Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Clinton regrets voting for the bankruptcy bill. How do you regret something like that? I mean, it’s a total black and white case. Either you hate poor people or you don’t.
I wish there was a Hillary supporter here (an honest candidate supporter not a pro-candidate spammer) who could say whether they think she’s doing well here.
he did answer. Edwards didn’t understand his answer.
there’s a third vote in Illinois that you use to signify you support most of the bill, but with qualifications, meaning, if it goes back to committee, you might be able to vote yes, with changes.
I understood it. When Edwards asked it again, it showed he didn’t understand the answer, and that made him look slow. That’s too bad for Edwards.
I just said it Lisa. I believe in honestly evaluating the candidate.
I don’t take your analyses seriously because you have an agenda to say only good things. It’s not a real discussion with you. It’s like receiving a literature drop for a candidate.
You can say anything here. How do I know if it’s the truth?
I’m not asking you to defend yourself. I’m just pointing out that no one really knows anyone else here, for the most part, and there’s no reason to take an assertion like that at face value.
I’ve read your comments a lot over the past few days and just don’t find that statement consistent with what you’ve said.
In order to maintain BooMan’s credibility on this blog being a non-fighting place … lol!…I’m going to just say very nicely that I don’t care what you think. And I’ll be ignoring you from now on.
Me too. I’ve been disappointed in, frankly, all his debate appearances to date, until tonight. This is the first time I’ve seen Obama the fighter, and dang, I like it!
Any many people remain uninsured, despite the law. I’ve read the percent, and it was much higher than I would have guessed. Sorry, but I can’t come up with a number.
on January 21, 2008 at 9:28 pm
And if you can’t afford health insurance you can’t drive yourself to a hospital?
Hillary and John beat up on Obama over health care.
And Hillary is winning points – she’s going to the mat for a CORE Democratic principle. She’s going for the Dem voters. Standing up for Dem principles. At least appearing to. Good strategy.
I’m afraid that Obama is falling into Kerry/Senate speak on how he’ll go about healthcare coverage. Agree that Hillary just threw out red meat, and since this is a primary…
Although I think the audience knows that attacks are being thrown out to see what sticks, it’s interesting hearing the applause
Because he trusts the audience’s intelligence to remember. It was just minutes earlier. To say it twice would look repetitive and mean. He’d already made the point.
Yeah? Everyone on stage has a file on them at Langley. If J. Edgar could do it on file cards and in manila folders just imagine what the NSA can do. And has done.
this came up on a listserv I’m on. A lot of bloggers are at their wit’s end with the behavior of their communities. Some of them want to know why this community doesn’t fight with itself. Anyone have an answer?
I guess that’s why I like it here. Never thought much about it before. We argue, but we don’t fight. And we usually kiss and make up if we go off on each other.
oh i dunno, i think we’ve had our share of fights with ourselves. if we’re talking primary fights, i think it’s because the diaries have not really become candidate-oriented. we’re still talking issues here on their merits. lots of community activists here, from what i can gather, which means that while politics is important and impacting on the work that needs to be done, it’s also important to highlight the why’s
I have left myDD out of disgust at the behavior of the Hillary-bots and their lies and single-minded diary assassination.
People here SEEM to be a little less dogmatic. they are more skeptical. If you are not a true believer, you are not going to go to the mat. Most people here seem to be a little tentative about who they support. I support Obama now, but I did support and still do support Edwards, and was a Dodd supporter before that.
I am basically, at this time, an ABC man.
on January 21, 2008 at 9:40 pm
They’re posting excerpts from H. Clinton’s autobiography over at Left Coaster.
Because you and the other front pagers set the tone. It’s factual, thoughtful, and draws people who appreciate that. You wouldn’t tolerate the kind of nastiness we’ve seen elsewhere, and that’s why I return.
Can someone clear something up for me. I’ve been reading that when she was first lady of AR and had gotten involved in the education thing, that the project she had worked on, hurt the kids and AR went from 46th to 50th in the nation education-wise. I’ve been trying to find out if that was true and I have no idea how to find that out.
can’t believe Hillary went so negative. Will it hurt Obama to get dragged down to her level?
I wonder that too. I don’t think he handled her very well. But she went low, that can’t help her.
Although he looks like he recovered himself and she doesn’t.
She got booed. He didn’t. Game over.
Totally. Completely uncalled for, but desperate is as desperate does.
if the banks are going under and pulling everything down with them, is killing off their interest rate hikes going to help? I don’t know.
It sounds like a heavy handed approach. The economy could be very different 2 or 3 or 4 years from now.
The Walmart jab staggered her.
I thought that Edwards came out of the Clinton-Obama tangle looking good.
agree on both points
Yup. Ditto.
