said politics trumps common sense in Congress, where pork-barrel spending takes priority.
Washington “spends money to win votes,” Bloomberg said. “It’s hurting our country.”
The Democrat-turned-Republican-turned-independent mayor appeared with Govs. Arnold Schwarzenegger of California, a Republican, and Ed Rendell of Pennsylvania, a Democrat, to announce a coalition that would push for more investment in ports, highways and other infrastructure. Both governors are known for reaching across party lines to achieve compromise.
Standing at a transit station with the governors, Bloomberg said “independent, nonpartisan solutions” were needed.
“Let’s just get the job done,” he said.
Schwarzenegger was asked if he was staying neutral in the presidential race to see if Bloomberg would jump in, and he answered that he did plan to make an endorsement.
It was the second day of a trip that also took Bloomberg to Texas, another key state on the presidential election map where he met privately Friday with an expert in third-party ballot access who served as campaign manager for H. Ross Perot.
In an era when the public views government with suspicion and loathing, the billionaire mayor appears to be honing an image as an innovative problem-solver working outside the partisan scrum of Washington politics.
Bloomberg has been quietly polling and analyzing voting trends in every state as he contemplates launching a campaign. On Tuesday, his supporters launched a 50-state petition drive in an attempt to “draft” him into the race.
Rendell, a prodigious fundraiser and former general chairman of the Democratic National Committee, is a political maverick who delivered most of his ambitious first-term agenda by building coalitions in a Legislature controlled by Republicans. He is in his second year of his second four-year term.
The coalition, Building America’s Future, will be a not-for-profit organization that will be made up of elected and other officials. It will work with presidential candidates and the platform committees of the national political parties to bring attention to the need for more investment in infrastructure.
It’s Mayor Mike and Der Schwarzenenator against The Incompetent Political Establishment.
And Mayor Mike wiill have the nicest suit.
8 to 1 he runs.
And if he does…1 to 3 he wins.
Next up?
The Gentrification of America.
Wanna bet?
I don’t.
“Washington doesn’t have a plan”
sounds of a pre- launch speech just 1 day after his meeting with the ballot access expert and campaign manager for Ross Perot’s third party presidential bid
Bloomberg can and will run as the real outsider with executive and financial skills far superior to the current crop of presidential wannabees.
Imho, with the financial debacle ahead, and smart money projecting a severe recession, (even some talk of the Great D word). Bond insurers are on the brink of bankruptcy. meaning the downgrading of bonds now valued in $trillions. And the first quarter has not yet started.
Bloomberg, in the meme of FDR, will offer to “rebuild infrastucture for jobs, jobs, jobs; focus on the problems at home and restore America’s financial credibility – we exported all those fraudulent mortgage backed bonds.
We’re broke so let the printing presses at the Treasury go 24/7. We do a Nixon or we Inflate!
It’s an election year, the Federal Reserve has lost control, so Bush and Bernanke will attempt to postpone the inevitable – maybe by a few months, add money to the markets. Too little, too late. Bush’s $150 billion stimulus plan is seen as giving a blood transfusion to a corpse in the hearse.
That events have set up for Bloomberg to enter the race is now bankable. Clinton, McCain or Romney up against Mike Bloomberg, not. a. chance. He’ll win by sucking away the votes of Independents, moderate Republicans and Reagan Democrats.
The likely ticket: Bloomberg-Hagel. Chuck Hagel lends his foreign policy credentials.
For me, it’s anyone but Clinton.
Careful what you wish for.
Unless you want to see a United States of Sex In The City.
The Upper East Side comes to YOUR neighborhood. The Upper West Side, too.
Just like they have come to:
Western Queens
The Lower East Side
Upper Manhattan
And soon enough…Da Bronx
‘Cuz that’s what Mayor Mike’ll bring ya.
Bet on it.
“Anybody But Clinton”, eh?
You leftiness Shmoons are gonna get yours. I can see it coming.
Unless you are SOLIDLY in the upper middle class…you will live to regret those words if Mayor Mike becomes President of the United States of Prosperity.
Worker clones and the rich.
A two-tier society.
McDonalds workers and a bunch’a Burger Kings.
Yes, a day on the Upper East Side of New York, Mr. Bloomberg’s personal play thing, you known, he has a big, big, high building right on Fifth Avenue, all his very own.
At about seven o’clock in the morning the brown people swarm out of the holes in the ground that link with the subway system. At about seven o’clock in the evening the last of the brown people begin to drag themselves into the holes in the ground that lead to the subways going every which way out of the opulence they have been slightly paid to clean and maintain, the food they’ve cooked for the natives. At night the place is the playground of the classy, top-tier coterie who can afford the prices. Oh, Mr. Bloomberg’s NYC is worse than a strip mall. Nothing remains of the city except the bland and the boring. Save us from this man! He has no imagination.
I see you’ve been there, eh?
There it is.
Blow this picture up nationwide, and you get his vision.
Bet on it.
AG, anybody but Clinton expresses how deeply I feel about the dynasty thingy. Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton. Bill is deceptively running for a third term. Make no mistake about that. And it’s pissing off a lot of hard core supporters.
At the mo, many are of the view that should Bloomberg enter the race. he’ll lose. No. Clinton is the loser.
Count on this. The KArl Rove play book that the Clintons have unleashed will come to harm the party on Nov. 04.
The Clinton campaign is still playing the race card.
