Please no evenhandedness allowed!

Internal Memo Takes on Obama’s Approach to Middle East

A confidential memo questioning Senator Barack Obama’s potential approach to Middle East policy was circulated earlier this month among staffers at a major American Jewish organization.

“The Senator’s interpretation of the NIE raises questions,” wrote Debra Feuer, a counsel for the American Jewish Committee, one day after the Illinois Democrat surged to victory in the Iowa caucus.

Referring to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, she added that Obama “appears to believe the Israelis bear the burden of taking the risky steps for peace, and that the violence Israel has received in return does not shift that burden.”

I see this news in several Jewish newspapers, but so far no mention on MSM.

Obama “appears to believe the Israelis bear the burden of taking the risky steps for peace, and that the violence Israel has received in return does not shift that burden … rather than referring to mutual concessions, such as the reciprocal steps as required by the roadmap,” Feuer writes. She added that Obama’s approach to the Palestinian government “contrasts with the three conditions that the international community has laid down for the resumption of aid,” including acting to stop terrorism and accepting the right of Israel to exist.

After stating that the senator’s interpretation of the latest National Intelligence Estimate on Iran “raises questions,” Feuer includes a half-dozen statements the Illinois lawmaker has made in support of renewed diplomacy with Iran, and notes that “he also calls for negotiating with other rogue states, notably Syria.”

Under a section titled “Of Further Note,” Feuer takes note of Obama’s presence at a fundraiser headlined by the late Edward Said in 1998, and public suggestions by Ali Abunimah, a Chicago-based Palestinian activist, that Obama was more openly critical of the America’s approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict before his first run for Senate.

The end of the article notes, Obama has not responded to these allegations.

Why do these Jewish group assume the Jewish vote is ALL about Israel?