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- Day 45: I Explain Trumpism to Justin Trudeau
- Day 43: The #TrumpRussia Conspiracy Goes Mainstream At Last
- Day 40: Republicans Contemplate Giving Up On Deficit Control Forever
- Progress Pondcast Episode 22 With Bill Hangley Jr, on DOGE and U.S. Alliance With Russia
- Day 37: The Last Bulwarks Protecting the Merit-Based Civil Service
Good morning everyone!
Good morning!
That’s better – it was pretty messy.
I was surprised to see it was already over 100 when I got up this morning.
How are you today? Is it just me or does it seem like it might be a little warmer today?
It might be hump day, but CBtY and I are wishing it were Saturday…why am I so sleepy this morning?
Not going to warmer here — we’ve got another blast of arctic air on the way. But it’s supposed to be 40 by the weekend. Another reason to look forward to Saturday.
I’m surprised – CBtE came home early yesterday because the weather was supposed to be bad (they sent his bus at 2:30 instead of 5:00 ), and we have no precipitation. Kind of silly…
We’ve got a low of 11 forecast tonight and high of 15 and a low of 6 tomorrow. But by Friday it’s supposed to back to the upper 20s. I hate the really cold weather because the dogs only want to go out for about 3 minutes and they never all go out at the same time.
It’s been a chatty crowd lately.
You might still be recovering from the cold, body still wants rest.
We saw a few flurries yesterday afternoon, but it amounted to nothing.
Saw your comment in the last cafe. Big moon over the city sounds very nice.
I can still see it between the gables of the neighbors’ houses.
It will be gone in a couple of minutes and dawn is getting obvious.
It’s still dark here but the moon is so bright it’s like we have the lights on outside.
A quick good morning to everyone before I get ready for the day.
Hi Toni!
Hope you have a good day at school.
Good morning Andi, CG, Ask and Toni.
First I need coffee, second we’ll get the arctic blast tomorrow from what the weather says.
How is everyone this morning?
Morning, FM!
Sleeping late again?
I have a non-slacking day ahead, with errands and appointments.
Morning Ask.
Nope, I was up most of the night and just woke up from a couple of hours of sleep. I can see many naps today.
Sorry you have a non-slackerly day today. Even with the best of slackers, you’ve got to do somethings sometimes. 🙂
Morning, FM. I was just reading about your tanning bed experience.
Morning SN.
Yep it’s odd how things happen around a tanning bed. 🙂
I’ve never been to one, but the thought of my naked self all illuminated by thousand-watt bulbs from above and below is something I don’t want to think about…..especially before coffee. But your story was funny, as always.
I can say that was the one and only time I’ve ever been in one. My landlady had been in it so often she turned a funny shade and looked very leathery.
Ah, the orangey “fake and bake” color…
Yep that was the exact look. She did start toning it down some later on though.
And it got you thinking what a good idea it would be to install a tanning bed at your place, eh? 😉
Will never happen. I’ve worked hard to get this pasty look. 😛
that’s fine … except this was for SN who has all those hawt young bodies dropping by. ;P
Oh sorry. 🙂
SN would need a queen sized tanning bed though. So she could get in there with those hawt bodies. :~)
Nah, old broads like SN and I are just window shopping — we just want to look, not try on.
Hey, speak for yourself. 🙂
You two are funny this morning.
yeah, just wait til the Cabin Boys are older and have hot friends. You’ll see…
Yeah, this is why I keep telling Jim he need to move up from 6th grade.
Hahahaha! You are in rare form this morning, Ms. F.
I’ve found that a Playstation3 and Rock Band are enough to keep the hawt bodies dropping by.
Now all you need is Wii and you can really get some action. 😉
Well now you’re making me sound like a perv and I just have to put an end to the speculation right now. I actually don’t even LOOK let alone touch. I prefer them closer to my own age, thank you, and it helps if they’re Cajun and play the drums and live in a cabin and cook things like etouffee.
Hey, don’t spoil my fantasies of old broads surrounded by adoring young pulchritude.
Well me and my fantasies have to go drum up some work.
See ya (okay, okay and without hawt bods).
Since I only got a couple of hours sleep last night, and I’m start to doze off at the computer, it’s time for the first nap of the day.
See ya’ll later.
Have a good one!
Off to work but thought I’d leave this picture on my way out.
Explanation we got on how this happens:
Very cool.
Have fun at work – I’m off to do that too.
Good morning all, looks like my west coast time clock made me a bit late to the coffee pot.
Am thinking of a day inside as it -9! Why did I move here again?
I have a gigantic dog door in the back room and this morning the golden retriever stood 1/2 in 1/2 out as she pondered life and the call of nature. I could feel the blast of cold all the way across the room!
Have a nice day all!
I’ll see your -9 and raise you a -15.
I can’t take much more of this brrrrrrrrr.
Morning all.
Oh Lord that’s cold! Take care
I have no idea if this will work, fingers crossed, just got it from a friend
Baily the Unknown Reindeer
Guaranteed smiles
That was great, thanks for the link.
don’t bogart that, dude.
ahhh the joys of green technology
pass the coochie from the left hand side…
That is one serious trumpet!
don’t bogart that, dude
You’d be walking on clouds for (in?) a while!