What ejmw said. And totally, and absolutely deserved. Go after her supposed “experience.”
slum lord question…
trust our leaders and what they say …
Obama: my opponent is a liar.
Clinton regrets voting for the bankruptcy bill. How do you regret something like that? I mean, it’s a total black and white case. Either you hate poor people or you don’t.
Either the financial institutuins own your ass or they don’t.
This is getting messy. I’m switching back to Pistons / Magic.
Obama stumbled on the credit card rate answer. Hillary is going very negative and directly against him. Just got booed by the audience.
He did stumble but she looks baaaad.
He never takes responsibility for ANY vote?
Clinton getting booed and now she is going to dig her hole deeper.
I can’t believe how negative she is. They will never get to what they’re going to do.
Obama does well in deflecting the “present” vote in the Illinois legislature.
Really? I thought he blew that.
But I think this is going to remind a lot of people why they don’t like Hillary.
Is she really bragging about limiting credit card companies to charging less than 30% interest?
Wow. What an accomplishment.
She is getting booed for that last accusation about not taking responsibiity for your votes. I guess she should know.
Clinton: You don’t take responsibility for anything. LOW…
And unsurprising.
Oh my. I see another smirk on the stage. Just say no to smirks!
I wish there was a Hillary supporter here (an honest candidate supporter not a pro-candidate spammer) who could say whether they think she’s doing well here.
I think she looks bad.
I worry that she’s gonna use it with her female base to show that the mean black man beat up on her… pandering for mercy/pity votes. Will she cry?
But John you didnt answer the China vote
What the hell? I just tuned in and they’re actually debating with each other. Like an actual debate.
You missed the yelling. Seriously.
Better don your kevlar vest for this one.
And a helmet.
You know what? Edwards was throwing Obama a softball – why does he not have an answer to this that makes sense to the average person.
he did answer. Edwards didn’t understand his answer.
there’s a third vote in Illinois that you use to signify you support most of the bill, but with qualifications, meaning, if it goes back to committee, you might be able to vote yes, with changes.
I understood it. When Edwards asked it again, it showed he didn’t understand the answer, and that made him look slow. That’s too bad for Edwards.
due respect Lisa – you are a pro-Obama blogger who never says anything that doesn’t help Obama. Your opinion on this doesn’t help me.
And you don’t like Obama, and choose anyone over him. What’s the difference?
I’m voting for Obama.
But I believe in honest evaluation of my candidate to see how he’s doing.
Why? You haven’t had anything good to say about him that I’ve seen.
I just said it Lisa. I believe in honestly evaluating the candidate.
I don’t take your analyses seriously because you have an agenda to say only good things. It’s not a real discussion with you. It’s like receiving a literature drop for a candidate.
So do I. I did a lot of research before settling on Obama.
But I don’t have a reason to believe you really are an Obama voter. You don’t give that appearance, to me.
Then appearances are deceiving. I’m voting for Obama on Feb. 5.
This is a blog though, not an Obama rally. We’re giving our opinions. I don’t think he’s doing very well. Fortunately Hillary isn’t either.
You can say anything here. How do I know if it’s the truth?
I’m not asking you to defend yourself. I’m just pointing out that no one really knows anyone else here, for the most part, and there’s no reason to take an assertion like that at face value.
I’ve read your comments a lot over the past few days and just don’t find that statement consistent with what you’ve said.
In order to maintain BooMan’s credibility on this blog being a non-fighting place … lol!…I’m going to just say very nicely that I don’t care what you think. And I’ll be ignoring you from now on.
you’ve said you’ll vote for Obama consistently, and I do know you.
Not to jump in here, but I usually think Obama blows in the debates. This is the first one that he seems in command and there’s a lot less ‘uhs’.
Me too. I’ve been disappointed in, frankly, all his debate appearances to date, until tonight. This is the first time I’ve seen Obama the fighter, and dang, I like it!
Hillary supports universal health care but makes sure to note that it won’t be government run. That was confusing to me.
It will be like mandatory car insurance. You pay whatever rate you’re given.
Any many people remain uninsured, despite the law. I’ve read the percent, and it was much higher than I would have guessed. Sorry, but I can’t come up with a number.
And if you can’t afford health insurance you can’t drive yourself to a hospital?
Clinton says that she’s for universal healthcare.
Yeah, she wants to mandate that we all need to purchase it from the insurance company.
My response: I already do that; I don’t need the government making me do it. No appeal there.
illegal immigrants..and universal healthcare how did they back door this question??
I know — talk about a left turn.
because it’s an easy target.
I want someone to say our health care system will cover every living person on American soil. If you need care, you get it. Period. No one will do it.
Time for a glass of wine.
You can drink a glass between each of Obama’s words.
Republican Hillary..”individual” responsibility or its your own fault for not having healthcare. unless i missed something?
All three are going at each other directly.
