Lately I have been watching and reading so much of the political discussion and the narrative needs a shift. So much talk about the “harshness” of campaigns and such. Harsh? We have not seen harsh yet. It seems that the public wants a fight and the mis-statements of Obama’s positions from the Clinton Campaign aren’t a fair fight.
So far, Obama has done a fair job of defending his positions and correcting the record, while keeping his campaign message on the high road. As a result, Obama’s starting to look like a political coward.
Isn’t it time to take a jab at the Clintons? Really hit ’em hard with what will hurt them most – their own divisive words. It could be done through surrogates, but wouldn’t it be nice to see it come from the campaign itself?
I would propose taking swing after swing through the week leading up to February 5. One new attack a day, alongside all of the positive stories of Obama’s unique story and his inspirational message. All of the attacks should document themselves, with video footage of Hill and Bill contradicting themselves. Remind us of the ugliness of politics in the 90’s with the Clintons at the helm, Hillary’s poll-driven decision-making, her record on the Iraq war. All should pass the most stringent Truth-Squad type analysis. It shouldn’t be that hard to find the needed material, considering the political histories of the Clintons.
I think the “media narrative” could change in a big way if Obama goes on offense. Most importantly, it will make it all more interesting to the media, as they love controversy. The pundits all love a good fight and they’re all anxious, like a pack of rabid wolves, ready to get behind the presumptive winner and yearning for blood. We’ve seen this lately and Obama has been portrayed as the “victim,” and therefore the “loser.”
We need to shift the narrative. She has shown herself to be a ruthless fighter. Time to take off the gloves…
I have been calling people in my precinct re Obama, and probably because of that, I’m going to disagree. The one negative people mention, if they are negative about Obama, is the latest catfight between Obama and Clinton.
I agree with a media commentator who said Obama needs surrogates fighting for him. Meaning, Obama shouldn’t ‘go negative’ or become an attacker, but should forcefully put forward his positive agenda. But his surrogates are free to say what they want, within reason, and could be more aggressive.
I’d love Obama to just say to her at the next debate, “Hillary, I’m not going to jump down there in the gutter with you. You can climb out and join me here any time you want. But I’m looking forward,” etc.
We’ll see.
Good point. There’s got to be a better way to change the running narrative. Perhaps the Clintons are getting under my skin more than the media claims that they’re getting under his and maybe I’m falling for it, but he should rise above it all somehow. Let’s hope they’ve got a plan.
Obama need not become “the angry black man” – exactly what the Clintons want and why they’ve been baiting him.
The big secret is The other Obama
“they are lying about my record”
He’s started to say that, and every time he does, it sounds defensive, reactive and whiny.
He needs to find a way of critiquing Billary without whining.