Crossposted from Left Toon Lane, Bilerico Project & My Left Wing
Most people are very aware of Cajun cuisine from Louisiana but few are aware of South Carolina’s claim to fame – Lowcountry Cuisine. It is a subtle blend of flavors from unusual ingredients to make a dish that surprises you. Lowcountry cuisine also springs from poverty and limited local resources. There are only so many things you can make when your income is limited. A lowcountry breakfast consists of mostly grits, butter, and shrimp with a biscuit. If you are feeding a family on a very low income, chances are lowcountry breakfasts were part of your diet.
Here is another example – the Hoppin John – black-eyed peas, bacon (or fatback), rice, onions and salt. Simple, cheap and filling.
That was John’s childhood. Lowcountry food was probably (guessing here) something that graced his plate on occasion while growing up in the brutal poverty of South Carolina.
I am not surprised that John Edwards is exploding in the polls in South Carolina – he understands the issues of poverty to his bones, unlike his opponent Hillary.
Here is my new pet theory. John will continue to gain strength in the polls because the race has thinned. Yes, Kucininch is still in the race, but all media attention (for better or worse) is on Obama, Clinton (and Clinton) and Edwards. In the past debates – all of them previous to Nevada, Edwards had to fight for time with almost a dozen other people. And even then, time typically went to Obama and Hillary more than the other candidates. So John had little opportunity to rise above the din. Now it is just the three of them and Edwards has the opportunity to make the vivid comparison between himself and the other candidates.
While Clinton and Clinton trade jabs with Barack Obama, John is building. He is moving forward.
Frankly I am ready for a steady diet of Hoppin John Edwards.
Congratulations stormbear and many thanks for the messages.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Thanks! The first time I counted the number of strips I have produced was last week. I had no idea I had drawn so many.
many thanks, and a great take on some real grass roots up-bring’n ; )
Edwards 08
We must not stand down, and continue the fight for the truth.