Hillary and John beat up on Obama over health care.
And Hillary is winning points – she’s going to the mat for a CORE Democratic principle. She’s going for the Dem voters. Standing up for Dem principles. At least appearing to. Good strategy.
I’m afraid that Obama is falling into Kerry/Senate speak on how he’ll go about healthcare coverage. Agree that Hillary just threw out red meat, and since this is a primary…
Although I think the audience knows that attacks are being thrown out to see what sticks, it’s interesting hearing the applause
Obama’s biggest problem in debates – too many words.
No easy answers.
He needed to respond to that Core Democratic Principles statement. She implied that he didn’t. He didn’t directly respond to that.
I tend to agree about too many words. Edwards is the best with easy-to-digest phrases and comments.
Oh sometimes Edwards goes on too long. He’s good tonight though.
That’s one of the reasons I like him. He doesn’t talk in sound bytes.
But when she had the full power of the presidency behind her before, she couldn’t get it done.
I feel she does not have credibility on this issue.
That would have been a good response for Obama to make.
Too bad he didn’t.
Actually he did, earlier.
earlier didn’t help him
He did make that point earlier.
but he didn’t make it at the point it would really have helped him.
Because he trusts the audience’s intelligence to remember. It was just minutes earlier. To say it twice would look repetitive and mean. He’d already made the point.
well who will vote to defund the Iraq war before Nov.08?
she’s got the answer for this one. She killed with this in Vegas.
And I believe it’s a lie. I hate when she says this because I KNOW, I KNOW she will not follow through. It’s a cheap election ploy.
I’m really sick and tired of Clinton bringing up Bush. She’s not running against him. Why does she use him as a boogeyman?
because it works.
I want a FISA question.
Yeah? Everyone on stage has a file on them at Langley. If J. Edgar could do it on file cards and in manila folders just imagine what the NSA can do. And has done.
I want a media ownership question. Or anything related to the FCC. Net Neutrality?
But we’re not gonna see that on corporate television.
Those would be good.
this came up on a listserv I’m on. A lot of bloggers are at their wit’s end with the behavior of their communities. Some of them want to know why this community doesn’t fight with itself. Anyone have an answer?
you’re so funny.
good one.
On non-moron, twits and idiotsticks. The only other community nicer than this is StreetProphets.
Does Street Prophets do live blogging though? There’s the test …
I’m positive I was over there during a LB of a debate last summer.
I guess that’s why I like it here. Never thought much about it before. We argue, but we don’t fight. And we usually kiss and make up if we go off on each other.
oh i dunno, i think we’ve had our share of fights with ourselves. if we’re talking primary fights, i think it’s because the diaries have not really become candidate-oriented. we’re still talking issues here on their merits. lots of community activists here, from what i can gather, which means that while politics is important and impacting on the work that needs to be done, it’s also important to highlight the why’s
I can only speak for me: Prozac.
I have left myDD out of disgust at the behavior of the Hillary-bots and their lies and single-minded diary assassination.
People here SEEM to be a little less dogmatic. they are more skeptical. If you are not a true believer, you are not going to go to the mat. Most people here seem to be a little tentative about who they support. I support Obama now, but I did support and still do support Edwards, and was a Dodd supporter before that.
I am basically, at this time, an ABC man.
They’re posting excerpts from H. Clinton’s autobiography over at Left Coaster.
uh .. why?
Not for the literary value.
Because you and the other front pagers set the tone. It’s factual, thoughtful, and draws people who appreciate that. You wouldn’t tolerate the kind of nastiness we’ve seen elsewhere, and that’s why I return.
barack..should just say what he feels Charlie Rangel is from New York and has lives in a house.
hillary just used the ‘reality check’ line again. i’m surprised.
Can someone clear something up for me. I’ve been reading that when she was first lady of AR and had gotten involved in the education thing, that the project she had worked on, hurt the kids and AR went from 46th to 50th in the nation education-wise. I’ve been trying to find out if that was true and I have no idea how to find that out.
I don’t remember that. At least not about her program.
I do remember that AK had a reputation for having terrible education system in the 80’s.
Was that Dave Chappelle?
I was just going to ask that. I had my head down and only caught a glance, but I think so. Hopefully he comes on after the debate
Maybe Obama is considering him for a running mate?
Hillary: Remember my husband was the first black prez. Ignore this guy to my left.
..umm, and why is Obama attacking Edwards, instead of Clinton?
Obama is cracking himself up: an african american, a woman, and….john.
That was hilarious!
John didn’t look like he appreciated that
That story Edwards just told was so sad.
I think it was me.
just say, no obama’s answer is like john kerry
Is Chelsea gonna cry?
Damn, I’m pissed I missed the first half. Now everyone’s just getting all weepy and sweet. It’s sickening.