Dennis Kucinich, in a speech today, dropped out of the race for the Democratic Presidential nomination. He is going to concentrate on winning re-nomination and winning his congressional seat.
“I deeply and sincerely believe that we fought the good fight – in large part because of the support from all of you here and from hundreds of thousands of people just like you all across this country. I stood strong because you gave me strength. I spoke out because your voices needed and deserved to be heard. And I told the truth, no matter how unpopular or inconvenient, because, no matter how long it takes, the truth really will set us free.”
“I won’t be President, but I can continue to fight for these important issues as a Congressman…”
It’ll be interesting to see if the ‘progresives’ around the blogosphere decide to support Dennis in his re-election bid.
This campaign began more than a year ago when I saw that leaders in Washington, many in my own party, were intent on continuing a war, a war that has cost the lives of more than 4,000 of our brave young men and women and 1 million innocent Iraqis. A war that will cost this nation 2 trillion dollars and a war that has already cost our Cleveland community over a billion dollars.
At the same time, I saw that the American economy was headed for serious trouble. People were losing their jobs, their health care, their homes, their retirement security. Not just here in Cleveland, but all across the country. And the solutions to those problems don’t reside here in Cleveland. They were created and facilitated by people and policies in Washington D.C. – in the White House, in the U.S. Congress – and on Wall Street.
That’s why I ran for President in the first place: to give those issues the national attention they deserved and to do my best to win the nomination and bring a totally new perspective and a totally new direction to the Office of President of the United States of America.
Instead, we’re going to end up with the same ol’ same ol’, which is what we deserve, ’cause we’ve voted in such a way (and supported through our donations of time and money) as to block out Dennis’ progressive message.
I won’t be President, but I can continue to fight for these important issues as a Congressman, representing the community that is first in my heart, Cleveland, Ohio: issues like the economic rights of people, jobs for all, health care for all, retirement security for all, and social justice for all.
The great thing about Dennis is that you know he’ll be in there tooth and nail fighting for those principles that stand as a bedrock of the Democratic Party’s core beliefs. As we’ve seen so often since the Dem’s retook the House and the Senate, there are too few like Dennis in the Congress. To lose him would be to lose someone who’s right on so many of the issues. The Gods know we’ve heard enough through the blogosphere of “Dennis is who supports my positions the best, but he’s not….” Now, you can make a difference in keeping Dennis in the House.
We are losing our nation to a war based on lies, to destruction of our civil liberties and to massive debt. I tried to get these themes into the debates. But I was locked out of six debates. In each and every early primary state, in Iowa, in New Hampshire, Nevada, South Carolina and California, the American people were denied an opportunity to know that there is a way our of Iraq, there are plans to restore our economy, there is a practical health care plan which means the end of premiums, co-pays and deductibles. But there was no way to get the message out. Workers here know about lockouts. They stop you from being heard.
But workers also know that the fight for economic rights is not about a single day, or a single year, or a single campaign, or a single candidate. It is a lifelong endeavor.
The only union member who ran for the presidency this term knows about being shut out, and he also knows how to fight back!
So today, we are re-committing our energies to a government that works for all of us and is open to all of us. A government that stands for economic strength through peace. A government that stands for jobs, for health care, for education. A government that stands for truth, for civil liberties, and for our Constitution. And it starts again today in Cleveland, Ohio in the heart of America.
The celebrity obsessed electorate will have someone fighting for them, even if they don’t appreciate it.
From our efforts in Cleveland and around this great country, we’re creating a new force to be reckoned with, a force that will be made up of people, ideas, new technologies and the kind of patriotic verve that has no place for cowardice or compromise. I have been called the Conscience of the Democratic Party. Our efforts will involve a call to conscience. A call to integrity.
To those who supported this campaign with their energies and with their hearts, I want you to know that we are transitioning the Presidential campaign into a national movement based on integrity and based on practical ways in which we can affect policies at local and national levels. I am no longer running for President, but I am intent on saving our nation from the destruction of our economic hopes and from the destruction of our Constitution.
And all of the energies of all of the people who have been involved in this campaign will be transitioned into a new, national effort to regain control of our government, which seems more and more inaccessible. We are calling that effort “Integrity Now”, and there is a website – — where we can begin to channel all of that enthusiasm and that commitment from people just like you, and just like me, so we can take positive steps to do what we know is right and in the best interests of this nation.
And you though you’d heard the last of Dennis on the national stage! Think again.
So let us begin again, here, today, in Cleveland, Ohio, with a renewed effort to be of service to our community and to our nation. Let us re-focus on what we can do and what we must do, here at home, in Washington, and all across this country to end the war, rebuild this nation, restore truth and justice and integrity to our government. Let’s make the American dream more than a dream. Let’s make it a reality.
IntegrityNow! It’s not just a good name for a movement, but it’s a clarion call for all Democrats to support the core principles of the Democratic Party. We know the fight’s a long one, but it’s one we can win. The party, as it exists today, is a rotted out tree which has yet to blow over. When that storm comes that does topple the once great tree, there will need to be organiszations there to help rebuild it.
To support Dennis in his reelection bid, go to his congressional campaign site to donate or volunteer.
As always, now more than ever,
Go Dennis!
Because in your heart, you know he’s right!
Go Dennis!
Do you know Kucinich’s adversaries and the money behind them?
Shergald, haven’t you heard the latest meme: YES, WE CAN!
Think Abolition of Slavery! Think Voting Rights! Think Women’s Rights! Think MLK & Civil Rights!
Come on, man! It has to start somewhere. Besides, he already has a start with this outfit.
Thanks. But not getting answers. In any case, we need Kucinich to stay in the House, a reliable liberal Democrat who does care to follow the pack to the so-called new middle, the now outmoded DLC gang.