Maybe this will help you make up you mind about who not to vote for in the primaries.
As a reminder, today is the last January 21st of the Bush administration, and tomorrow will be the last January 22nd of the Bush administration, and so on. I don’t know about you, but that gives me kind of a good feeling.
I hear the N.Y. Giants are 14 underdogs in the Super Bowl. I’ve never seen a team as good as this year’s New England Patriots, but I’m not sure this game is going to be a blowout. If Brady plays like he did against Jacksonville, no one can beat him. But if he plays like he did against the Chargers and Eli plays like he did today, the game could be competitive.
What’s on your mind?
What’s on my mind? 1990
My girl, Sarah, was born that year :o)
Somebody should put out a day-by day Bush Countdown desk calendar complete with photos of his gaffes, lies and and Bush-isms to entertain us all year long… I’d buy one.
and I just bought it at Wal Mart of all places. It’s great!
I wasn’t pulling for the Giants tonight, but I was pulling for them last week, so I’m totally conflicted about this. This year’s Giants are a mostly shity, but very lucky team. I can respect that. They’re probably roadkill at this point. Seeing the Giants win the SB would make me cry a little, but seeing the current Boston/New England sports euphoria beaten down with a sorry sack of shit team might make the content of those tears 49.9% joyful. Who knows? The Superbowl is going to be a total conflict for me.
The Giants got off to a rocky start this season and earned a bad reputation. However, no one who followed any of their last game of the season — a losing effort against the Patriots by the way — could say that they hadn’t finally gelled into a pretty impressive team. They gave the Patriots a workout that day and they took the energy and confidence they gained into the play-offs. I believe both the Cowboys and the Packers went to their playoff game against the Giants thinking they were the team both had beaten badly in the beginning of the season. The Giants weren’t that same team and the results show. The Patriots know how good a team the Giants are right now and I would expect the Super Bowl to be a pretty interesting game. I believe the Patriots will likely win but the viewers will likely not regret having gone to see it.
BTW, luck has a way of evening out during the course of a season. One could make a claim that the Cowboys and Packers were pretty lucky teams at times too. Their luck just ran out a crucial time.
Sir, I’m from Philadelphia and that should tell you that I know a shitty team when I see one. The Giants are a shitty team. Actually, you make a number of good points and I don’t disagree. They’re not as bad as I make them out to be, but I view them through through a lens of hatred and distaste, so my judgment is biased.
Today that RACIST BASTARD Pat Buchannan pronounced that Obama is NOW Jesse Jackson and that he is the so-called Black candidate, cheered on by Joe SKANKborough. They use him to spin for the ReTHUGS because they stillwant Hillary to be the nomination. He said Obama looks desperate going after bigdog….NOT to me.
Anyway sorry for the rant, but here is a REAL account about what happened at the caucuses that is NOT being talked about in the media..
There is a 90% probability that Clinton is going to win primaries. I think this would be a good time for progressives to stop focusing exclusively on the primaries and start focusing on the preserving the DLC chairmanship of Howard Dean, and acquiring party leadership positions. Let the Clintons be distracted with kibuki theater called an election. We all know the neocons are still picking the leaders of both parties through their control of media. Our movement can only get stronger by focusing on movement building and mechanics.
We also need to start building a serious civil disobedience movement against the war, because it probably isn’t going to end with the election of Clinton. Her factions still are itching for war with Iran, if they can’t keep Iraq. Remember MLK was a protesters, not tethered completely to either party.
sorry I meant the dnc chairmenship.
The picture you posted is perfect. I watched the fat mans show and what I came away with is a reenforcement of my disgust for the one that you can’t see in the shot. The noonan slut! Her condecending posturing is so ridulous that it is unwatchable. But,the porker let her rant on. Of course, the roundtable loves the idea that they support. They all want Hillary. They are salivating over the idea of being able to spend one whole year ripping her.
We are ifn for the dirtiest campaign in the history of this country.
As far as the NFL is concerned, all I want is a game that comes close to the excitment of the Giants/Packers game! For anyone to rip the giants is embarassing.
Now, we have a day off from the ongoing market collapse but if anyone thinks that this collapse, wakeup! Check the Japanese Nikei this AM. And don’t forget the bond insanity that hasn’t even begun to be examined.
Anyway, one last point! Today we celebrate one of the greatest individuals that the 20th century produced. Take a moment and examine what he accomplished. AND HE DID IT NON-VIOLENTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
go to a bookstore, they have Bush countdown calendars.
not just one but a number of different ones…it’s become an industry.
Depends on how frostbitten the Giants are. I grew up in Minnesota, so below-zero temperatures is something that I had to learn to deal with. Frostbite is similar to a burn that you could get from a hot stove, but you don’t know you have it until you warm up – then it hurts like hell.
That idiot coach of the Giants with just a stocking cap and a bare face is one of them.
And then there are the idiot players running around with bare arms. All of this macho stuff, I suppose, which merely demonstrates that the only thing between their ears is a pile of rocks.
And then the commentators sitting out there before the game. Only Howie seemed to have the appropriate headgear, but even he had bare cheeks. They probably had heaters of some sort that were off-camera.
Brad’s Blog piece & Larry Johnson’s on the FBI file indicating an intercepted phone conversation, likely with Marc Grossman to the Turkish counterparts warning them in 2001 not to deal with Brewster Jennings because it was a CIA front – funny how the timing works around 9/11 – and funny how Brewster Jennings was alot more visible, alot earlier than disclosed within the State Dept/WH.
Oh yeah, and all those missing emails.
Oh yeah, yeah, did anyone see that they have a new Nostradomus book of prophesies just discovered? Guess which architectural structure (hint: tall) is drawn in watercolor on the inside? And the significance of the year 2012?
And why is it that our dear candidates are not talking about the CIA/FBI/DoJ investigating themselves?
I just got back from labeling and packing meals at Food and Friends for distribution to their clients. They run a great program, and if you or a group with whom you’re affiliated are interested (in the DC area), you should definitely sign-up. They’d love to have you.
I am going to call my nieces in a few to see what they did today. I’ll also listen to and read a few of Dr. King’s speeches.
In less lofty land: I will SO be a Giants fan these next two weeks. Eli and company, I beg you: Please, for all that is holy, beat the Perfect Patriots*.
Then I’ll end everything with the debate. BTW, great that you found that clip and posted it, Boo. Many thanks.
*If we’re going to go around and talk about records that need to have an asterisk affixed because he or she didn’t play fair, then I would think cheating would make that standard.