Dennis Kucinich, the only presidential candidate to support the impeachment of Richard Cheney, has made it official on the floor of the House!  Perhaps W will talke about it during his State of the Union Speech later that evening!
Via the Cleveland Plain Dealer.

Cleveland Democratic Rep. Dennis Kucinich created a stink on the House of Representatives floor Wednesday when he announced he’ll introduce a measure to impeach President Bush when Bush delivers his final State of the Union address Jan. 28.

“We already know the State of the Union,” said Kucinich, whose earlier effort to impeach Vice President Dick Cheney has languished in the House Judiciary Committee because of opposition from Democratic leaders. “It’s a lie.”

I ask you, when will any of the other candidates on the Democratic Party be willing to stand up and say about the state of the union that “It’s a lie.”  Yes, it’s blunt.  But we also know it’s true.

Republicans objected to Kucinich’s statements, and the congressman returned to the floor a few minutes later to withdraw his “offending words.” Florida GOP Rep. Cliff Stearns called his remarks a “clear and egregious violation of House rules” and scolded Kucinich for ut tering “personal ac cusations” against Bush and Cheney.

If you haven’t seen it:

Dennis is willing to stand for the Constitution!  With the New Hampshire recount he’s paid for, Dennis has shown that he is willing to stand for the voters of the US!  It’s called leadership!

And in case you forget where your candidate stands on impeachment:

And if you wonder why he’s being kept off the stage during the debates:

Do you support impeachment?  Do you support Single Payer?  Do you support getting out of Iraq now?

If you do, go to Dennis’ campaign site.  You can read his positions on the issues, join his volunteer team through his action page, and you can donate to his campaign.

Dennis Kucinich: It’s called leadership!

As always, now more than ever,

Go Dennis!
Vote your conscience, choose peace!