You might be under the misguided belief that being arrested for telling the Vice President his Iraq policies are wrong, that allowing the NSA to wiretap any phone, web search or email communication you make, that locking away anyone who exercised their first amendment rights when the GOP convention came to New York, torture, indefinite detentions without trial, the loss of habeas corpus, the threat to abortion rights for women, the demonization of gay Americans and the evisceration of the posse comitatus law prohibiting the military to be used in law enforcement activities represent examples of some of the most serious threats to our civil liberties.
You would think that is, unless you were a conservative. Then you would know, without a doubt the liberals are seeking to destroy the rights of all Americans under the false pretenses that global warming is occurring and must be stopped. Think I invented that out of whole cloth? Conservatives couldn’t really be that moronic could they? Then read and believe your own eyes friend, because I couldn’t make this stuff up if I tried:
Democrats say they want government to stay out of your bedroom.
Actually, they want government in every room of your house and in the ventilation system as well. […]
The Democrats (a.k.a. global warming wimps) have found the rhetorical weapon they will use for at least the next decade to decrease your liberty while increasing their power, and that weapon is the hysteria over global warming. […]
Environmental doomsaying is one of the most powerful tactics that liberals use to obtain and wield power. At its heart, the Democrat Party is a coalition of interest groups that feed at the trough of the government. The more power the politicians and bureaucrats have, the more contracts and benefits the groups can gobble up. […]
Never ones to let facts stand in their way, the liberals changed their slogan a few years ago to “climate change,” which had the advantage of being impossible to disprove. Hotter or colder today than yesterday? We are destroying the planet! Our kids will have no air to breathe, no water to drink! Call out the National Guard!
People quickly caught on to the slickness of “climate change,” and the left changed its spots again, now demanding an armada of new rules and regulations to control the size of each person’s “carbon footprint.” […
“Carbon footprint” is code for limitless government intrusion into every detail of your life. Nothing is beyond the reach of a government determined to reduce your carbon footprint in the name of the environment. To these people, nothing is sacred, nothing is private, nothing is truly yours.
Nevermind that the overwhelming consensus of climate scientists is that global warming is real, it’s being caused by human activity and that its consequences are already being felt around the globe in increased storms, greater droughts, and th e spread of insect borne diseases. Who cares what a bunch of liberal commie fascist hippie scientists believe when your essential liberties are at stake!
And what was the “essential” liberty that got author of this screed, Kevin James, Hollywood entertainment lawyer (and therefore obviously an expert in climate science) all up in arms? The mere proposal that the State of California would require new homes to include a thermostat which the state government could, on rare occasions, independently regulate the temperature setting in those homes at times when there exists threats of electrical blackouts (not an infrequent occurrence in California, by the way). In other words, your god-given right to control the “comfort zone” of your own home in order to prevent a failure of the electrical grid in your area (thus completely losing the ability to regulate the temperature of your abode) was at grave risk because of evil Enviro-Nazis like Republican Governor Arnold Schwartzeneggar!
I know, I know. Some of you may be thinking this is a bad Onion satire, don’t you? But look at the website where it was posted., home of the National Review online, that bastion of liberal hate for over a decade. And they really believe this stuff. Global warming is the apparently the new “black helicopters of the UN” out to to steal all your guns and take compromising pictures of you having an affair with a beloved barn animal.
I’d laugh if I didn’t know they were so serious. And so well financed. And so utterly, mindlessly fanatical about their utterly moronic, mindless ideology. And so determined to oppose anything a liberal (i.e., anyone who doesn’t worship at the triune altars of Big Business, Unlimited Tax Cuts for Rich Bastards and Ronald Reagan) proposes just because a liberal proposes it. But then it’s either laugh or cry.
Personally, I can’t wait to hear the Republican candidates at their next debate discuss the threat to our liberty from global warming. Maybe it could be one of those yes/no questions where they all get to raise their hands, eh?
Astonishing to see what has happened under Bush to frame the science community as the final level red for Homeland Security.
I expect one of these days to wake up to a bonfire being lit with people in black robes dragging scientists forward while the crowd chants onward christian soldiers. Who knew how fragile our values were?
not only is it “a threat to our freedom”, it could do irreparable harm to the corporate masters:
science bad…profits god [pun intended]
Quick clue in Fred Thompson as he’s said-more than once-that the very biggest threat to the US is the dastardly Teacher’s Union.
I hate to agree with such a cretin, but I think state control over one’s thermostat is overreach and borderline Orwellian.
I would certainly want to ensure that thermostat control would be explicitly agreed to by the homeowner and that it wouldn’t be forced on elderly people who would be seriously affected by it. Other than that, I can easily see it as a much-needed feature that would help other people in the area.
What has always amazed me about the panic over the “global-warming crowd” and the “environmental extremists” is that the people who oppose doing anything about environmental problems are very easily identified. They’re the ones who work in energy industries, specifically the oil companies. Those companies account for a huge chunk of the American economy and their connections to the Bush Administration were exhaustively chronicled before and shortly after the Supreme Court awarded the Presidency to GeeDubya Bush. The proponents of doing something about global warming are a much more diffuse group, sometimes identified as “mankind” or “humanity.”