For some reason, the image makes me think of Norwegian leftist politician Stein Ørnhøi (sorry, no English link).
His name literally translates to Stone Eagle-high (I’m not kidding). It was rumored that he lived in ‘Dops Gate’ (can translate to Dope Street, though the actual street is named for a person named Dop).)
that I seriously ponder why I don’t have goldfish instead of dogs.
Morning all.
Morning Andi.
Maybe because goldfish can’t cuddle up with you on the couch.
Well I could cuddle with the bowl and the bowl wouldn’t shed on me, either. Though I guess it could get a bit wet if I’m not really careful.
Plus if you ever wanted to take the fish for a walk, it would be kind of hard dragging the bowl along.
We’ve got rain again today (good thing), and it’s in the 40’s.
Good to hear you got rain. We’ve got another bout of arctic air coming through — low of 2 tonight. But just to keep us confused, we’ll be hitting the 40s by Sunday.
We’re supposed to get part of that blast. I think the low is 22 for tonight.
Doesn’t seem the coffee is kicking in this morning, so I’m off to the first nap of the day.
I was pondering that yesterday – it seemed that every 5 minutes, there was another fog on the wrong side of the door.
“another dog on the wrong side of the door.”
Given what they do to me by getting me up in the middle of the night, “fog” is a pretty good way to describe them.
Woo hoo on getting your deadline met.
Bigger woo hoo on the new yarn — soon to be seen in a diary?
I guess I can just be glad mine don’t get me up in the night.
Yeah, I think I’ll do another knitapalooza this weekend and share my goofy story about swatching. I can be such an airhead sometimes…
And it’s already Thursday! And since I met my deadline, I’m glad it’s almost Friday.
Neither did mine until they hit 12 years old or so and couldn’t seem to get through the night. OTOH, I do prefer they should ask to go out than the alternative — in fact, Hopeful has recently stopped asking (he’s about 14) and is now having to wear a doggie diaper at night. So when Giddy gets me up, I make him go out too. Then Sniff wants to go out and of course, they never all three want back at the same time.
I guess I have a few more years before that starts.
Poor Hopeful.
I guess I have a few more years before that starts.
Oh, I think you have more than just a few years before you need a Depends. 😉
And on that note, I think it would be advisable for me to get outta here and get to work.
What great names you have for your dogs.
They say thank you since they named themselves — all we did was wait to see what they wanted to be called. 🙂
In case you haven’t seen The Pack before, here they are (l to r, Giddy, Hopeful, Sniff).
I take it Hopeful refers to ‘cookie?’
My 3 are all on different schedules as well, hence the dog door which I thank God for every night!
have a good day.
You have 3? All newfies, or an assortment?
We have 2 aussies and a shih tzu here.
And how does a newf get through a dog door? 🙂
1 newfie, Satchmo; 1 golden retriever, Peaches; 1 english shepherd, Cinnamon (the english is just like an aussie only a bit worn down)
The dog door was marketed as ‘GIANT’ size. Suffice it to say Satchmo touches all 4 sides as he blows the doors off. I had the builder frame in for it (boy did I catch hell for that) It’s 32″ high, he’s 31″ high and we won’t talk about how wide he is as it might offend his delicate sensibilities.
We’ll be needing pictures of your pack, ya know. Either here in the cafe or in Thursday Dog Blogging or even better, both.
We’ll give it a try. First I have to get them off the couch.
we’ll happily take them in situ.
Good morning, Andi and FM!
I got 7 straight hours, yay.
It’s cold again and snow in today’s forecast.
I wish I could compete with you. I actually can’t remember that last time I slept that long (of course, given that I’m a geezer that isn’t saying much).
Wow, it’s cold here today. High of 16 expected.
I’m so happy – I met my deadline yesterday (even though I had to re-do about 2 hours work when something went wrong during the last save- ugh), and I have another one today, but I can relax about that one.
CBtY has stomach cramps, so he’s sleeping in and then I’ll drive him down to school. It hasn’t been a good year for him and the stomach things…
Oh, and I got my beautiful squishy purple yarn for my new sweater in the mail yesterday. I was a bad girl and did the swatching (to make sure I’m using the right size needles) last night, even though I have one more pair of Christmas socks to finish. 🙂
Congrats on the deadline. I hope that CBty is feeling better.
And it’s a balmy 15 degrees here!
I guess I can’t complain about my temperature then.
Are you getting any snow with this cold weather?
Now we are.
and for the amazingly blue skies we’ve been having. But feh on the really cold temps.
Good morning, Andi!
The week is over already?
Wow, that is blue.
Best thing about the weekend is that it’s supposed to be 40 degrees warmer than it is now.
I went looking for an explanation of these blue, blue skies and apparently you get them when the air is very dry and dust-free.
That is a gorgeous pictures for a new cafe…
Good morning!
2 degrees out. Yuck.
Used the new yarn yet?
I haven’t given in to the temptation yet…I’m still finishing some fancy-schmancy socks up, and I think I need a smaller set of circular needles to start it, so I’m just eyeing the swatch I knit up longingly. 🙂
I like the idea of a dust-free sky. Sounds very hypo-allergenic.