“Those who support Obama are on the dark side of the party”
You gotta be kidding. No I’m not. Andrew Sullivan has these interesting emails:
Read this
Notice Bloomberg has yet to announce?
and this
I don’t see how Bloomberg thinks he can win this thing. If he carries NY, CT, NJ, he makes it impossible for the Democrat to win, though.
It’s one thing for Rendell and Schwarzenegger to get behind a transpartisan campaign for fixing the infrastructure. It’s quite another thing for them to abandon their party and support an Independent.
What is Bloomberg’s appeal? It is to southern Democrats who think the national party is too liberal and northern and Pacific Republicans who think their national party is too conservative. In other words, he is appealing to the minority party in every state. Even if you win all the Red State Dems and all the Blue State GOPs, you don’t get any electoral votes. And its really hard to see what Red States Bloomberg thinks he is going to carry.
Infrastructure is a good issue, as far as it goes. It is especially a good issue as the economy slides into a recession. Clinton used it effectively when he ran in 1992, then forgot about it when he took office. The problem is that it’s a non-ideological issue, so it’s the easiest thing in the world for Hillary Clinton and McCain to endorse it as well, and take it away from Bloomberg.
I really don’t see a Bloomberg candidacy going anywhere.
Bloomberg’s only problem is whether or not he wants to be the Man Who Lost On Purpose.
His job is to take independent support away from the Democrats and give the Republicans a win. Make no mistake, Mike Bloomberg is here to keep a Republican in the White House so that when the global credit markets collapse, unemployment triples and martial law is declared, that the Cheney Brand is allowed to continue to profit off the decaying husk of America. The Powers That Be have one more task to complete before the endgame, and that’s to make sure there’s a Republican in the White House in 2009 when the bottom falls out of the American economy and we become a third-world country for a generation or two. The people who know what is coming want to make sure they get their cut with the right people controlling the guns, the bombs, and the media. It’s no longer a question of recession. We’ve been in a recession since August. It’s no longer a question of depression, but when we will realize it. It’s a question of if this country will survive the aftermath.
The problem is that the only way the Republicans can win without clearly cheating is with those same independent votes, particularly Saint John Fucking McCain. He has to run in a fashion that defeats Clinton but doesn’t sink McCain as well. That’s going to be extraordinarily difficult. He has to be a maverick like McCain but not a better maverick so that the GOP vote is hopelessly split.
Bloomberg knows that try as he might, the powers that be won’t let him win. He knows this. He’s not stupid. But he’s wondering what he’s going to get out of the deal if it’s not going to be the brass ring, and it’s going to cost him millions in his own money to lose. You have to wonder what Bloomberg’s price is. WHatever it is, they haven’t met it yet. He’s not in the race. He’s certainly going to be in at some point in the next couple of months, but you have to ask why if not other than to muddle the election as the third party guy so the dirty tricks squad can get to work. I wonder what his price truly is.
But hell, the economic collapse of the global credit market…trillions and trillions of paper…is accelerating at a rapid pace. The Russell 2000 index is off almost 20% since the end of October. There’s no guarantee we’ll even have elections should the Ponzi pyramid collapse quickly enough and foreign countries and sovereign funds stop buying our debt.
But look at what’s happened in just the last 75-80 days. Hell, look at what’s happened in the last 30 days. All bets are off at this point.
Those Halliburton camps are a-waitin’.
the GOP is still looking for a candidate, Neither Huck, Romney or McCain fits the bill.
even if he runs as an Independent, Bloomberg, a real insider, will be the fall back candidate for the PTB and the GOP. Dems too. He talks the talk and can walk the talk.
Events are setting up nicely for a Bloomberg run.
Hillary, McCain, Romney or Bloomberg-Hagel. Which of these will be considered the best candidate to manage us out of financial chaos? Not Clinton. At the end of his term, 1999-2000, the new economy ( went bust.goodbye to all that.
Experienced in the private sector and government is billionaire Bloomberg. Right credentials for the
Financial chaos that’s knocking on the door
Just what a financial debacle/apocalypse – (CDos, OTC derivatives known as the great $581 trillion dollar train robbery) – needs is more trillions printed to “rebuild;” first Wall Street and bankrupt banksters, then infrastructure, roads, bridges, ports, transmission lines, etc., (jobs). We’ll need to inflate ourselves away to pay this bill aka Mugabe’s Weimar.
Who benefits? same old, same old who got us into this mess by exporting fraudulent bonds.
Bloomberg knows what’s ahead, thus his infrastructure, Washington does not have a plan speech.
Smart investors see Ben is clueless and the Federal Reserve – soon to be owned by China and other SWFs – has lost control of monetary policy.
Bloomberg knows what’s ahead. He built Bloomberg News, knows more than is allowed to be published.
Fasten seat belts for the next 3 years of very rough times and turbulence.
You’ve got a point there.
But let’s also remember that Bloomberg doesn’t pass the Huckabee test. In many ways he’s the left of McCain, and that alone will keep a lot of GOP folks from jumping ship.
And actually that may work against him as well. “Wall Street’s CEOs got us into this mess…how is the same economic philosophy going to get us out of it?”
when you need to heal your hunger, whichever Moses gets you to food is the one you’ll follow. Evangelicals love money and need to eat…so they’ll be asking, Huck who?
financial collapse and food price inflation will be the issues that rule the day.
Very interesting scenario – I hadn’t seen how the pieces fit together before. Food for thought here…